Thousands of books have been written (and read) about happiness—what it is and how to achieve it. So, why are so many people still miserable? As a self-proclaimed Happiness Specialist, I feel compelled to answer that question.
This is a critical time in our global history. Just take a look ... Views: 1248
What if I told you that you have the power to create heaven on earth when you MASTER SELF? Would you believe it? If not, let me explain.
YOU ARE the most powerful person in the Universe! More importantly, you don’t have to search for your power. Your power lives WITHIN. Your power is your ... Views: 2198
Relax, take a deep breath and think. What’s stopping YOU from being happy? What’s stopping you from being happy ALL THE TIME? Grab a pen and paper and list your obstacles to happiness. Answer the question from your soul. Because you are the only person that knows the answers and you are the ... Views: 3588
Imagine you live alone. It’s a relatively crime free neighborhood and your sense of security is justified. You’ve always felt safe in your home there’s never been a reason not too…until tonight. It’s 2:00 a.m. on a Friday night, you’re sound asleep ... Views: 1341