March is National Women's History Month and this year's theme is "Women Pioneering the Future".
According to the National Women’s History Project, this includes both “pioneering women from US history, who led and won struggles for equality and civil rights, created and advanced educational ... Views: 1727
Having just returned from a cruise, where I was seated nightly with a table of 10 stranger, I was reminded of the many definitions of ^emotional intelligence.^
When I ask laypeople what EQ means, they respond “common sense,” or “manners,” or “knowing how to get along.” These are good ... Views: 1808
Safety first whenever you're in the car, but for most of us, it's a pocket of time, and time is what we have the least of. Know yourself. If you're the kind who can't do two things at once, don't.
Driving time can be a great source of stress if you let it be, but if you are intentional, and ... Views: 1279
Emotional intelligence involves many separate competencies. One of them is compassion or empathy. You might think of it as ^soft.^ Well, actually some people think of emotional intelligence as ^soft.^
Which brings up an interesting point. In the Strengths e-course I offer, I ask the ... Views: 1253
1. Is it just sexual attraction?
Sexual attraction comes from the reptilian brain and is automatic and powerful because it relates to our survival. It's not always a basis for living with someone happily. Don't let it "hijack" you. Find out what else is there.
2. Do they like to touch and ... Views: 5274
"A garden in the early stage is not a pleasant or compelling place: it's a lot of arduous, messy, noisome work -- digging up the hard ground, putting in the fertilizer, along with the seeds and seedlings. So with beginning a story or novel." --Ted Solotaroff
That's like the beginning of ... Views: 1236
If you've ever had a long-distance relationship with a guy, and lose ou t to a new woman he finds in his hometown, even though you two had a phenomenal relationship, you might find some new research interesting, hopefully even consoling.
fMRI, functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, lets ... Views: 1646
The first date is a high-stress time. Here are some ways to make it work better for you.
1. Keep it in perspective.
If it's going well, no problem, but if it isn't, remember it's just a date and it'll end. Make the most of it.
2. Keep your expectations in line.
Consider possibilities rather ... Views: 1439
Knowing how you feel, having personal power, managing anger, being creative, focusing on your strengths and having Intentionality - these are all emotional intelligence competencies.
1. You can never go down, never go down, never go down the
2. You can stop when you want to, stop ... Views: 1204
Someone emailed me recently, "Do you think it's possible to have too much emotional intelligence going on? To the point that perhaps logic takes a backseat?"
Good question. The fact is, we need both IQ and EQ. You can't have "too much" emotional intelligence, but that doesn't mean atthe ... Views: 1404
I stopped by a preschool the other day, and met Sam. He caught my eye right away because he had presence. We call him “Mr. President,” the teacher told me. “He’s bossy.”
Sam was focused on a car he was playing with. When I walked up to him, he looked up slowly, with confidence. Something ... Views: 1307
Coaching's been around for about 10 years but there are still lots of people who haven't tried it yet, and don't know what it's about.
Two major confusions in people's minds are:
· What's the difference between coaching and therapy, and;
· What's the difference between coaching and a good ... Views: 1464
In Memoriam, Thomas Leonard, the Founder of Coaching, who died February 11, 2003
1. Because we never know when we may die.
2. Because we never know when's the last time we'll see a loved one.
3. Because it's the worst thing in the world to have someone die and not have told them you loved ... Views: 2909
One of the hardest things for some people to do is to accept the blame for something they did, as in admit they made a mistake. This has to do with authenticity, with being honest with yourself, and with your self-esteem. Perfectionists have the hardest time owning up to a mistake; in fact ... Views: 1336
"I've been terrified every day of my life but that's never stopped me from doing everything I wanted to do." ~ Georgia O'Keefe, American painter
Go to: to see one of her paintings, called "Music - Pink and Blue II" Views: 2613
The reptilian brain, our oldest brain, operates at the level of survival instinct. It's the life of easy choices -- Can I eat it? Will it eat me? Can I mate with it?
This brain regulates basic life functions, generates strong primitive emotions needed for survival (lust, fear, aggression), ... Views: 3745
The Equalizer doesn't seem to be answering the phone so it looks like its up to you. What? Oh any of those nasty chores we all hate to do. For me its keeping lists, keeping records.
