Many people don’t want to get old for the fear of losing their vitality, ability to work fast, run like a middle age man and so on. And they don’t like to die either. They want to live longer and longer till a very ripe age. What’s more, they would cry their heart out when they become ... Views: 733
Some years ago, the westerners laughed at India at our addiction to Yoga. “What madness?” they used to say. But currently, they have become crazy over it having witnessed its benefits as far as the physical exercises are concerned. A number of practitioners have certified that they are now ... Views: 1102
It’s my normal habit to talk to some persons when I am on a city road. I could do so because I am never in a hurry to return home being a retired senior citizen. Talking to the underprivileged gives me greater joy. There are millions of handicapped persons in the world today.
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I am prompted to write this piece as a sequel to Chipmunk’s article on the same subject.
My first question is a big WHY? Why should you argue at all? Any argument means, disagreement. Why should there be any disagreement between a husband and wife? Aren’t they ‘one flesh’ which means, ... Views: 770
The day her son, John Peter, secured a well paid job, his mother Sarah set her mind on acquiring a daughter-in-law.
“What’s the hurry? Let me stabilize in my job, Mummy,” John had said.
“Nothing doing. I want a third member in the house, that’s that …”.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts have been ... Views: 855
“Dogs are highly grateful animals,” according to my experience. Once a street dog in my city recognized me when I stood before him after a gap of some 3 years; it came wagging its tail very vigorously at me. I strained my head. Ah yes, then I remembered that I had fed this dog with the left ... Views: 2403
Medical doctors and Allopathic medicines for various kinds of diseases came into existence, as we know of now, just about some 300 - 400 years back, according to my knowledge. What did people do in the earlier period when they fell ill? All kinds of illnesses had been attacking the human beings ... Views: 1173
I hope the title has not given you a negative meaning. I really mean that you should eat plenty of bananas; don’t stop with one. OK?
Banana is a wonderful fruit and yet we use the name as an idiom in a derogatory way like “banana republic” (an ill managed country) and “going bananas” (go ... Views: 1265