Active Living is about how we choose to 'live' our lives every day. It includes all the movements that we create, for accomplishing tasks for ourselves & others in our family, our work, recreation, plus everything that we "perform" for making "living" the content of our daily life.
We live in ... Views: 2321
The word ergonomic is the study of the interaction between individuals, machines or appliances in their environment that can affect their performance and productivity.
The purpose of ergonomic is to assess the interaction, or relationship between each component for determining optimum ... Views: 2522
Ergonomic chairs are designed for performing productive tasks in comfort throughout the day. They are not chairs for 'lounging' in, unless you are resting from your work activity.
Ergonomic chairs are designed for performing purposeful activity, which may be prolonged, as in computer word ... Views: 1383
Ergonomics is the relationship between the person, the tools or equipment and the environment within which the equipment is being used. The most important part of this relationship is how the human relates to the equipment in the environment.
The environment may be an office, a kitchen or a ... Views: 2230
Life is tough for anyone who is trying to make healthy changes in life and it is no easier for people like you, who also desire to have the perfect figure. How can it be achieved, when we are bombarded with so much tempting food advertising, by females having those ultra-slim bodies!
It is ... Views: 1226
The answer to this question was made initially by W.H.O. (World Health Organization) "not being ill", until the implications of this statement meant that if you have chronic illness; you can never be healthy! WHO have now changed that notion, to incorporate more of a quality of life conceptual ... Views: 1100
The word ergonomic is used to understand the positive relationship that is involved between equipment, the human and the environment in task related activities of daily life. The relationship has to be positive for you to remain comfortable and successful in performance activities, such as in ... Views: 1206
Whatever we do in life, we immediately plan towards an action. It's not written out; we just get up and do it! That is basically how we operate in life. Now think of what you want to do, that will improve on your health. What you need is a goal. It is a direction, or a purpose for ... Views: 1493
I have already written an article about the importance of drinking fresh tap water instead of carbonated and fruit drinks. The main reason for this is because you are only drinking calories made up of sugar, which has no value to your body, except leaving behind acidic ions.
If you are obese, ... Views: 2123
What is obesity? According to Wikipedia, obesity is described as a medical condition where excess fat collects around the body; causing adverse health problems that can reduce life expectancy".
I though about this and questioned my family doctor, whether he considered 'obesity' to be a ... Views: 1368
Following on from time management skills, do we actually have time for leisure activities? It is questionable whether anyone plans to have leisure time, or whether you are like me; you just grab it now and again, when someone offers you a hike up the "Grouse Grind" or something else active and ... Views: 1157
It is hoped that by now, you are able see the development of how obesity advanced in the western culture, with the advent of the motor vehicle. As I have declared, it is not entirely your fault; because the pattern has been driven by big corporations; for attracting families into seeing their ... Views: 1254
After going through the first two reasons why the western population is gaining so much weight.; we come to the third reason which is dehydration.
I am inclined not to attribute all the blame to you personally, because we live in a society where we are bombarded with advertising.
It is ... Views: 1282
We have now reached the fourth reason that is driving obesity in the western culture, which is not entirely due to the individual. I consider that the western culture corporations have designed this pattern, firstly by encouraging everyone to use a car for transportation, instead of their own ... Views: 1268
Most people never think about safety, when sitting in an ergonomic chair. However, safety is an important area to consider, because of the risks inherent in movement. If you're moving incorrectly, this may cause an injury to your skeletal joints, or the ergonomic chair itself may not be safe for ... Views: 1503
Ergonomic is term we use to create a productive, safe and efficient environment for the workplace, which for my readers is not exclusively the employment environment; it is also the home environment.
