Ya gotta love love don'tcha?
Maybe the Beatles were right.
Isn't it great that so many people from so many places can come together (blogospherically) and connect and reach out to someone else.
No agenda, no ulterior motive.
Just love, compassion and care.
Sometimes us personal ... Views: 801
Yesterday I went for a run along the beach near my house.
Burned a few cals, got a bit of sun... no biggie... except for the fact that I got a life-lesson from a five year-old.
Here's the scene:
The ex-bodybuilder with the dodgy lower-back running (for want of a more descriptive or accurate ... Views: 1047
To be honest... sometimes (not often... but occasionally) the captain of inspiration and motivation (and political in-correctness)... sits at the his keyboard with that stupid, vacant, 'I've-got-absolutely-nuthin' look on his face.
In his normally, sharp-as-a-tac mind (okay, that's a big lie), ... Views: 810
One of the interesting things about my work is that I get the opportunity to see how people 'work'... how they're wired.
Typical behaviours, thinking, attitudes, reactions.
How they deal with situations, circumstances, events, catastrophes, tragedies, good stuff, bad stuff; life.
It's all ... Views: 6751
* I so wanted this to be a brief, quirky, interesting article... maybe four, five hundred words tops.
A thousand words later... here it is.
I can't help myself.
I think I talk too much.
I need help.
School report from 1977:
"Craig has a propensity to be somewhat verbose and distracting in ... Views: 1732
When I walk into a room to do a presentation I regularly ask a few questions before we get under way:
"Who wants to live an amazing life?" (every hand goes up)
"Who wants to have an amazing career?" (every hand goes up again)
"Who wants incredible relationships?" (every hand)
"Who wants more." ... Views: 713
Some of our best lessons come out of painful experiences.
Most of my significant life lessons have been painful and have often had something to do with people that I trusted, respected and (stupidly) expected more of.
Darn those expectations!!!
Over the years I have had people whom I loved, ... Views: 734
We all live somewhere.
Some of us live in our nice comfy houses.
Some of us live in our big palatial mansions.
Some in our trendy apartments.
Some of us live in our modest bungalows.
And some of us live in prison.
Jail (gaol).
The big house.
The slammer.
The slot.
The pen.
The joint.
In ... Views: 805
As an Exercise Scientist I get a bunch of emails on this topic so I thought I'd save myself some letter-writing time and discuss publicly how we can best maintain our focus and commitment to our exercise program, as it seems to be a challenge for many of us.
We all talk about regular, consistent ... Views: 938
There's a school of thought which suggests that those who adapt most effectively (to their situation, environment, circumstance, challenge) are the ones who ultimately survive, or at the very least, do the best; succeed when others don't.
We see this play out, not only in nature but in business, ... Views: 685
As a rule, I'm not a big fan of anger.
Generally speaking, I don't consider it to be a particularly valuable emotion (most of the time).
It's more often than not, associated with violence, insecurity, embarrassment, fear, resentment, selfishness and jealousy, than it is with anything ... Views: 729
* Excess (noun): more than or above what is necessary or usual. Unnecessary indulgence.
Is it just me, or do some of you also feel that perhaps most of us actually have... 'enough'.
Perhaps we don't actually need a 'better' computer with more ram, mega-thingies, or gigga-wotsits.
Maybe we ... Views: 773
Recently on a current affairs television program here in Melbourne there was a story exploring the concept of children not receiving 'traditional' school report cards and not being graded (marked) on their school work at all.
The key message of the program was that evaluating our kids and ... Views: 917
One of the many ironies of our existence here on the big blue ball is that, while most of us really want to experience 'different', we consistently do 'the same'.
Unknowingly and unintentionally we create the same, almost every day of our lives.
We want different... but we get up each day and ... Views: 649
* Blunt, offensive, politically-incorrect Craig wanted to call this article.... "Get That Shit Done" but it doesn't sound nearly as mystical, sophisticated or clever as "The Art of Completion".. does it?
So boring, let's-keep-everyone-happy Craig has gone for the soft option.
Oh well.
Next ... Views: 705
My job means that I spend much of my life working with people who want to change something about their reality.
People who would like to be fitter, healthier, leaner, lighter, happier, wealthier, less stressed, more fulfilled.... people who want to create some kind of positive change.
I always ... Views: 674