I was chatting with someone today who is a great golfer but admits to suffering a certain degree of anger issues when the game isn’t going his way. The last time he played he was one under after 10 holes, which in must amateur golfers books is pretty damn good. But the wheel came off on the ... Views: 5103
How does one run away from reality? You might say that you can turn a blind eye or deaf ear and simply neither see nor hear what is going on. Alternatively you might perhaps see what is happening but not allow yourself to feel any emotional response to the situation. You could see something ... Views: 5415
How long is a piece of string? Compatibility is based upon more than just the nuts and bolts of getting along; it also depends upon your level of desire to spend time together.
We frequently hear people say that "opposites attract" and this in many cases is absolutely true. However it is ... Views: 906
It would seem that a growing number of people, teenagers and adults alike, are not happy with the way in which they look. I have noticed that a shocking number of parents are horrified when they discover that their teenage son or daughter totally dislikes their looks. One wonders why looks ... Views: 921
What can't you say no to? Some people cannot say no to chocolate whilst others cannot say no even when another person asks them to do something which is over and above the normal call of duty. These are two very different types of situations.
The first is an example of a situation where one ... Views: 998
During the last two or three decades there has been a huge movement which encourages everyone to put themselves first. You hear many a person encourage another to look after number one or else nobody else will do so; or perhaps you will hear said that you have to look after yourself or you ... Views: 1536
How many times has your heart been broken? The answer to this question will go some way towards predicting how easily you might recover or otherwise from your broken heart. How badly your heart has been broken will also assist in predicting the difficulty or ease with which you recover. ... Views: 1267
Getting used to saying "I'm sorry" is something which we are usually taught as a child when we are in the process of growing up. Some learn this lesson more quickly than others!
To have to say that you are sorry is essentially a spoken acknowledgment of you having been in the wrong over ... Views: 1375
Some people are really good about standing up for themselves and asking for what they want or need in a relationships. Others sit back and wait, relying on their belief that their partner should know what they want or need.
Some would say that if you have to ask, you are potentially forcing ... Views: 1269
Predictability or excitement; which are you more drawn towards? In reality most of us like a little of both, although the most important in the end is usually predictability. We are creatures of habit and routine, whether we like to think of ourselves like that or otherwise.
We generally ... Views: 945
How many times do you find yourself wondering what your partner is really thinking about? Do you find yourself second guessing where he or she is coming from or jumping to conclusions instead?
You will usually find that if you are spending much time musing over these sorts of questions you ... Views: 950
If you are feeling dissatisfied then it's time to recognize that your reality is created by the things which you choose to focus upon. Your attitude creates your reality. Unhappiness and dissatisfaction derive from focusing upon what you do not have instead of focusing upon the things which ... Views: 913
It's not good to feel that you have lost your mojo. Your enthusiasm has gone, there's no excitement, no sparkle. It's hard to get going and everything seems to drag. The feeling of motivation is just a distant memory.
You can lose your mojo for work, your relationship or for life in ... Views: 2909
Recent research by scientists at Johns Hopkins University has indicated that patients who undergo painful cancer treatments can experience pain relief by the very simple task of surrounding themselves with tranquil pictures of nature. A scene which was used frequently in this particular study ... Views: 1180
Do you feel as I you don't measure up to other people's expectations? Do you constantly feel that you should have done this, that or the other? Do you get to the end of the day and feel that yet again you haven't quite done all of the things you set out to do? If so, you are not alone; many ... Views: 1784
Uncertainty can be an uncomfortable feeling for many people. Some people thrive upon anticipation of the unknown, but the majority of us are more comfortable when we know where we stand or what is going to happen.
