Many caregivers feel like they are alone, but it is important to remember that there are others out there who feel exactly like you do. Almost everyone has aging parents, and many adult children find themselves in a caregiving role at some point in life. Elder care cuts across all economic and ... Views: 1767
Dear Coaches,
I broke up with my boyfriend of three years this past May. I'm not sure if I'm ready to date yet, but I would like your advice on what to consider and how to know when you're ready to date again?
Mari responds ... Views: 1822
“In my life, one thing always leads to another without a lot of planning. I just let life flow.” That’s how 26-year veteran US Airways commercial pilot, Susan Maule, explains her highly creative life. Currently a First Officer on transatlantic Airbus 330 flights to Europe and the Middle East, ... Views: 3053
After graduating PT school in 1978, I was hired as a staff Physical Therapist for St Charles Hospital on Long Island. St Charles has a wonderful rehab area where patients who have suffered physical assaults such as a stroke, debilitating rheumatoid arthritis, and traumatic brain injuries get ... Views: 2293
Courage has many aspects, not just bravery in acute situations such as warfare or protecting others (or yourself) from harms way. Courage includes the ability to speak up and act in a way that honors your values and self-respect, even when you are afraid to do so. Courage often involves asking ... Views: 2144
Do you desire a long, healthy, happy, and meaningful life? Since it’s “National Staying Healthy Month,” that makes it a perfect time to commit to alternative practices for your health and personal well-being. If you are a family caregiver committed to staying healthy, please consider these keys ... Views: 3214
Tone Up and Burn Calories with Winter Sports
Let it snow! Now is the time to bundle up and head outdoors for some invigorating winter sports. Outdoor activities burn calories to defend against winter weight gain. You'll maintain your cardiovascular fitness, strength, balance and ... Views: 2624
he circulatory system is an amazing network containing over 60,000 miles of blood vessels. In the center of this system is the heart, which is weighs about 11 ounces and is the size of a fist. The heart is like a double pump organ. The right side sends blood to the lungs. There carbon ... Views: 2803
A fabulous relationship has many of the same attributes as a great friendship. When it’s working, you can feel the “ka-chunk” as it settles neatly into its place in the universe. There’s someone to zip your dress, give an opinion about what tie goes with that jacket, get aspirin for your ... Views: 3042
A new year: 2012. Some will set goals or resolutions. But I want to encourage you to do something more courageous: Dare to have vision for your life, family, faith, career, community and nation. If we don't live with vision, then we live aimless lives. The writer of Proverbs says it ... Views: 2456
Trusts and Trust Companies have existed for hundreds of years. Trusts existed back in the days of Rome, and became popular in England when the knights left their properties in the care of someone they trusted while they went away to fight in the Crusades. Trusts provide a continuity of service ... Views: 2343
The New Year holiday period has just ended, typically signaling a time for a fresh outlook on life; making minor tweaks and/or major adjustments to our daily rituals. In the 2 1/2 years I’ve been composing The 50 Plus Male blog, I’ve always skipped to fresh subject matter with each posting. So, ... Views: 1987
Here’s to a Happy New Year and to getting everything that you want out of 2012.
Today you have a clean slate with a brand new year spread out in front of you, filled with endless possibilities.
How will you harness your potential to create the very best you? I recommend using the ... Views: 2210
This is probably the most difficult part of goal setting. Yet it is also one of the most important aspects to actually achieving your goals. Everyone has had the experience of setting a goal, especially after the winter holidays, and it is exciting for the first few days. We pull ourselves out ... Views: 1822
Last year about this time, I compiled a list of gift-giving suggestions for other people. This year, I say to heck with that. This is what I want in 2012.
* A Stanford quarterback almost as good as Andrew Luck (asking for one that’s better than Luck is just insanity)
* A Goldilocks ... Views: 1872
How does it make you feel when someone expresses their sincere gratitude to you? Do you accept their thanks gracefully? Do you tend to discount the significance of what they are so grateful for? Or, do you brush it off with a quick “you’re welcome” and move on?
