The importance of having a great profile name is highly debatable, mostly because it’s largely uncertain how deeply your profile name will actually register with the women you meet online.
And even if women online pay attention to the profile names of the men they meet, we know pretty clearly ... Views: 2028
Nothing transforms the state of being single into an open wound on a woman’s heart like a wedding.
A woman can easily fall into a romantic bubble where her desire and need for a man in her life becomes the uppermost thing on her mind, as she watches her friend walk down the aisle in a ... Views: 1048
Both sexes have to put up with their own set of dating rules outlining how they’re “supposed” to act when dating, but women have a much larger, and much sillier, laundry list of dating do’s and don’ts, nearly all of which have scarce basis in reality and will do little to nothing to help you ... Views: 1060