If I told you to go out and try something new and mess it up, could you? When I first heard that suggestion, I cringed. I grew up as a perfectionist, and messing something up did not fit into my view of the world.

When we want to make changes in our lives, we need to try new things. Trying new things means that we might mess it up as we figure it out.

Going into business for myself, I have been slowly learning how to do something and mess it up. I will be honest with you: some days it's hard to stomach. I’m growing a stronger stomach.

If you want to try doing new things or try new ways of being, you might make some mistakes. It’s okay. Here’s how to go about trying new things, being willing to mess it up, and holding on to your stomach.

1. Identify your target.
2. Map out your plan.
3. Go for it.
4. Pat yourself on the back.
5. Learn from where you went wrong, and make a new plan.
6. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 until you decide to quit the endeavor or have mastered your target.

This plan is easily replicated for simple things such as eating a little healthier during the day, taking five minutes to meditate in the morning, or taking a moment of gratitude before you begin your day.

It can also be used for complicated things like learning to market a new business, training for and running a half-marathon, or learning to create your own website. Whatever new endeavor you’re shooting for, it’s okay to mess it up. In fact, it’s bound to happen. Embrace it and pat yourself on the back anyway.

Author's Bio: 

Jenny Shih is a life coach trained by Martha Beck and Byron Katie. She works with individuals who dream of changing something in their lives, and Jenny helps them make it happen.

Jenny’s career began in the corporate world, first working as an engineer and then as a manager, where she found satisfaction in helping others grow and develop in their own unique ways.

You can find Jenny online at www.RisingSunCoaching.com.