Ergonomic balance is the sitting or standing position we use for safe, purposeful and ... Views: 1257
We spend a large portion of our day in the sitting position; yet why is it so uncomfortable to sit all day? Unfortunately, the human body is not designed to remain permanently in one place. It is designed to constantly move, so any prolonged sitting is naturally going feel uncomfortable. To ... Views: 1219
You are thinking of getting an ergonomic chair. Well done! Your decision to think ergonomic means you care about your skeletal joints so that you suffer less discomforts in daily life. My knowledge as a trained Occupational Therapist, along with our mission to protect your joints, preserve your ... Views: 2743
Ergonomic sitting is not a stationary sitting posture. It is designed to be a position of activity, where our body is active in productive performance. Our body needs continuous movement for balancing our spine on the pelvis, plus moving our upper and lower limbs in functionally active ... Views: 1060
Ergonomic sitting is not a stationary sitting posture. It is designed to be a position of activity, where our body is active in productive performance. Our body needs continuous movement for balancing our spine on the pelvis, plus moving our upper and lower limbs in functionally active ... Views: 1255
Ergonomic Chairs are designed to maintain your comfort when performing work based activities throughout the day. It means that people who have back problems are more likely to choose this type of chair, for easing their back discomforts.
As an Occupational Therapist, my expertise is safety ... Views: 1541
Ergonomic sitting is a comfortable position to use, when you are sitting doing purposeful activity in an ergonomic chair. You actually don't need an ergonomic chair for sitting in comfort, but they are useful for providing the sitting support that you need when sitting on your pelvic bones in ... Views: 1334
It is very easy to sit in a chair, but to sit in a chair for a long time with comfort is difficult.
If you are sitting at a computer all day, then I would suggest try bringing a small or medium sized towel to your work area. You will be amazed at how much this piece of equipment will aid your ... Views: 3248
Yes, it is true that if you ride a bicycle regularly, you will not have to visit a chiropractor for erasing your sciatic pain. I can vouch for this, because I have suffered postural scoliosis in my spine since I was a teenager, caused from one leg being longer than the other by 3 cms, or one ... Views: 1521
The benefits of water cannot be over-emphasized for hydrating the human body, since we consists of 80% water. It is a survival necessity in our daily life, because the more we move in purposeful activity; the more energy we generate and the more water evaporates from our body. We constantly need ... Views: 1106
Back pain is one of the main reasons why people take time off work and why? It is because we spend too much time in sedentary, sloppy positions, doing very little movement and letting our muscles become lax and under-used.
We have become a society that drives around in cars - to the shops, to ... Views: 1309
Overall the pains in your back originate from a serious lack of movement in your skeletal joints, that are used for performing your daily living activities.
This is probably not the answer you want to hear; because you believe that you're doing all the right movements, when getting around ... Views: 960
Overall the pains in your back originate from a serious lack of movement in your skeletal joints, that are used for performing your daily living activities.
This is probably not the answer you want to hear; because you believe that you're doing all the right movements, when getting around ... Views: 980
Why pay someone else to do your housework? When in fact it is a method for you to practice Yoga; or for completing purposeful exercises in a manner that is useful to your body and provides you with a clean home!
Your excuse may like mine use to be - I don't have the time for the cleaning! Or ... Views: 1250
Ergonomic sitting is a position to sit for performing work-based activities through the day. It is not a position of inactive rest. Our body needs to be aware of active movement, for creating comfort in our sitting posture and to stimulate balance in the spine that activates balance for ... Views: 1180
To most people breathing is just a small movement in the lungs, for the purpose of gaining oxygen into the lungs that we need in order to live. Yet when using ergonomic sitting in an ergonomic chair, it makes sense to use long deep breaths at times. This will change the position of your sitting ... Views: 1285
The benefits of water cannot be over-emphasized for hydrating the human body, since we consists of 80% water. It is a survival necessity in our daily life, because the more we move in purposeful activity; the more energy we generate and the more water evaporates from our body. We constantly need ... Views: 1231
If you watched CTV last night in Canada, you will see that the government is warning workers that prolonged sitting is now no longer good for your overall health. It is an area that I have been discussing in relation to your skeletal health, but now the government is warning workers in places ... Views: 1236
Have you ever tried sitting on a balance ball? It is not recommended if you are concentrating on another task; because you will likely to fall off. A ball has no secure position for your pelvic bones, because of the natural curve in the ball. You will likely put pressure on one side or the ... Views: 1102
If you are constantly obsessed with food, by depriving yourself of what you enjoy; then the changes are that you will actually never win the battle of trying to lose weight. Every time I said to myself "Right I am going on a Diet! I would suddenly have this strong desire to have something ... Views: 1122
This article is the second in a series, where I am trying to explain the reasons for the transformation of our size and shape into obesity. In the western culture, we have a market explosion of advertising in every direction that confuses life with 'need' and 'wants'. There are too many choices ... Views: 1125
This article is the second in a series, where I am trying to explain the reasons for the transformation of our size and shape into obesity. In the western culture, we have a market explosion of advertising in every direction that confuses life with 'need' and 'wants'. There are too many choices ... Views: 1158
This article is not directed to any woeful sins that you are currently enjoying that are causing your obesity. The sins are what is society is creating, that makes it difficult for you to lose weight.