I'm not suggesting that this is the case with everything. People rarely worry ... Views: 863
Negotiations may be seen as involving two parties who each want different outcomes and are attempting to find a compromise that will suit everyone. Your expectation may be based upon a belief that the other person might not like your offer or suggestions. On the other had your belief may be ... Views: 1385
If you watched the movie "Social Network" you will no doubt have been aware how it depicted the many different ways in which individuals deal with their friends and wider social networks. In the past ones social network would only have included those who you are in close proximity with; this is ... Views: 813
Self confidence is cyclical in nature in more ways than one. In your own individual and unique life, your levels of self confidence grow and then wane, before growing again, and then dipping lower once more.
In a wider sense self confidence tends to change between generations. In the ... Views: 1692
I am sure that you, like me, have been closely following the events in Japan which are currently unfolding. The horror of having to deal with a huge earthquake, closely followed by a tsunami and a potential radiation leak from a nuclear plant would for most of us be almost too much to bear. ... Views: 1395
For those of us who are used to being constantly on the go it is easy to forget what it actually feels like to kick back and truly relax. There are many things which we do that we kid ourselves are relaxing when in reality this is not the case.
For example, we tend to assume that sitting on ... Views: 1400
If you are suffering from your own toxic thoughts or happen to be the focal point of another person's acidity you will appreciate how uncomfortable either of these circumstances can make you feel. The former you can more readily control; or rather, you should upon the face of it find it easier ... Views: 1026
Almost every child is furnished with a copy of Aesop's Fables to read and appreciate during the course of growing up. Some of those fables we remember vividly whilst others fade to the dim recesses of the backs of our minds. Some we appreciate immediately whilst others don't quite hit the mark ... Views: 1372
When the sun shines most people notice that their mood is enhanced. Scientists have also noted the automatic physiological response in our brains and bodies as endorphins are released when we are bathed in sunlight; endorphins which provide us with a soothing feel-good factor.
A friend was ... Views: 1597
The Kings Speech has recently won rather a lot of awards, and deservedly so. Colin Firth's performance as the King who stuttered was absolutely brilliant. The movie’s screenwriter, David Seidler, was is an unusually good position to add deeper layers empathy to the script as he too had ... Views: 1335
When you start researching stop snoring solutions you begin to realize just how many different approaches are available for you to try. They range from stop snoring sprays to mouthpieces which are designed to keep your airways open to pretty drastic surgeries. You can be forgiven for feeling ... Views: 1011
Weight loss happens in a similar way whether you risk the dangers of gastric band surgery or go it alone, losing weight naturally through adjusting to a healthier lifestyle, diet and exercise. After you have had gastric band surgery you still have to adjust the foods you eat and drastically ... Views: 940
Building confidence is actually an easier task than you might think. You just have to focus on how you view yourself and your life in a different way. One of the biggest barriers to building confidence is allowing yourself the questionable luxury of thinking "it's not fair" or "I didn't ... Views: 1081
Overcoming insecurity is a challenge which many of us face. We can see the benefits of having high self esteem and high self worth quite clearly. We know that to build confidence and be comfortable in every way makes life a whole lot easier. Not only that, as you overcome insecurities and ... Views: 3031
The Movie "Eat Pray Love" is based upon an individual's search to find herself. A growing number of people spend much of their time wondering who they really are and what their real life purpose is meant to be.
We in general live a life of luxury. There is little real hardship in the way ... Views: 1166
Please stop stalking your ex; it won't do you any good! Exes come in many forms; girlfriends or boyfriends, husbands or wives, bosses or colleagues, therapists..or even figments of one's imaginary world. Stalking is stalking, no matter who you are obsessing about or how you are going about your ... Views: 6173
Building confidence make you feel taller and stand taller. This is a fact. The body language of confidence is portrayed in standing straight and tall, walking with a spring in your step, easy eye contact and an altogether comfortable image. People can feel "on a high" with confidence or they ... Views: 1518
Some people are instinctively honest and open; some would say that these people are too open and trusting and in this way leave themselves open and vulnerable to others who are tougher than them. Other people are more guarded and watch what they say and do around others and either keep ... Views: 962
Tolerance is something which is becoming a relatively scarce commodity in today's world. In fact, it might be said that a state of intolerance abounds. But like anything, this depends on the particular circumstances or area to which the concept is being applied. In many ways we are more ... Views: 1016
Boost your confidence the easy and reliable way. That's what we all want isn't it? A confidence building technique which is easy to apply yet also provides real results in terms of greater self-esteem, improved self-worth and success. Not only that we want to feel more confident straight ... Views: 1049
This is probably the most powerful affirmation you can make, the most empowering thought to hold in your mind or comment to hear from someone whom you look up to and respect. This belief opens up doors which would almost certainly otherwise be closed, locked and sealed.