Of course I can DO them. I was an event planner - it's nothing BUT details - but it's not my strong suit. ... Views: 1377
Being a good guest is important to both your business and your social life.
When you’re invited somewhere as “the guest,” you really have a role to play, and it’s an active one, not a passive one. You’re there to enjoy yourself, but it’s also up to you to make a positive contribution to the ... Views: 2271
Fred Rogers is one of my heroes. He was gentle "before gentle was cool".
1. You can never go down, never go down, never go down the drain.
When life can involve divorce, layoffs, losing a child, being a single working parents, or starting a new career at 55, it's good to know you can never go ... Views: 1353
A few years ago, psychologist Al Siebert, who's studied resilience and is the author of "The Survivor Personality: Why Some People Are Stronger, Smarter and More Skillful at Handling Life's Difficulties" (
susandunnmome-20 ), wrote an article ... Views: 3102
When are you planning to get old? According to a recent study, you'd better move the date back.
"Contrary to common belief, many people can live well into their 90s without becoming cognitively impaired, study findings indicate." - Neurology 2003; 60: 477–480
But statistics are ... Views: 1242
How do you stay motivated when you don’t feel like doing something?
There’s the ‘carrot and stick’ philosophy which works for children. How do you “motivate” your 10 year old to clean up his room? Either punish him for not doing it, or hold out a reward for him when he does do it, the ... Views: 2052
Having someone you love deployed, whether child, partner, relative or close friend, is extremely stressful. As on military spouse told me, “Why am I acting like this?
When we must separate from a loved one we have reactions that are physiological and emotional that are beyond our ... Views: 2303
Remember the British noble-woman who said, re: sex, “I don’t care what two consenting adults do as long as they don’t do it in the street and frighten the horses”? She may have said “embarrass,” I can’t find the quote. Either will do, as I proceed to apply this to cell phones.
I agree they’re ... Views: 3417
Q: What’s worse than moving ?
A: Moving in the middle of the school year.
My family did it more than once when I was growing up. I still remember some of the incidents-being introduced in the front of the class, having to share a locker until they could find one for me, breaking into the ... Views: 3653
It's heating up. Lingerie, perfume and flower ads are flooding your email. The radio pumps out dining specials at various restaurants. In San Antonio, where I live, it shares airtime with the rodeo, and my thoughts wander ... I'll take my lover to the rodeo and kill two birds with one stone! ... Views: 1349
Most children love to clean up along with you. In fact, much of the Montessori Method of early childhood education makes use of this fact. If you notice their "work", praise it, and take it seriously, you'll keep them interested and you might also instill some good future work habits. Don't tune ... Views: 1587
There is a demographic trend you need to be prepared for if you have employees. According to demographic trends analyst, Cheryl Russell, by the year 2005, the most common household in the US will be single-person households. "Never before in American history has living alone been the ... Views: 1239
In a recent article in Forbes magazine, Wachovia CEO G. Kennedy Thompson is quoted as saying that Beta Theta Pi, which he joined while an undergrad at the University of North Carolina, gave him "the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and places, and the connections have ... Views: 1302
The best managers are the ones with emotional intelligence! Here's why.
1. Managers are called upon to make decisions. Primitive emotions, unmonitored, automatic, powerful and not always conscious can “hijack” us making us react thoughtlessly to people and situations instead of thinking ... Views: 1340
The best way to choose a partner is using your emotional intelligence. Here are ten tips.
1. Sexual attraction is based on a primitive and powerful feelings that can "hijack" us.
It comes from the reptilian brain and is automatic and powerful because it relates to our survival. It is ... Views: 7897
If you've always worked for someone else, you may harbor fantasies of what it would be like to "be your own boss." While working for yourself has major advantages; if you choose this route you may find some surprises.
1. MYTH: I won't have to work as hard.
REALITY: You'll probably work ... Views: 1295
We tend to think of feeling angry as being caused by rude drivers, people we don't like, or 100 degree temperatures, and feeling good as being caused by kind people, successful projects, or ice cream cones.
When we're working on our emotional intelligence we work on our self-talk and ... Views: 4111
One of the surest paths to personal growth and well-being
is expressing yoursel. You can do this through journaling,
but there's a more fun way: write articles for the Internet.
