The power within – who?…me?
What would you say if I told you there was a hidden power within you that had the potential to create a world you wanted in live in; a world of greater wealth, peace and happiness?
Would you think I had gone bonkers or was living in ‘lar lar’ land?
Probably. I can’t blame you! I’d of thought the same not so long ago. But I can assure you I’m not bonkers and definitely not living in ‘lar lar’ land, in fact my feet are well and truly firmly on the ground for the first time in my life.
I want to share this with you because once we discover our inner power, it has the ability to change our life beyond belief – and I’m not being all airy fairy here, I mean it will change your life in unimaginable ways.
The question is… do you want change? Do you want more wealth, peace and happiness?
Of course you do! Who wouldn’t?
There is literally a power running through your body, causing your heart to beat, your blood to flow, helping your cells to regenerate and your hair to grow. A life force energy with such intelligence is flowing through you and me right now. This power is greater than you and I can imagine, enabling you to read these very words – this power not only makes you tick it makes all life possible everywhere.
Thanks to the study of Quantum Mechanics over the past 100 years, science is now beginning to understand more around the energy of the cosmos. Stars, mountains, water, you, me are quite literally made of the same stuff. The same energy! We are remarkable energy beings and we all draw life from the same life force – the same power.
Now here’s the key.
Connect with this life force, this power, and it will guide you, it will nurture you, it will fulfil your dreams, it will protect you and will sustain your very existence – if you let it!
Most of us however live our lives disconnected from this power and the sad things is, this power is with us all the time, it never goes away - it’s us who disconnects.
But, if we can learn to re-connect and tap in to this energy, life becomes much easier, it starts to flow effortlessly and you will become a much happier being.
I want to bring it to your attention that you have the ability to connect to this power at any time you wish, it takes practice but once you experience it, you will never look back. You have incredible potential. A potential to create a world you want to live in, a world with greater wealth, peace and happiness.The power within you will provide you with the clarity, insight and motivation to grow and manifest wonderful things and people into your life. And here, you gain the strength to move past resistances, limiting beliefs and behaviour patterns that have stopped or hindered you in the past.
Connect with is life force, this power and it will ultimately re-wire your brain and all of a sudden you will be looking at a whole new world and a whole new you!
So, how do you find or connect with this power?
You ask.
Pure and simple.
You ask!
Put your fear of the unknown aside and make it your intention to find out what I’m talking about. Each morning or evening, ask for this power to be shown to you in whatever way. Ask the cosmos, the universe, yourself (or whatever name you want to give it) ask to be shown your power.
Once you ask and you genuinely want to seek enlightenment, you will be shown.
Ask, be patient and you will be shown.
Here’s to a wonderful life with greater wealth, peace and happiness.
With love and blessings
My name is Louise and I'm a life coach with a specific interest in spirituality and the law of attraction. To find out more visit my website at
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