A person's age is determined by how well their skin has been maintained, and if it is shiny and wrinkle free, they are said to lead a happy contended life. But, if the skin looks rugged and worn out, they are either ill, don't take of themselves or have been through a lot in life. So, when you meet someone for the first time, you will assess them on their appearance, and then talk about their professional qualifications. Take for example, a person applying for a job, and has been called for the interview. If they walk into the room confidently, and are sure of their capabilities, but have messy hair or plenty of pimples on their forehead, the manager doing the interview will think for a second before hiring them.
For, these days, more than how smart your brain is, it is how smart you look that matters. When a person does not take care of their skin, they are obviously not too conscious about personal hygiene, and such people are home to millions of germs. Also they present a sad state, and cannot be sent for client meetings even though work wise they might be very capable.
Sad, but true is what the story is. So, it is very important to take care of our body and make sure it is kept in good working condition; and the skin needs to be clean, glowing and acne free. If you are prone to acne, find out what the root cause is and work towards altering it and keeping your skin healthy. This way, you will be able to enjoy life to the maximum without worrying about your image.
Wash your face, arms and hands with a mild cleansing soap twice every day, once in the morning and again in the evening, and if you work out, make sure to wash after that too. Also use the same kind of soap to wash your neck region to keep it clean and grime free. You can use a gentle body wash or medicated soap to washing the face once or twice a day. The stress is on twice a day because it is essential for the skin to be kept dirt and grime free, and for it to breathe freely. This is the only way we can be assured of having healthy clear skin. Do not scrub your skin on any sensitive part of the body as this will only aggravate the condition. There are many medications available in the market that will help in controlling the rashes and the infection. This way, the chances of acne spreading to other areas will be curbed.
Steps that you can take to stop onset of acne are,-
1. Remain stress free or take up a hobby that will help relaxation.
2. Include vitamins and minerals in your diet, along with fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamin A and iron.
3. Avoid using chemical based products and stick to natural herbs and remedies to treat acne.
Author is the webmaster of Acne and Acne Treatment. Download Free Acne Ebook here.
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