In the 20 years of leading workshops and guiding couples back to a place of loving connection, I've come to learn that there are certain skills one needs to learn to create lasting successful change inside and out.
I have also been able to see and understand the roadblocks: what gets in the ... Views: 1507
Greetings from the Sonoma Ashram in California. It’s a beautiful place to breathe deeply, go inside and pay attention to how I am being with myself. How deeply am I loving myself? What parts of me need even more love?
This is from Shadow Work ® - a powerful healing journey that I use to ... Views: 1606
The relationship you have with yourself is one of the most important relationships you will ever have during your lifetime. And even though we spend 100% of our time with ourselves, this relationship tends to be difficult...challenging.
Our society places a lot of value on external ... Views: 1484
Are you feeling unfulfilled and disconnected?
Single and touch deprived? Feeling the need to share and have someone listen really deeply to you?
Ready to discover what it feels like to experience pleasure, passion, joy, and laughter again?
Allowing ... Views: 1812
(This article is the second one of a series on seeing the Beloved in Everyone).
Do you have to BELIEVE that everyone you come across with is a potential life partner? Or best friend? Or lover, beloved in order for this practice to work?
Well, YES. But also NO. In some way, this is a ... Views: 1439
(This article is the second one of a series on seeing the Beloved in Everyone).
Do you have to BELIEVE that everyone you come across with is a potential life partner? Or best friend? Or lover, beloved in order for this practice to work?
Well, YES. But also NO. In some way, this is a ... Views: 1446
What if instead of looking around a workshop (or online even before it starts), or at an event you're at, or party you were invited to, and deciding there's no one there you're attracted to, no "mate material," no one there you want to have sex with...what if...
INSTEAD -- you saw EVERYONE AS ... Views: 1555
SUMMARY: Puja is an ancient cultural tradition that has unknown roots. Some scholars believe that the practice began during Vedic times (1500 – 600 BCE) where the word puja has been found in the Sutras (which were composed to describe domestic rites, prayers, rituals). In these years, it ... Views: 1928
The word puja is a sanskrit word that translates to mean sacred ritual, or ceremony. It is used by the Hinkus, Sikhs, Buddhists and others for a variety of reasons. It is most often used to honor a deity (god or goddess) to celebrate her character traits (and ideally see them as a reflection of ... Views: 1665
It’s a powerful time right now. The Earth is showing us her power, the dark is entering the light, it’s renewal time for those celebrating the Jewish New Year and on the Hindu calendar it’s the holiest of holidays – Navaratri.
If you are feeling tired from all the energy swirling ... Views: 1696
Recently I went through one of those life trials where I might instead think, "Another f---ing growth opportunity!" F.E.A.R was running the show. Do you know some of the acronyms for "fear?" Fck.Everything.And.Run is my favorite. Also, False.Evidence.Appearing.Real another favorite of mine. ... Views: 1897
Come back to love is a daily practice....actually it's a moment-to-month practice.
Every day, I have taken on these 14 beliefs and practices that support me in coming back to love at any time, in every moment....even when it's hard.
Our tantra practice is helpful, too, of course! I invite ... Views: 1513
Remember those public service announcements? This is your brain…this is your brain on drugs.” An egg sizzles on a hot skillet indicating the harm that drugs can do to your brain.
In Tantra, we can apply the exact same visual and words to describe your brain when you have sex except instead ... Views: 1832
Remember when. . .
The scent of your partner’s skin put a flare in your nostrils as you drank in their essence;
You couldn’t keep your hands off each other. Love making could happen anytime and anywhere;
There was an underlying passion to everything you did with each other;
The smallest ... Views: 1788
As I grew up, I was very open-minded when it came to matters involving sexuality. I was also very conscious of my spirituality and the sense that someone or something bigger than I was involved in my life. The two most intimate aspects of my identity, however, operated totally separate from each ... Views: 1574
So since it’s the holiday time, I am going to jump on the bandwagon with everyone else and talk about APPRECIATION today!
A deeply valuable practice that is not widely used. To find out how you can turn your relationship around in 3 easy steps, keep reading…
I taught you how to more easily ... Views: 2072
I have sex on the brain! Now, it's not what you think (or rather, I don't really know what you are thinking!) --- well, it is my "work" after all. It's also because I'm going to a talk on Friday night on how to talk to teenagers about sex. I'm interested in hearing what this woman has to say ... Views: 2350
Are you tired from all the running around you do each day? Have you been going and going and going? When was the last time you made love with your partner (or yourself?) I'm going to teach you THE most valuable tool for handling the every day stress. Ready? STOP.
What?? (Yep, you read ... Views: 2853
Here is a simple practice that will help you get what you want in relationship -- in all kinds of relationships actually!
Ready? It's just too simple: Say no.
Do you say 'yes' when you feel 'no'? Do you avoid confrontation? Does it feel scary when you want to disagree with someone? ... Views: 2093
In relationships, resentment can often build and build. An amazing tool that can help reduce the negative feelings is ‘clearing a withhold.’ In clearing a withhold with your partner, family member, parent, child, neighbor or friend, the following elements need to be present:
1. Safety: ... Views: 2252
Are you ready to go deeper into working on your relationship? Ready to learn how to clear a withhold? Yep. That's right -- a "withhold" - something you are holding back from sharing with your sweetie.
You you were angry that he left the toilet seat up? Or she didn't buy your ... Views: 2159
In this article I'd like to take the conscious communication tools a bit deeper -- and teach you how to skillfully share one of THE MOST VALUABLE love tools: Sharing Appreciations. But not just any old appreciations, any old time -- it needs to be 'right' in order to pierce your sweetie's heart ... Views: 2240
When you have something important to share with your sweetie, but feel like all you want to do is blame him (or her) here is exactly what you need to move forward.
Take these 4 steps with ease:
1. Take 5-10 minutes to journal what you are upset about (don't skip this very important ... Views: 2384
Do you wish you could tell your partner what you are feeling more easily? Are you looking for a way to have a productive conversation without playing the blame and shame game? Do your "discussions" sometimes last into the wee hours of the night leaving you exhausted the next day?
When you have ... Views: 2062
Are you wondering how to get started again after being out of the dating scene for so long? Are you wondering if you are still “in the game” - if anyone is going to find you attractive and if you have what it takes to attract someone.
If you answered yes to any of those questions, you have a ... Views: 1958