The web is hungry for information! Webpublishers looking for content for their websites and ezines and you could ... Views: 1516
Our mantra is “if you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting.” With that in mind, let’s talk about “happiness.”
If you're into professional development, you've heard of Martin Seligman, Ph.D., who developed the theory of Learned Optimism.
Optimism is ... Views: 1942
“The Life Coaching professionals at the Life Coach Clinic helped me beyond measure,” says Dr. J. Jordan, a senior management consultant,” to achieve those overdue changes in my life and provided the foundations for successful new directions and personal fulfillment.”
It’s for sure life isn’t ... Views: 1556
If you’re familiar with the lyrics to “Lady Will Power,” by Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, you understand this woman is under some pressure.
Just what is “will power”? In emotional intelligence language, we would call it Intentionality.
Emotional intelligence means being able to understand ... Views: 4289
How's your list of New Year's resolutions coming? Studies show that most people have already failed by the 15th of January. Has this happened to you? If so, you may have
left out the prime ingredient for your success - a coach!
Coaching is a new field. Until you've talked to someone who's ... Views: 1404
Well, you know how the fairytale goes … Little Red Riding Hood heads out into the woods to see her grandmother. First she fails to notice the wolf when he approaches her in the woods, but goes gaily on her way.
Then, when she arrives at her Grandmother’s house things look suspicious and she ... Views: 1460
Elmer builds roofs and runs construction crews. One afternoon he went fishing with one of his employees. Same bait, same hole, same fishing pole, but he was catching nothing, and his buddy was raking them in.
“How come you’re catching all the fish?” Elmer asked.
“It’s ‘cause I have to, Mr. ... Views: 1550
Studies show that most New Year’s resolutions are broken by January 15th. Getting organized is most people’s number one priority, yet it never seems to happen. Here are the top 10 ways to get organized.
1. Hire a coach.
USA Weekend says: “Coaches help clients navigate their warp-speed lives ... Views: 2877
Self-expression is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. It helps you solidify your thoughts and feelings, gives you a chance to pass on the knowledge and wisdom only you have to give, and nourishes your creativity.
Perhaps you’ve seen an article on the Internet and said, ... Views: 1803
When Valentine’s Day comes around, I remember the year when I left a card shop, having mourned the fact I had no “honey” at the time, worried about whether I was spending too much or too little, whether I’d gotten it right or not, cursing Madison Avenue for the commercial thrust, and thinking of ... Views: 1959
Every time Valentine’s Day comes along, I think of the day before Valentine’s Day a couple of years when, as I was leaving the card and gift shop where I’d selected some Valentines, while cursing the materialism dictated to us by Madison Avenue that demanded the expression of feelings with ... Views: 2359
The young man in this song, who lets Maggie keep him away from things he should be doing, is not practicing Intentionality.
Intentionality is one of the higher level emotional intelligence skills. It means saying what you meaning what you say. Keeping your word, in other words, and doing ... Views: 2165
Martin Seligman, Ph.D., noted Optimism researcher, who’s now studying Authentic Happiness, has proposed that one of the surest paths to happiness is to know your signature strengths and build your life around them, particularly if it’s in a way that has meaning to you.
Management gurus, ... Views: 1509
Want to be more intuitive? From an extensive study of intuitive people reported by Belleruth Naparstek in "Your Sixth Sense," this is what the highly intuitive person is likely to look like.
1. A woman over 40 with an advanced degree in one of the mental health professions.
2. Says she was ... Views: 12224
Another Christmas come and gone. What a workout for the emotions!
I’m the EQ Coach, but that doesn’t mean I know all there is to know about emotional management – it’s a lifelong proposition; and it doesn’t mean my emotions don’t give me a ride for their money – remember, 2 of our 3 brains ... Views: 1756
Making resolutions means resolving to do something, committing to do something. In Emotional Intelligence terms this is called Intentionality. It means saying what you mean, and meaning what you say. What are your intentions for your life this coming year? What do you intend to do to make this ... Views: 1830
There are lots of things credit card companies can do legally that are unfair and that leave you in the lurch if you're not aware of them. For more information, go to where these facts come from.
1. Bait and switch. You think you're applying for a credit card with ... Views: 1768