You know the voice. It sounds sort of like your mother, or maybe more like your father. Whoever it reminds you of, there are times when you just wish it would SHUT UP! There it is, living rent free in your head, and constantly nagging you to do this or that, and always ready to point out the ... Views: 1229
Who are the five adults you spend time with? (You might want to grab a piece of paper for this one.) These may be people you work with or people you play with and definitely people you live with.
• What are their positive characteristics?
• What do they do that makes you a little (or a lot) ... Views: 1517
I’ve been on an amazing self-exploration for the past few weeks, and in the midst of metamorphosis, it was hard to know what to write. I’ll start with the present and then flash back to last fall. Currently I am 22 pounds lighter than I was just a few weeks ago. All of my clothes ... Views: 1356
My mental cravings subsided the very day after I wrote that article about Will Power. I started a new program and thoughts of food obsessed me until my body realized that I was giving it the nutrients it needed. Real hunger and my brain chemistry settled down to support me. Then all I had to do ... Views: 1190
Here I am face-to-face or better yet, cheek-to-jowl, with my own will power. Guess what the topic is? You guessed it—a diet. Call it nutrition if you want it to sound healthy. The program I’m on calls it cleansing, which in fact it is. Whatever you call it, I call it challenging. ... Views: 1310
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***What's Next? - by Jacquie Hale, the Official Guide To Women's Issues
This morning I asked myself again, “Now, what do I want to do with my life?” It seems I ask myself this question fairly often. Wouldn’t you think I’d already know what I want to do with my life? After all, I’ve recently gotten my Medicare card! However, when I ... Views: 1174
My family is a stoic one. I don’t think I ever saw a tear or heard even a sniffle. It’s taken years, but I’ve broken out of that pattern somewhat. That said, other than the immense emotions I expressed during the breakup of my family at the end of my first marriage, I’ve ... Views: 1317
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***Trusting Myself - by Jacquie Hale, the Official Guide To Women's Issues
I’m in the midst of a moral dilemma. We’re leaving for Africa in two weeks and I’ve had a recurring, nagging thought from the very first time I entertained the idea of going to Africa. I’ve resisted a lifelong longing to go to Africa. I’ve wanted to see the ... Views: 1340
Last week I finished a big project. I am the Official Guide for Women's Issues for, and that distinction required me to create a new website, complete some half-finished products, and select one of my articles for wide distribution. Last week, I finished all that. You can see ... Views: 1262
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***When To Stop - by Jacquie Hale, the Official Guide To Women's Issues
Back when I was a kid, we lived on a lake where we often wrestled on a big inner tube. We'd try to stand on it, with little success or we'd play King of the Mountain. Such activities mean falling into the water--a lot. It was fun. We were kids. We had unlimited energy. Some fifty years later, ... Views: 1125
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***Natural Genius - by Jacquie Hale, the Official Guide To Women’s Issues
Did you know you are a genius? You are, naturally. Each of us has a specialized talent for something. This reminds me of a conversation I had with a woman who was lamenting that there was nothing special about her. This 30-year-old woman told me she asked her mother if she had any special ... Views: 949
Isn't that fun? Be happy, have better health. I got this idea straight from Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD, who is my favorite authority on women's health. She appeared on Oprah a few weeks ago and talked about how emotional issues affect health. She spoke eloquently on the topic of women needing ... Views: 858
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***When To Stop - by Jacquie Hale, the Official Guide to Women's Issues
Back when I was a kid, we lived on a lake where we often wrestled on a big inner tube. We’d try to stand on it, with little success or we’d play King of the Mountain. Such activities mean falling into the water—a lot. It was fun. We were kids. We had unlimited energy. Some ... Views: 827
I’m starting a teleseminar series this week. The information in Your Secret of Success is the same information I’ve used with my clients and other teleseminars I’ve taught in the past. I’m very familiar with it, so I was surprised that along with thoughts about the ... Views: 1062
Who does the keeping of your house? If you are a woman, most likely you do. Of course, if you live alone, whether male or female, you’re it, bummer! Women who share their living space with a man tend to take on most, if not all of the responsibility for caring for the house.
I’ve ... Views: 958
Sometimes dreams come true that you haven’t even dared to dream. That happened to me last week. I attended a leadership workshop with 60 other coaches. We were describing a quest—not THE quest, but some quest that was worthy of our attention and aligned with our life missions. I chose to explore ... Views: 946
Last week I got inflamed. I was angry about an injustice in my community and the fury was all consuming. A useful coaching question about nearly anything is: What did I learn? What did I learn from being inflamed about injustice?
The first thing I learned was to notice the signs of my anger. My ... Views: 940
I noticed I didn’t have a lot to say when I sat down to journal last week. That happened a few days in a row. So I tried taking my own advice and just started writing. “I don’t know what to write. My mind is sort of blank, I’m just writing, writing, writing. Keep doing what works. Just keep ... Views: 786
I recently had to learn a lesson which I often suggest that my clients learn: how to set boundaries and convey the truth in such a way that the other person doesn't feel attacked. In other words, how to respond when someone has irritated, frustrated, or infuriated you.
The main aspect of this ... Views: 976
Everyone has an occasional time of feeling down. Some people may be clinically depressed while others have bouts of feeling blue or times of low energy. Regardless of the frequency or the cause, and whether or not you are on medication, you can lift yourself out of the doldrums with a few ... Views: 16672