1. Break your fast(breakfast)- increase metabolism; non-acid producing, low-sugar/glycemic fruits and green/fruit juices; or light, alkalizing foods only.

2. Grazing-eating 5-6 smaller meals per day vs. 3 large meals (a portion is the size of your fist, not what you can get on your plate).

3. Avoid excessive alcohol, coffee, soda, dairy, SFA, and processed foods.

4. Eat organic food whenever possible and avoid genetically modified foods where possible (reduces pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics)

5. Focus on eating fresh vegetables, lean meats and fruits. Try following a gluten free and a low glycemic index diet as much as you can to keep you bowel healthy and keep your blood sugar stable.

6. Avoid eating dead foods, or foods that are processed, refined, frozen, or canned (try reducing anything man-made passing your lips).

7. Reduce red meats, especially overcooked meat (carcinogenic).

8. Avoid eating when you are stressed, depressed, ill, extremely tired or emotional, or when you are not truly hungry, as this inhibits digestion and creates fermentation.

9. Drink lots of good water to keep you body hydrated.

10. Do not drink to much liquids – not even water – with your meals and separate your meals from any liquid intake by at least ten minutes - doing so will dilute your digestive enzymes and affect proper digestion.

11. Properly combine your foods for maximum nourishment and energy. Consider using the Metabolic Typing™ approach.

12. Eat slowly and chew all foods completely.

13. Avoid eating condensed foods especially animal products, immediately before bed.

14.Take bitamins to supplement your diet for optimal function when necessary.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp, B. Sc., D.C. is co-author of the book Wellness On the Go: Take the Plunge - it’s Your Life! And the founder of www.roadmaptowellness.com, and on-line wellness education program. Dr. Beauchamp is a chiropractor, a certified personal fitness trainer, a professional bodybuilder, a TV personality, a corporate wellness consultant and an inspirational speaker.

As the co-author of the book Wellness On the Go, I would like to invite you to claim instant access to 3 chapters of my book by visiting www.wellnessonthegofreechapters.com

Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp www.drnathaliebeauchamp.com