Even when we know that life tribulations are part of our daily life, sometimes we have the challenge of facing unexpected difficulties. These are like low blows that seem to take our breath out. I remember the occasion when we had to take my grandmother to the hospital because she was feeling sick. Days later my grandmother got better; however, my grandfather who was okay suddenly died. No one expected this.
In life, we need to deal with the unexpected. Even if you have the correct perspective or you are a good person, that doesn’t exempt you from the unexpected. Therefore, it’s imperative that we learn how to deal with unexpected difficulties. It’s written, “…For he (God) gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.” (Matthew 5:45, NLT). This is a spiritual principle; therefore, it applies the same way to everyone.
One day everything is great, but the next you could get the bad news that you were fired from your job or that your medical examination is showing that something is apparently wrong. It’s easy to panic when we are in the middle of the unexpected, but we need to realize that our unexpected tribulations are not a surprise for the Great Creator of the Universe. In fact, He knows very well our situation and He is in complete control of everything. The Great Creator of the Universe has all the keys to open the doors to all our problems.
The purpose of unexpected difficulties or life tribulations is to develop our character. A character so strong that will allow us to be successful on every situation. “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So, don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.” (James 1:2-3, MSG).
When wood is passing through fire, it burns, and the only thing left are ashes. On the contrary, when gold is passing through fire, it becomes purified. What do you want to be, wood or gold? When an unexpected difficulty comes, what’s happening is that the Great Creator of the Universe is passing you through fire to purify your soul like gold. In other words, He is testing you and cleaning your sins and negative attitudes, so you will become ready to accomplish the great purpose He planned for your life before you were born.
The Great Creator of the Universe wants to use us as an example to show others how to deal with unexpected difficulties. We have the commitment to show to the rest of the world the Great Creator of the Universe’s glory with our testimony. We should make our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers ask themselves, “why Christians are happy even when they receive bad news? How can they be at peace in the middle of difficult circumstances? How can they be successful in these difficult times?”
Excerpt from the eBook: Energizer For The Soul Vol. 1 - How To Overcome Life Tribulations
Author: Juan Rosario
Do you want to know more? Please visit: https://juanrosario.com/faith/how-to-deal-with-unexpected-difficulties/
Juan Rosario, M.Ed., is a born-again Christian, a living miracle (miraculously born with birth defects), philanthropist, blogger, motivational speaker, educational technologist, entrepreneur, web developer, certified instructional designer by the School of Professional Studies, and certified supervisor from the School of Tomorrow (Accelerated Christian Education). He is also a published author, his publications include: The Wealth Mystery Is No Secret and Energizer For The Soul. Juan has inspired thousands of people by sharing his personal testimony of divine healing and by teaching them how to overcome life tribulations. Learn more at: https://www.juanrosario.com or get in touch by e-mail at: juan@juanrosario.com
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