It is very important that ... Views: 2425
Today is Cyber Monday and the stock market appears to be temporarily shunning aside the ineptitude of Congress to deal with our deficit woes, along with (for the moment at least) discounting the continuing saga of Europe’s financial crisis. An annual phenomenon is the reason for this unlikely ... Views: 2029
It seems likely that humans, and even some other species of mammals, have consoled others forever in history with food and other comfort at times of loss and grief. There have been many long standing traditions and examples throughout history and in many diverse cultures of this custom. This ... Views: 2101
Your brand name represents your reputation, indicates your business ethics and becomes the symbol of what people think of you. The same is true for your own name. Your name is your brand, your representation of who you are. People received impressions of who you are, consciously or ... Views: 3387
It was a busy day in the neighborhood last week. A couple of Baby Boomers from opposite ends of the economic spectrum made last Wednesday more exciting than usual. Few if any news reports recognized the proximity of these two events, and certainly didn’t delve into other ways in which the ... Views: 1981
One of the most painful realities for dementia caregivers is the loss of recognition. As memory erodes, the patient loses the ability to recognize those most dear to them—spouse, children, siblings.
Michelle Bourgeois, a speech-pathology professor at Ohio State University has come up with a ... Views: 2089
September 11 is my birthday. Until September 11, 2001, it had been a non-event. Nothing special. Business as usual topped off by an expensive dinner that could only be justified as a once-a-year commemorative extravagance.
For all my birthdays to come I will remember September 11 as the day ... Views: 1857
Have you ever had way too much to do and not enough time to get it done? That is the classic definition of stress. Stress concerns us all and is a major cause of disease today. So how does your name indicate how you will handle stress? Let’s look at a few of the indicators in a name.
We are ... Views: 1984
For those of you who are still apprehensive to get a flu shot, we wanted to give you 3 reasons why we think you should push forward and get your flu shot (or flu mist for those of you who don’t like needles). The flu shot will not, and cannot make you sick with the flu. The dead virus ... Views: 2695
I remind myself daily about maintenance; POP is no exception. As I brush my teeth, I remember halfway through to draw my pc muscle up and in. When I put my makeup on, a little voice nags at me to “pull it up, pull it in”. As I blow-dry my hair and analyze my form in the mirror (oh come on now, ... Views: 1965
It has often been said that, “You only get one chance to make a first impression.”
Whether you are networking, interviewing for a job or meeting new colleagues for the first time, here are some guidelines to keep in mind which will make a good first impression.
Be mindful of the other ... Views: 2105
There are five areas that are important when considering marrying someone and since we ultimately marry someone we date, wouldn’t it be wise to look for people to date that agree with us in those areas? The five controversial areas are:
1. Politics
2. Religion
3. Money
4. ... Views: 1982
So, what can we gather about a person that is important prior to our date? First is compatibility. Emotions are held in the vowels while consonants represent our attitudes. Thus, the first question is, do you have similar vowels? The more vowels you have in common, the easier it is to “get” the ... Views: 2583
In 2003 my husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, and I learned that the allopathic medical system has no answers. It’s heartbreaking to be a caregiver in this situation, especially when faced with this warning from Dr. Andrew Weil.
Weil, quoted in Dawson Church’s latest book, The Genie in ... Views: 2064
“The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.” Ralph Nichols
From that quote you probably already know where I am going with this. Today’s topic is about listening. Not about the way you listen now, ... Views: 2070
A Red Cross Responder’s Notes from the Monument Fire, Arizona
Since the fire people have asked what life in a shelter looks like. The following is my take.
From outside the shelter at night you could see orange flames peek beyond the mountains turning the black smoke above them to a red ... Views: 2144
We live in a world of dissention and turmoil. We live in a world of haves and have-nots. We live in a world of love and fear. We live in a world where fear is used to manipulate people. What does all of this have to do with names? Knowing how to interpret a name assists us in realizing where the ... Views: 1776
Do you find yourself trading health for convenience?
