All of us are aware that our modern day lifestyles are not healthy at all and eventually take their toll on our health. While stress is killing us slowly and surely, our body is busy fighting toxins that make their way inside our bodies day in and day out. Apart from the fact that we are living ... Views: 590
Losing weight and getting rid off that “excess baggage” can be really tough. More often than not, when you start dieting, you would want to get quick results and you can exactly get that with the Cabbage Soup Diet.
This Diet is highly recommended by Dieticians in order to get a head start on ... Views: 735
For many individuals spring is the finest time of the year. Like tolerate we get up for our chill sleep, out of our hot nest and into the vivid spring sunshine. So much people being wedged indoors all through the wet and cold of winter that is a period when we thrust our body to the ... Views: 599
Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin disorder affecting susceptible hair follicles, most commonly found on the neck, upper trunk, and face. It is described by comedones (which are primary lesions of acne) that are both open and closed, and by cysts, nodules, pustules, and papules.
Acne ... Views: 1851
Some people, who desire to lose weight quickly, utilize the well-known Cabbage Soup Diet and this is how they make this vegetable grow. The cabbage is a tough vegetable that grows well when planted in fertile soils. Various shades of green cabbages are available. But there are also purple or red ... Views: 862
Increasing weight is one of the major health problems before this world. Most of the people face this problem because of their poor eating habits and lack of exercise. A large variety of remedies are being suggested for the problem. Regular exercising habits and proper dieting can help one out ... Views: 961
Acne is one of the most common chronic diseases of the skin. It typically starts with blackheads, which are formed because of the formation of oil and dead cells inside a clogged pore. They usually spread and multiply when personal hygiene is not maintained.
Acne can be very frustrating that ... Views: 720
A colon cleansing and flushing can benefit almost all of us in a day and age when our entire body is choc-a-bloc with waste and toxins. Colon cleansing can be carried out in an absolutely natural manner by simply changing your diet. Bringing about a change in our diets is not only the best, but ... Views: 853
Antioxidants are molecules that have the ability to inhibit or stop other molecules in having oxidation reactions. This can produce unstable molecules (also known as free radicals) that start cell-damaging chain reactions. They protect cells by neutralizing external forces (like damage caused by ... Views: 712
Colon is one of the most important organs of the digestive system that plays a major role in providing the overall health of an individual. The poor eating habits cause the storage of lots of indigestive matter inside the colon. According to the studies the human colon can hold more than 35 ... Views: 755
A healthy glowing skin free of blemishes is crucial to one’s social life, especially in the life of young adolescents. Thus, acne is oftentimes considered a curse that one may bring even until adult years. And though acne cannot be totally prevented or avoided, here are some precautions that can ... Views: 631
The cabbage is a famous cruciferous vegetable, just like Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and Cauliflower, that is just commonly used for cooking. It is also popular for its discovered medicinal and therapeutic properties. It is even famous for its perceived “fat-burning” effects, thus the existence ... Views: 621
Colon cleanse is on its way to becoming a popular health routine, especially among health enthusiasts and people who are interested in alternative medicine. A colon cleanse is extremely beneficial for curing a number of ailments like chronic constipation, acne, chronic fatigue, candida and ... Views: 1354
Acne itself can be frustrating. And the scars that they leave behind only worsen one’s already-disheartened soul. But thanks to the advanced technology that we have nowadays, the ugly scars brought about by acne can now be treated.
