I've realized that regardless of the current circumstances that I'm experiencing in my business, I have an opportunity to create a brand new future.

As a leader and business owner, I have two choices: I can choose to create a future based on my past or I can choose to create a future that is inspiring, exciting and based on pure possibility.

To distinguish this, I ask myself 3 questions:

1. What is the future that I've been moving in to? In other words what is the current conversation that I've been living in my mind? This is the default future that I've been creating.
For some leaders, this might sound like, I'm not making enough money, my team isn't performing well or sales are down because of _________ (the weather, the economy or customers/clients aren't walking through my door).

2. What is a future that would really inspire me based on full self- expression, being alive and happy? If I feel excited about my future then that is a sign that I have tapped into my inspiration. Remember, it's okay to create a possibility for a future that feels impossible for you to achieve. The important thing is that it is inspiring and exciting to you!

3. Which of these two futures do I want to choose and commit to creating? After I am aware of my two possible futures, I can consciously choose the future that I intend to create.
It's important to know that you WILL run into obstacles and challenges along the way. This is inherent in the journey. But the important thing is to continue to recommit to your vision.
And ask yourself, How would someone who is fully committed to this possibility handle this situation right now? Then listen for insights and be willing to take action!

Author's Bio: 

Are you a small business owner or entrepreneur who would like to discover unique, cutting edge approaches for doubling your sales while making an extraordinary impact in your business? Check out Leslie' website: http://www.ImpactAndProfits.com for free articles, resources and to sign up for her free video training series,"How to Double Your Sales By Leading Your Team to Create Outrageous Results in 3 Simple (And Unique) Steps!

Award-winning Small Business Coach and Teamwork expert, Leslie Cunningham is one of the leading experts in empowering small business owners to achieve outrageous results with their employee teams!