I promised to post an article on how to get out of a slump.
Problem was, I was experiencing a bit of an idea slump myself. So I waited until the time was right. That's going to be one of the themes of this article, as you'll see.
Have you ever experienced a slump? That's what I ... Views: 5454
Hey there. Recently got an interesting letter about a situation that I'm sure many of you have encountered before:
Dr. Alex,
I don't know if you have addressed this before, as I am new to your program. I just met a girl that has been dating a guy for about ... Views: 5037
Recently I finished reading a very interesting book on the inner workings of the human mind.
It's by Jonathan Haidt, and it's called 'The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom'. If you're fascinated by the science behind how humans tick and how it relates to ancient ... Views: 2306
A funny thing happened a couple of nights ago.
I was out with a friend, when we started talking to two very nice young ladies. They had just finished talking to this young man whom we could tell had been just a little too obvious in his advances.
What exactly do I mean by that? ... Views: 3559
Dating for Men – Playing at the Third Level: The Importance of Attitude
Your friendly neighborhood dating guide Dr Alex here. Today we're going to talk about a concept that can tremendously enhance your dating life that doesn't cost a dime and requires almost no additional physical ... Views: 2491
One of my overarching goals in life has been the bringing together of people through cross-cultural exchange and educational programs to increase understanding, friendship and fun all over the world. I don't worry about 'world peace' so much, because when people are having a good time, they ... Views: 2620
This article is going to be about the actual mechanics of personal change. It's a topic that's very close to my heart, and one that I've studied in various guises over the years.
So the other day, I went for dinner at my parents' place, where they've lived for over a decade now. Recently they ... Views: 1925
In the game of Poker known as Texas Hold 'Em, one of the biggest skills of all is hand selection.
For those of you who are not familiar with this style of poker: in Texas Hold 'Em, you get two cards, face-down. These are known as your hole cards.
Then everybody gets dealt 5 cards, face-up. ... Views: 2359
Calm as the cornerstone of courage
Ernest Hemingway once said that 'Courage is grace under pressure'. We are all born with innate courage; however, because of the way we are wired, it is a skill that needs to be unmasked and cultivated. The main prerequisite for courage is a calm, imperturbable ... Views: 1971
I recently wrote this piece as the Didactic Module to the newest Mindtrack, the Courage Amplifier. I hope you find it useful.
Fear is an innate response that has been essential to our survival as human beings. Throughout the million-year history of human evolution, cautiousness and proneness to ... Views: 2196
Recently I was thinking how rarely we take out the time to express our appreciation of people. I've written about the power of compliments before, and this goes beyond that.
See, love and appreciation are closely related things. And the quality of your life is directly proportional to how much ... Views: 903
So yesterday, my team lost in the semifinals of the World Cup.
In a completely unexpected finish, Italy scored in the last minute of overtime, right when everyone expected the game to go to penalty kicks.
Of course, my first reaction was complete incredulity. I mean, that ball didn't really ... Views: 897
Near the conclusion of this article, I'm going to give you a revolutionary, shockingly effective method to bring more women into your life than you ever imagined possible. You don't have to buy anything. You don't have to attend any seminars. It costs nothing. And it works 100% of the time when ... Views: 856
Do you play poker?
I've been playing for a few years now, and lately I've been noticing that poker can be a great metaphor for a lot of things that we do in life.
For example, the other night I was sitting at this table with a bunch of guys (okay, that was redundant: it's *always* a bunch of ... Views: 982
Hello, hola, buongiorno, hej, hei, dag, hallo, salut and g'day to you. I'm delighted to report that you guys, my valued readers, come from all corners of the globe -- Norway, Australia, Italy, New Zealand, Germany, and the USA -- to make the Tao of Dating a truly international community. Great ... Views: 1739
Every Wednesday, I do a few free consultations with clients. What I like about doing these consultations are that they bring up issues that are pretty much universal. "I called and she didn't call back." "Had a great first date but couldn't get a second one." "My relationships don't last." ... Views: 4934
I've been away for a few days on a vacation/ retreat, which was quite an experience. It was eye-opening in many unexpected ways, and I'd like to share a little bit about that.
See, a few years ago I noticed an interesting phenomenon. It seemed like whenever you called somebody something, they ... Views: 8614
Got a little story for you.
Last night I attended a talk by a certain business teacher by the name of Keith Cunningham. He teaches for Tony Robbins' seminars, was the originator of the idea behind the 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' book, and is a highly successful businessman in his own right.
He came ... Views: 1001
Good morning! It's a glorious Monday morning here in Los Angeles, and I'm sure you're just as thrilled as I am to be back at your desk.
At the very least, I expect to be able to make your day a little more interesting with this email, which I believe will be more entertaining and enlightening ... Views: 820
Thanks to all of you who showed up for the LA Meet & Greet. The number of people was exactly right for the size of the room, and we had a good time doing some drills from the Tao of Dating Transformation Weekend, the Tao of Persuasion and How to Work A Room.
Things like nonverbal rapport, ... Views: 846
Funny story happened Tuesday night. I was at this private gathering where Chris Howard was speaking.
Some of you may have heard of him already. His company is the biggest NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) training company in the world. And he gives Tony Robbins-style seminars, and he's fast ... Views: 2244
I've been thinking about what kind of things to teach you guys.
One thing that came up a couple of times in the past two days was this particular drill from the Transformation Weekend seminar. Namely, the Lead & Follow drill.
At the same time, I recently finished reading this epic novel ... Views: 802
I was at this big ol' party in Hollywood this weekend, and I've got some stories to tell ya.
A few weeks ago, I had signed up for this big ol' charity event involving lots of restaurants and wineries—"LA's best restaurants and some of the best wineries of the world" was the billing.