However, no matter how sophisticated dermatologic treatments ... Views: 697
The world is filled with people who spread rumors, and most of them are baseless. they are spread so there is something to talk about even though there is no logic nor does the news make any sense. Experts immediately find ways of putting these to rest, especially when connected to medical ... Views: 669
The nails have functions that are important to the body despite its size. It is composed of keratin. The nails provide clues to the health of an individual. It can indicate an immune system problem or even internal organs therefore it can be an immediate source of initial diagnosis to further ... Views: 1027
Notice that even if humans shave their scalp, there are no life-threatening effects that would result from the none-existence of hair in one’s body. Scalp and body hair is not really essential in human’s physical health. However, hair is a big help to protect humans or all kinds of ... Views: 681
The role of colon is very important in overall health of an individual. It helps a lot in eliminating the body wastages and makes the function of lungs and other organs easy. It is generally known as the large intestine in the digestive system. Its main function is to extract the water elements ... Views: 605
Getting hurt is something that we all worry about, what is worse is the injury leaving behind a nasty scar. Sometimes, it was a heroic act that we are proud off, so we show off the scar, other times we are plain ashamed and embarrassed. Scars often happen because we pick on the wound or try to ... Views: 683
Prevention has always been the best remedy for any kind of ailment or infection. The same goes with nail fungus especially since it takes a long time for nail fungus to be removed. Curing it as soon as symptoms appear will prevent the infection of your other nails therefore saving you of ... Views: 772
Personal style is very important in a woman's life, and a huge part of that personal style is hair. Most women love styling their hair according to the latest trend, or some would love to be trend starters in hair style. This is the reason why women get freaked out when they see a couple of more ... Views: 664
A person's age is determined by how well their skin has been maintained, and if it is shiny and wrinkle free, they are said to lead a happy contended life. But, if the skin looks rugged and worn out, they are either ill, don't take of themselves or have been through a lot in life. So, when you ... Views: 623
Home remedies have been a part of our lives in search for cheap ways on how to treat certain mild disorders such as acne, bad breath, dandruff and more. Nail fungus, although considered as a serious nail disorder, also have several remedies that can be done at home. Some techniques may require ... Views: 997
Hair loss is a dilemma faced not only by men but women as well. Although hair loss usually happens once they step into their 30's, it does not target only a specific age range. Nobody is impervious of hair loss. Hair loss or balding is caused by several factors including genes, lifestyle, ... Views: 813
Nature proposed a system for your colon to get rid of bacteria and waste material, and absorb minerals and water while preserving electrolyte and fluid balance. A colon that is unable to carry out these functions appropriately, as impacted fecal stuff makes extra toxins in your body that broaden ... Views: 1733
Everyone has gone through a phase where they suffered from acne and so they know how frustrating it can be to get rid of. Being prone to acne makes a person miserable and difficult to endure. It can be painful, both physically and emotionally and feel embarrassed while facing their peers. It can ... Views: 671
Nail Fungus can affect anyone at anytime. It is caused by fungi and bacteria found mostly in public places where other people who are infected have been to as well. Nail fungal infection is contagious, so you have to be very cautious when using public gyms, pools and showers.
This article ... Views: 819
Hair loss on men is the most common type of hair loss there is. It is said to be caused by the unusual increase of sensitivity of the male hormone called androgen, on certain parts of the scalp, which is commonly passed on from generation to generation. Although the past has left a trademark of ... Views: 675
When you walk into your classroom in school, and everyone turns to look at you, it could be for 2 reasons. One, you are wearing something very pretty, or second, you have a scar on your face that is very prominent. Acne is one such skin condition that leaves a mark and affects nearly 30 million ... Views: 904
Nail fungus is just like any nail or skin disorder that can be cured and prevented by artificial means such as creams that should be applied topically to kill the fungus from the outside. There are also some pills to be taken orally to kill the fungus from the inside. Some of these products are ... Views: 999
Year after year, the number of people suffering from hair loss increases. It has been quite a common problem for men and women of various ages. It affects not only the health of people but also their self-esteem and the way they deal with people. A lot of people have misconceptions on the causes ... Views: 799
Colon is part of the large intestine which is responsible for the elimination of waste matter from your body. The health and functioning of your colon plays an important part in your weight loss regime. A healthy and clean colon facilitates weight loss when you are on a diet, while an unhealthy ... Views: 676
All of us dread getting hurt or succumbing to viral infections, they always leave a scar that is very obvious and makes us subject to ridicule or torment from friends and others. Chicken pox is another disease that all of us fear, not because it puts us under house arrest or brings about ugly ... Views: 799
Among all the known nail disorders, nail fungus is the most prevalent. In fact, it is responsible for almost half of the cases of nail disorder. Nail fungus is an infection that involves the nails, caused by the presence of fungi. This condition can affect both your fingernails and toenails ... Views: 633
Your world has been rocked with the nasty acne, and your doctor is trying to tell you there are different kinds of acne, so treatment can be done only after diagnosing the root cause. You might heard of a few of them, the more common varieties such as acne vulgaris or acne rosacea, which you ... Views: 824
Nail fungus is an embarrassing dilemma which causes humiliating experiences and restriction of wearing open-toed sandals. It is not easy to treat when the fungus is quite hard to reach.
