At this stage of your life, no one has to tell you that men and women speak different languages. No doubt you’ve been on the receiving (as well as the sending) end of your share of miscommunications over the years. While men consider themselves pretty straightforward in what they say—whether or ... Views: 820
When Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute mile record on May 6, 1954, he opened the door for others to do the same. Before Roger Bannister, to run a mile in under 4 minutes was “impossible.” Everybody believed it was impossible, and so it was. Once Roger Bannister broke the barrier, numerous ... Views: 693
There is sometimes an attraction that lingers long after breaking up with an ex-significant other. Whether or not it is wise to act on those feelings depends on several factors. One thing to consider is how long it has been since you broke up and the nature of the breakup. How involved were you ... Views: 811
What do you do when after a few dates with someone new you realize it’s not working out? If you’re like most people, you do nothing at all. That is if you’re a man, you stop calling or e-mailing her. If you’re a woman, you stop taking his calls or answering his e-mails. While that cold turkey ... Views: 793
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“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly “
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