Discouragement is probably one of the biggest life tribulations we need to face on a regular basis. It doesn’t matter how successful we have been in the past; we will need to confront discouragement at some point in our life. Before teaching how to overcome discouragement to some good friends of mine, they were living a very bitter life. They were allowing discouragement to take away the successful life the Great Creator of the Universe planned for them. I believe that discouragement is what keeps most people from accomplishing their life’s purpose.
In the Sacred Scriptures, there is a story about the Israelites getting discouraged; “And they journeyed from mount Hor by the way of the Red sea, to compass the land of Edom: and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way.” (Numbers 21:4, KJV). Because of discouragement the people of Israel forgot about the Great Creator of the Universe’s promises and provisions; but what really gets my attention is that this happened just after having a great victory against the Canaanites. Seriously? This shows how easily we could be discouraged when the spirit of discouragement attacks us.
To overcome discouragement, we need to have the correct attitude. When feeling discouraged the correct attitude would be keeping our joy no matter what, and declaring that the Great Creator of the Universe has the control of everything in our lives. We can’t allow the spirit of discouragement to steal our divine destiny. We need to understand that even if the way is hard, with the correct attitude we will be able to get to the promise land the Great Creator of the Universe created for us.
Like the Israelites sometimes we lose the passion to continue in life. It’s easy to believe that we are not going to be able of accomplishing our goals, to get out of the big hole we are in, or that we are not going to finish what we started. Discouragement feels like trying to pass the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination. It may seem very difficult to pass; but you know what? It’s not impossible. All you must do is have the correct attitude, do your part, trust the Great Creator of the Universe, and “never give up, never surrender!” (Galaxy Quest, 1999).
We need to realize that the test of discouragement is not a fast pace race, but rather like an Iron man triathlon. Instead of feeling discouraged because you may have been struggling with your finances, health or relationship; make up your mind and stop thinking that your current situation can’t change, and begin thinking and declaring “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13, NKJV).
If there is something I have learned about tribulations and discouragement, it is that when I’m feeling like everything is over and that I can’t go anymore, that is when the Great Creator of the Universe manifests His supernatural powers and turns everything around in my favor. The key is not giving up. “So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit.” (Galatians 6:9, MSG).
Before you were born, the Great Creator of the Universe planned your harvest seasons at different points in your life. You will be able to conquer them, only if you don’t quit during the process of each one. On these difficult times is when you need to believe on these divine truths more than ever.
Excerpt from the eBook: Energizer For The Soul Vol. 1 - How To Overcome Life Tribulations
Author: Juan Rosario
Do you want to know more? Please visit: https://juanrosario.com/faith/how-to-overcome-discouragement/
Juan Rosario, M.Ed., is a born-again Christian, a living miracle (miraculously born with birth defects), philanthropist, blogger, motivational speaker, educational technologist, entrepreneur, web developer, certified instructional designer by the School of Professional Studies, and certified supervisor from the School of Tomorrow (Accelerated Christian Education). He is also a published author, his publications include: The Wealth Mystery Is No Secret and Energizer For The Soul. Juan has inspired thousands of people by sharing his personal testimony of divine healing and by teaching them how to overcome life tribulations. Learn more at: https://www.juanrosario.com or get in touch by e-mail at: juan@juanrosario.com
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