Reality-Shaping Questions

If we’re serious about changing our reality then we must be serious about asking the best reality-shaping questions. Better questions produce a better mindset, decisions, actions, reactions and overall, better results. Asking ourselves intelligent, relevant and courageous questions puts us in a more creative, positive and solution-focused head space.

Of course, some people will always ask the why-is-my-life-so-hard questions in the hope of gaining sympathy, attention and pity, but predictably, that rarely ends well. We’ve all asked better and worse questions over the journey but today I thought I’d share with you (what I believe to be) some of the more empowering and transformational questions.

Living Consciously…

1. What do I want my life to look like one year from now?
2. What do I need to do (now) to make that a reality?
3. What is success for me?
4. What is the price of that success?
5. Am I prepared to pay that price?
6. Where does happiness live for me?
7. How and why do I self-sabotage?
8. What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail?
9. What would I say if I knew I couldn’t be rejected?
10. What do I need to do (not want to do) in this situation?
11. Based on how I want my body to look, feel and function, what’s the best exercise program for me?
12. Based on how I want my body to look, feel and function, what’s the best way for me to eat?
13. Why do I eat food my body doesn’t need?
14. What is my body telling me?
15. Why do I lie about certain behaviours?
16. Why don’t I finish things?
17. Why do I hate being alone?
18. Am I enough by myself?
19. What can I do different(ly) today?
20. Do I manage my life or does my life manage me?
21. Do I really want to change or do I just like the ‘idea’ of it?
22. How uncomfortable am I prepared to get?
23. In terms of my history, what do I need to let go of?
24. How can I invest into the lives of others?
25. How can I be kind and generous without being a doormat?
26. What are my core values?
27. Is my life (behaviours, choices, conversations, relationships, results) a reflection of those core values?
28. What am I really waiting for?
29. How am I contributing to the problem?
30. Am I investing my emotional energy wisely?
31. What can I control, what can’t I control?
32. How am I perceived by others?
33. What message am I sending?
34. What is her reality?
35. How should I talk to this person in this situation, about this issue to create connection and a win-win result?
36. What can I learn in this moment?
37. What is my inner voice (intelligence) saying?
38. What’s the opportunity in this situation?
39. Could I be wrong?
40. Do I hold onto certain beliefs because of guilt, fear and some sense of obligation?
41. Where did those beliefs come from?
42. Are they really my beliefs or have I simply adopted them from somebody else?
43. Do my beliefs limit me or empower me?
44. What do I need to unlearn?
45. Is there a better reality than the one I’ve created for myself?
46. Am I making things harder than they need to be?
47. Am I exploiting or wasting my potential?
48. What is my life purpose?
49. What would I fight for?
50. When I look past everything I’m not (my job, bank balance, house, body, assets, reputation, ego) who do I see?
51. What the f*** is Lady Gaga wearing?

So, which question(s) pushed a button for you?

Author's Bio: 

Craig Harper is one of Australia's leading self help authors.
Australian Self Help Book- Craig Harper