Personal style is very important in a woman's life, and a huge part of that personal style is hair. Most women love styling their hair according to the latest trend, or some would love to be trend starters in hair style. This is the reason why women get freaked out when they see a couple of more strands on their hands every time they shampoo their hair.

But the fears on hair loss is not based on nothing, in fact, each year the number of women forced to realize that their hair is in serious decline is getting higher and higher. To quote the American Academy of Dermatology, hair loss is a growing problem nowadays. Hair loss affects an estimated 30 million women in the United States of America alone. And some forms of hair loss occur on early stages in life. To make matters worse, the number of young women whose hair declines are increasing in rate. And although very young and almost unheard of by most people, a woman as young as 15 or 16 years old has developed hair loss problems. And although not that common, or not rare, such issues are matters to be looked at.

In order to know why and how hair is lost, it is better to understand first the process of hair growth. According to experts, our hair normally grows at the rate of one to one-half in every month, and each single hair has a growth phase of two to six years. In that time the hair would rest from growing for a certain amount of time and then would eventually fall of from the scalp. The follicle from which the fallen hair had formerly depended on would immediately start growing a new hair strand. This long cycle continues normally till our senior years come.

However some folks are unlucky to have a genetic disposition when it comes to hair cycles. There is a group of hormones that are called androgens, and this hormone interferes with the natural cycle of hair loss and production. Androgen hormones are said to include testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and androsteinedione. All of the mentioned hormones come in large amounts in men's bodies, and small amounts in women's bodies.

Since female hair loss (or alopecia) is unsightly and rare, the young women whom have experienced such problems are hard to find cures for. There are three types of hair loss in women.

The first is Alopecia, which happens because there is a problem with the immune system. Under such conditions, the immune systems attack the hair follicles, and when follicles are damaged, they let go of the hair.

The second type of hair loss is traumatic alopecia which is caused by too violent brushing, tying or braiding of the hair. When the electric appliances such a flat irons or hot rollers come too close to the follicles, the follicles get damaged thus baldness occurs.

The third is Androgenetic alopecia, where androgen hormones cause baldness to women, as the woman's body is not familiar with too much androgen hormones.

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