I feel that you need to understand what these sins are, in the hope that you can learn to ... Views: 1165
The main causes of back pain are lack of movement in your spine. As a writer about back pain, because I have suffered back pain myself with postural scoliosis in my spine; I will admit that it happens to us all, if we don't practice what we preach! None of us are perfect and I am no ... Views: 1172
Whether you are picking up a feather or a sack of potatoes; the principles of bending over and reaching to the floor are the same. Always remember that your spine is not designed to bend into a 90 degree angle. There is no flexibility in the spine. It is your legs that need the movement and not ... Views: 1083
Housework is one of the main ways that many people injure their backs, by simply not using the correct muscles or joints in the movements required for accomplishing the task.
The main option for cleaning the floor is to use a kitchen mop. If your kitchen is large, then you are more likely to ... Views: 1132
What! A simple task as brushing your teeth? How can this be so dangerous? I have done it this way for years and it's never been a problem!
The fact that you have repeated the same motion for years may be the reason why your back is now giving you problems. It may be that you are so accustomed ... Views: 1071
The previous article wrote about the dangers to our spines, when mopping the kitchen floor. It may seem similar movements could be used to vacuum the carpets.
However vacuuming requires greater strength, when pushing a mechanical piece of equipment compared to a mop. This is because the mop ... Views: 1474
Overall the pains in your back originate from a serious lack of movement in your skeletal joints, that are used for performing your daily living activities.
This is probably not the answer you want to hear; because you believe that you're doing all the right movements, when getting around ... Views: 926
Sitting is the most common action performed by our body. We do more sitting than we do walking. Yet why do we complain so much about the way we sit? The answer lies in the fact that we have never understood how to sit correctly for comfort.
In my youth I was always told to 'sit up,' or my ... Views: 1084
It may seem like a good idea, to have a chair where the seat automatically lifts you out; without having the struggle of doing it for yourself.
However, I need to be cautious of buying gadgets to help yourself in daily living, because if you are finding this activity difficult to manage; then ... Views: 1069
Overall the pains in your back originate from a serious lack of movement in your skeletal joints, that are used for performing your daily living activities.
This is probably not the answer you want to hear; because you believe that you're doing all the right movements, when getting around ... Views: 932
Back pain is one of the main causes for visits to your family doctor and why? People believe that because their spine is made up of separate vertebral joints, the spinal joints are designed to flex or bend.
Our back or spine is probably the most delicate part of our anatomy and we need to ... Views: 1137
It may seem like a good idea, to have a chair where the seat automatically lifts you out; without having the struggle of doing it for yourself.
However, I need to be cautious of buying gadgets to help yourself in daily living, because if you are finding this activity difficult to manage; then ... Views: 1310
Back pain is very common in our western society, because we don't do sufficient exercise to enable our skeletal joints to move adequately, without becoming stiff and sore on movement.
We drive around in cars too much and do mostly sedentary activities at work that does not provide our body ... Views: 1153