For example, do you ... Views: 1028
If you don't know which way to go, then stop for a few moments and listen to your heart. There are many times in life when you come to question where you are meant to be, what you are meant to do and what your real purpose in life is. In reality this only happens when your mind is too busy ... Views: 1174
I believe that almost all of the troubles in the world today are rooted in confidence issues. A lack of confidence has the ability to reach out in many different directions and impact the world around us in very negative ways. In contrast, a feeling of high self-esteem and confidence allows ... Views: 1967
Christmas is that time of year when everyone seems to be rushing around all over the place; too many things to do and too little time to do it in. Why does this happen to us before a holiday? The point of a holiday is to have a rest, not to kill yourself during the preparation process! ... Views: 980
I read an article in the Times this week (Monday June 14th 2010) which gave an overview of Sir Clive Woodward's approach to coaching, highlighting why his system has proven to be so successful. He is a good teacher, which is what makes a good coach. He also pays a great deal of attention to ... Views: 1088
Most guys would love to have the "gift of the gab" when it comes to approaching girls with the intention of dating. You'd love to be able to deliver all of those funny and effective pick-up lines in a smooth and cool manner.
But the reality is that very few guys manage to do this ... Views: 1567
Those of us who want to lose weight are always on the look-out for easy weight loss tips. We notice too how foods or drinks which are identified to us as bad for one aspect of our health can at the same time be good for our health in a different way, thereby allowing us to justify (to a degree) ... Views: 1094
Social drinking has become acceptable in a big way. You can hear many justifications made about it being part of how business is performed, or how "it's only wine; no hard spirits", and so on. But it is clear that these familiar comments are uttered with a rather defensive demeanor. The ... Views: 969
Music has a massive effect on our emotions, but not all music creates the same effect. Humans are not the only living beings to respond to music. Plants, animals and even water crystals can be seen to change depending upon what music is being played. Different types of music create different ... Views: 1310
Some people enjoy exercise just because it is exercise; they do not think deeply about why they enjoy it so much. They just know that it is enjoyable and that it makes them feel good.
Much research has been carried out as to why exercise makes you feel good. Scientific research has proven ... Views: 1095
To lose weight easily there are many different things which we can do. In reality, although we tend to search for new and revolutionary ways in which to lose weight without making any effort, we know the basics of what is required of us. Losing weight means cutting down on calories, sweet ... Views: 1101
Some things stick in your mind as if they happened only yesterday, whilst others simply fade into insignificance. Inevitably those which stick are the ones which triggered the strongest emotional reaction. One of the learning curves of growing up is that of dealing with criticism.
Parents ... Views: 2193
Losing anything is frustrating, but to lose your passport can be a particularly painful experience, depending upon where you might be at the time. We all, I'm sure, know of somebody who has experienced the stress of trying to work out how to get home, or how to go about replacing this essential ... Views: 1205
Have you watched the movie "It's complicated"? It's a fun movie in which its stars, Alec Baldwin and Meryl Streep, are as good as ever at their jobs. They play fascinating parts which are all too frequently experienced in modern daily lives.
When we watch a movie or read a novel we become ... Views: 1102
There are two sides to every coin. In life we are provided with endless opportunities and an equal number of choices. Some choices are easily made; others can prove to be more difficult as they evoke conflicting emotions.
Quite often the conflict involves a desire to have or achieve ... Views: 1278