Life is tough for anyone who is trying to make healthy changes in life and it is no easier for people like you, who also desire to have the perfect figure. How can it be achieved, when we are bombarded with so much tempting food advertising, by females having those ultra-slim bodies!

It is probably even worse, when you have kids at home, making continued demands for all the fast food everywhere; like pizzas, hamburgers and fries, plus gallons of pop and ice cream sodas. One part of you wants to try and be healthy, but the other part of you just cannot do this on your own; surrounded by so much temptation and 'kids' craving for unhealthy fats and sugars.

If your children are also overweight and not active enough; then you need to approach the subject of a lifestyle change gently, talking about the positive side of healthy living - being fitter, losing weight, having more energy to do tasks. Show them pictures of healthy alternatives in activities or healthy food that you would like to try and make for them. Ask them if they would like to collaborate with you, in helping you to lose weight and do ask their permission to try out some different foods; like yoghurt and fresh fruit, or homemade healthy muffins.

Changing family lifestyles for make healthier choices may seem like a challenge; but is possible but with very, slow steps, so they barely notice the changes. Small changes prevent the family from being overwhelmed with too much radical change; otherwise they may feel deprived from their usual foods. They have to get use to something new, before you try something else.

Talk to your family together and ask them about a long term goal they could make, that they would all benefit from to make healthy change. Do they want to lose weight? Do they want to learn how to eat healthier? Do they want to exercise more and be fitter, or are they just not interested? If they are not interested in healthy choices, then you may need to have some articles, brochures or magazines around, for them to peruse and learn about the subject. (You will find these free in most doctors' surgeries, hospital waiting rooms and pharmacy waiting areas).

Try to make this a collaborative effort with your family, or your partner. It becomes easier to make changes, when there is communal support; then you can support each other through the adjustment period. Turn it into a fun challenge if you can, by offering a reward if they can keep it up. An outing or a purchase something they want. If they don't want to do it, don't push them; they may come around, when they feel they are excluded.

You can choose anything to start with, but make the change very small. Then when you have achieved success with one small step, for moving on to another step. Things may become easier, as they see the benefit of the changes. Life is not an instant battle for immediate change, but small steps of transition; so that changes are accepted as part of normal every day life.

If you are doing this on your own, don't try and reach for immediate success; as you will more than likely fail. Changes need to be accepted as a normal pattern first, before you can move onto making another step. It is all part of the adjustment to change. Try not to change everything at once. They may be good intentions, but again you or the family may feel deprived and frustrated; then seeking instant gratification; which will lead you down the slippery slope for failure.
Do your best to support your family through any difficulties times in the change and make sure they understand the benefits they will gain from the change. If you are doing this on your own, find a buddy that will support you through the changes. It will keep you both motivated, so you will not want to let each other down. It may not be a competition, but you won't want to be left behind; if you find they are doing better than yourself!

Any type of change is tough to handle on your own. You first need the support of a buddy, your family or a partner that will keep you motivated and focused on the path for success. In my next article, I will show you how to make the task of change much easier, especially if there are along road of changes ahead.

Author's Bio: 

The author is a qualified Occupational Therapist, who is developing a new niche market in ergonomic & safe daily living products, for helping baby boomers live a comfortable and active quality of life. Gail's company: Active Living Solutions Ltd. sells enabling products, such as ergonomic chairs for the larger customer,, who is unable to fit into any store-bought ergonomic chair. As an OT, Gail is focusing on severely overweight customers with back problems, who have functional mobility issues. Gail understands their problems and realizes the difficulty in making health changes. She is starting to sell other solutions that will help to encourage healthy changes, such as ionized water that neutralize acidity in your body, from drinking too much fats and sugar that causes chronic conditions.