... Views: 811
Let's talk about Power Tools for Dating.
I like the metaphor of a power tool because it just makes a lot of sense. When you have the right tool, you can get a job done with a lot less effort and time expenditure.
Just a few days ago, one of my bookshelves gave in under the weight of all the ... Views: 887
I want to go over a networking technique that I discovered a few years ago which has been really useful in big social events.
For some years, guys have been asking me, "What's the best way of getting phone numbers from multiple women at the same event—especially when some of them know one ... Views: 916
This last weekend, I attended a 3-day seminar which was truly powerful and transformative. So much so that I'm still processing all the insights right now.
I've been interested in the concept of deep masculinity and deep femininity for quite some time.
The unity of opposites, yin and ... Views: 3595
Just got back from a relaxing and fun birthday trip to our nation's capital, Washington DC. And I have a brief anecdote to share at the end about a realization I had on my birthday after we've gone over today's technique.
DC is a great town. And it's full of people who make their living ... Views: 1038
I've been thinking about all that went on during Book Expo America and how to put that information to use for you guys so you can become even better at networking.
Today, I want to talk about a couple of points. But before we begin, I want to cover an important point about getting better at ... Views: 1112
Gentlemen. And Ladies. How are ya.
I'm back at the office from my trip to NYC. It's good to be home, especially since the Book Expo was such an intense experience.
Let's just say that yesterday afternoon, I thought I'd take a nap at 5pm. Next thing I knew, it was 6am.
So to all of you in ... Views: 938
Been on the road for a couple of days, which is why I've been out of touch for a few. Today I'm writing you from Book Expo America at New York City's Jacob Javits Convention Center.
I'm absolutely thrilled to be here for many reasons.
I've been coming here for four years now, and as a ... Views: 860
Dr Alex here, reporting from the frontlines of human social research. At least that's what I call it when I go out nowadays.
So Friday night I was at this big ol' mixer. I've been co-hosting these for some years now, and they feature recent graduates from various colleges. About 300 people ... Views: 883
I want to share this unsolicited letter with you, first of all because it was quite moving. I'm often not apprised of the downstream effects of my work, so it's a huge shot in the arm when I hear you guys are doing even better as a result.
"Just wanted to ... Views: 1178
Lately I was talking to some friends of mine who had just gone to Rio. Both of them live in Boston. Both are handsome, well-to-do, educated and witty gentlemen, and do reasonably well with the ladies.
In a town like Boston, which is more or less representative of the rest of the US, that ... Views: 14008
Time for another installment of Tao Power for you. I'm going to start with a letter from a reader that was so powerful that it even got me to sit up and pay attention:
From: Will F.
Subject: I am now totally rejection-proof.
Dr Alex,
I am now absolutely 100% totally ... Views: 1083
Hey there, gentlemen (and some ladies, too). Hope things are going well. I've been getting a good number of great questions from you guys, so thanks for that. In the meantime, let's get to this letter, which sets up today's topic by bringing up some excellent points:
"I recently met a very ... Views: 870
Near the conclusion of this newsletter, I'm going to give you a revolutionary, shockingly effective method to bring more women into your life than you ever imagined possible. You don't have to buy anything. You don't have to attend any seminars. It costs nothing. And it works 100% of the time ... Views: 931
Today, I want to talk to you about breakups...and what they can teach you about relationships, yourself, and what really matters to you.
Recently, I was dating this really great woman. She was feisty, she was beautiful, she was cool and fun and adventurous, and we really cared for each ... Views: 2615
Today I'm going to talk about one of our favorite topics of all time—Kissing Girls.
The way I think about it, there are certain milestones in a relationship. You can pretty much divide a relationship with a woman into two distinct periods: the Era Before the First Kiss, and the Era After the ... Views: 8104
I want to start out this discussion on how to deal with flaking with a letter from Jay, one of my students:
"Hey, Dr. Alex~
Love your material... Thank you very much! I have a situation I was hoping to have your personal opinion on...
So at a wedding in July, I met my cousin's live-in nanny ... Views: 916
I'm writing you from Amsterdam, from a window overlooking a canal on a rainy day.
It's easy to dismiss rain as 'bad weather' and to frown at the mention of clouds. But that just reminds me of the old Hawaiian saying: 'No rain, no rainbows.'
Moreover, rain and clouds have their own beauty: the ... Views: 862
Welcome to another empowering and enlightening Tao of Dating article.
Let’s describe a scenario here (disclaimer: any similarity to what happened to me two nights ago is pure coincidence). Let's say you go to a social event -- a young professionals' mixer. As you get there, you notice a ... Views: 1681
Welcome to another empowering and enlightening edition of the Tao Power Dating lessons. Let's see what the mailbag has in store for us today...
***Letter from a woman***
Dr. Alex,
My friend Bill forwarded your email to me. I think that your advice is excellent. I agree with your strategy ... Views: 1005
Hello, hola, buongiorno, hej, hei, dag, hallo, salut and g’day to you. I’m delighted to report that you guys, my valued clients and audience, come from all corners of the globe
-- Norway, Australia, Italy, New Zealand, Germany, and the USA—to make the Tao of Dating a truly international ... Views: 853
SUBJECT: Five Ways to Banish Rejection (And The Psychology of Beautiful Women)
AUTHOR: Dr. Alex Benzer
Today I want to talk to you about the idea that you possess the ultimate solutions to all of your problems.
Back when I first got started in hypnotherapy, one of the things that really drew ... Views: 4911
Hello, hola, buongiorno, hej, hei, dag, hallo, salut and g'day to you. I'm delighted to report that you guys, my valued readers, come from all corners of the globe -- Norway, Australia, Italy, New Zealand, Germany, and the USA -- to make the Tao of Dating a truly international community. Great ... Views: 890