We live in a very fast-paced world. As such, it’s easy to be stressed out. However, oftentimes, stress is a result of not being able to correctly balance everything that’s on our plate. Following is a quick rundown of things that you can do to ensure that you live a well-balanced life.

Cut out unnecessary activities. For about a week, list down everything that you’re doing; don’t leave out any detail. After the week, look at how you’ve been living the past 7 days and see which ones were either complete time-wasters or things that you really didn’t need to do anyway. Also, ask yourself what your motivation and/or purpose is for each task.

For instance, is a certain activity necessary for your well-being? Would it be better if you gave up this or that activity and spent the time with your family instead?

Take out anything that is not contributing to a better life for you and start focusing on people and activities that do!

Establish a central family calendar. One big cause of stress is appointments that need to be rushed to like a forgotten dentist appointment. To prevent situations (stressors) like this, establish a central family calendar where everybody must write down the said appointment, it’s time and location and preferred way of getting there.

This way nothing is forgotten, everybody knows where everyone is, and should a date already be ‘filled’ it’s easy for others to re-schedule. See? A little date and time planning goes a long way!

Set a daily routine. Although there’s nothing wrong with being a little spontaneous, it helps if major tasks are scheduled into a routine. Without such schedules, it’s easy to do something else and put off something that needs to be done. For instance, say you have a delivery for someone by Friday. Since it’s only Monday you tend to put off preparations for the delivery. Before you know it, it’s Thursday and you’re stressing out on how to meet your deadline!

For every commitment, try to make a ‘back schedule’, which is a list of things that need to be done prior to the commitment and stick to it.

Write down what you want to achieve.
Goals are important. Objectives give each waking day a purpose. However, a lot of people tend to be vague with that they want out of life and wake up one day wondering what happened to them all this time. Don’t be one of them. Ask yourself what you really want to achieve in life and make a list. Following are some ideas.

• Lose excess weight.
• Be your own boss.
• Buy a new car.
• Set up a work-at-home business.
• Learn a new language.
• Travel 3x a year.

Write down a starter wish list of about 5-8 items. Now, mark each one in order of importance or priority. Now, focus on your very first goal and break down the steps you need to take to meet that goal.

To be happy in life you need to know what you want and be consistent and persistent with those goals. Don’t dilute it with activities that will derail your from your goals and imbalance your life. Good luck!

Author's Bio: 

Wellness and Stress Management Life Coach specializing in teaching women and home based business entrepreneurs self mastery and confident skills to take their business to a whole new level by taking control of their life by managing the stress of running a demanding business and busy life at home. http://keytostressfreeliving.com