Have you been complaining of sudden spurt of acne on your face? Has your mother been reprimanding you for eating out a lot lately? Well, you might wonder what food has to do with the acne. There is a major connection between the two; this is because the kind of food we consume has a direct relation to our health. If we keep eating out, and eating junk foods, it will not add any value to our body, and only give us ailments making our immunity low. Constant consumption of pizza, burgers, or drinking aerated drinks, will lead to gastric trouble, acne and other such issues. The oil and fat content in the food is not easy to digest and our stomach finds it difficult to process these food items. Apart from this, when we don't eat regulated diet, bacteria forms in our body, and along with it various toxins. These are the reason why we get acne and why acnes don't go away immediately.

While eating certain foods, instead of fighting the bacteria, it becomes food for these germs making them stick around in our system longer. Which is why, if you have been eating a lot of pizzas, you will notice these nasty pimples on your face, and when you stop eating everything and stick to healthy food, you will notice your skin clearing up. However, all said, there are some people who are just plain lucky and don't get acne or other skin allergies no matter what they eat. Their system is built in such a way that they are strong and immune to every kind of infection. But most of the others succumb to acne, boils and cysts.

There are some who don't eat out, but indulge in eating chocolates. Not one or two but a whole bar will be finished within a couple of minutes. They will face the problem of acne which will refuse to go away. Since chocolates have sugar in them, which are a form of refined carbohydrates, they increase insulin in our body and in turn this adds to oil generated. A hormonal reaction then occurs in our body, and all this together leads to formation of acne. So, it is not just the food that causes acne, but what goes into making that food item. If we can identify the food items that trigger acne, we must work at avoiding those from our diet for better skin. Gradually cut down on food that are high in fat, oil and rich; include more of fruits and vegetables in your diet and you will notice visible changes. This will improve not only your skin but also your overall health condition. You will be swamped with compliments from friends and others you work with. This does not mean you stop eating food you like, but you need to become aware of your body's reactions to certain food types and eat them once in a while to avoid these kinds of problems and ailments.

Author's Bio: 

Author is the webmaster of Acne Treatment and Natural Acne Treatment. Download Free Acne Ebook here.