Some people don't realize that they have toe fungus. So how do you exactly know? Here are some symptoms: ... Views: 754
Acne, for many, leads to de-moralizing oneself and low levels of self esteem and at times even depression in people across the world. Though the reasons as to why acne pops up are many, such as- hormonal imbalances, highly stressed out, improper eating patterns, and genetic effect; regulated and ... Views: 1307
Hair is a filament brought by the outgrowth of protein in mammals. The average hair loss is around 100 strands a day. This is normal and most of the time you do not even notice it. But if you are losing more than that clump of hair, it¡¯s time to get to the root cause of your hair loss and put a ... Views: 703
Colon cleansing using natural herbs and ingredients is one of the best gifts of health that you can give to your body. However, you might feel quite bad while the process of cleansing is actually taking place. This is much like a withdrawal syndrome which is caused when your body tries to adjust ... Views: 974
Every year there are more and more cases of people going into depression and other psychological ailments. And a majority of these are people who have low self esteem, this could be due to various reasons. Anything from being unhappy in a relationship, being overweight to being bogged down by ... Views: 633
Nail fungus happens when fungi and bacteria get into your nails through a cut or tear. Nail fungus can be a bit difficult to treat because repeated infections are common. It is also be tricky since the fungus is found under the nail and can be hard to reach. However, there are a variety of ... Views: 725
According to a study made by hair experts, 50% of all men and about 40% of women will undergo massive hair loss sometime in the span of their life. This study shows how serious the problem of hair loss to anybody. Most hair loss is linked genetically to an ancestor who has previous hair loss ... Views: 715
Colon cleansing is becoming popular as a method of detoxification with more and more people taking natural methods to clean colon in order to lead healthier lives. There are many benefits of colon cleansing and most of us can take advantage of various natural methods in order to get rid of ... Views: 717
It is always important to look good and feel good to lead a happy life. And skin is the most important part of our body, and it is the most prone to infections and ailments. It gets exposed to everything from sunlight to lotions, creams that we apply to keep it from going dry. At times, people ... Views: 917
Have you been complaining of sudden spurt of acne on your face? Has your mother been reprimanding you for eating out a lot lately? Well, you might wonder what food has to do with the acne. There is a major connection between the two; this is because the kind of food we consume has a direct ... Views: 737
Did you just wake up and go to the bathroom to freshen up and got the shock of your life? You see something odd on your forehead, that wasn't there the previous night when you went to bed. It looks ugly and you wish it would go away.
The What:
That ugly thing that pops up on our face when we ... Views: 695
Having that nasty zit is sometimes quite annoying. In fact, it is a great factor on suffering low self-esteem particularly on young people whose main focus at puberty is the physical attribute. Preventing acne breakout is not a piece of cake that is why even if you know everything about acne ... Views: 3882
Acne scars can be a major inconvenience to anybody as it gives the idea of a bad skin complexion and sometimes causes a blow to one¡¯s self confidence. That¡¯s why it is important to understand and know the different ways of treating and clearing up scars left by acne. Here you will understand ... Views: 1160
There are several ways on removing acne scars. The appearance of acne starts during puberty when the body actively produces hormones that causes too much sebum in the skin. This skin stage may pass but it would definitely leave marks to haunt your appearance forever. Treating acne scars can be ... Views: 1503
Although having acne breakouts is normal, especially for teens, people can't still help but search for ways on how to clear up acne. Some are finding ways on how to treat it inexpensively while others really saves enough money so that they can pay for the soothing expensive facial skin care ... Views: 1251