Like finding that close parking spot at the mall.
Hopping on the escalator, rather than the steps.
Or stopping at the end of your driveway to get the mail.
Here are 3 simple ways to add in daily movement that will add up over the ... Views: 1854
The desire to protect an estate grows exponentially as the value of the estate increases. If you have little to protect, there is little concern. However, if you have a very large estate, you may actually be paranoid about protecting your estate and your privacy. In that regard, I have ... Views: 1892
With no family history of cancer, you just don’t expect your sister, who is ten years younger than you are, to get this diagnosis. You’re hit in the stomach. You think, what can I do? Reality sets in, you read, talk to friends and doctors, form a plan with her.
* I love you. I want to ... Views: 2422
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***No More Tears - by Neal Dranoff submitted by
Hi folks! You’ll find quite a difference in the overall tone of this post compared to what you’re used to reading in The 50 Plus Male. I’ll go as far as stating I’m aware this journey goes against conventional wisdom in many ways: subject matter, my thoughts and actions, and perhaps most ... Views: 2228
Stress concerns us all and is a major cause of disease today. Our first name is the essence of who we are. Our last name shows how our environment affects us. It is within our middle name that indicates how we deal with stress. So, how does your name handle stress? Let’s look at some of the ... Views: 2118
As Temps Rise, Nuclear Families Take a Dive –
Estate Planning for Unconventional Families Has Never Been More Important
Among the many articles covering the blazing heat wreaking havoc on my beloved DC metro area as well as much of the U.S., was an interesting piece in a recent edition of ... Views: 2072
Dear Jim: My wife and I have been married fourteen years (second marriages, all kids are grown). I’m already retired, and my wife has decided to retire next June at age 64 after a long career teaching Spanish in high school. She recently announced, though, that she wants to join the Peace Corps ... Views: 2422
Gail Edgell: We are going to talk about an important topic to women, particularly those over the age of 40: breast cancer. Can you tell us a little bit about that?
Dr. Boham: Yes. As we all know, breast cancer is very common, unfortunately. We know that last year over 200,000 new cases of ... Views: 2028
After extensive research – by which I mean I talked to a bunch of my friends – I have concluded that you can divide boomers into one of three different classes. What?, you may scoff, divide 76 million people into just three strata?
Yes, indeed. Here’s how.
Class 1: Boomer superlatus ... Views: 2337
“Know the Name; Know the Person, Decoding Letters to Reveal Secrets Hidden in Names”, is the result of fifteen years of direct observation and research on names. This research was followed by three years of testing and is the foundation for which this column is based.
This week, specifically ... Views: 2445
Dear Jim: You said in your column that second and third marriages have much higher divorce rates than first marriages. Why is that? Don’t people learn from their mistakes? I’m particularly concerned about this because I’m divorced and the man I’m dating has been divorced twice. We both have ... Views: 8652
For me, old age began the day when, for the third time in five minutes, I uttered the words, “Whadya say?” and the other person screamed back, “For God’s sake, get a hearing aid!”
I admit it. For years I’d been in denial about my gradual hearing loss.
I associated it with diminished ... Views: 2789
You have a 401K or IRA, and you’ve been contributing for decades…that’s great! But do you know where your money is invested? When asked, most boomers reply, “At the bank” or “With my broker.” No wonder so many boomers are financially unprepared for retirement.
In fact, a recent Associated ... Views: 2601
So here you are. Maybe you never thought you’d be here. Maybe you still don’t believe all the stuff that has happened to you to get you where you are today. But here you are in your 50s and thinking about dating again. Oh my goodness!
You might be feeling rusty, anxious, scared, and ... Views: 3047
A Chinese proverb says that we naturally see the beauty of youth, but must learn to see the beauty of age.
I read an article recently by Susan Jacoby titled The Myth of Aging Gracefully. It is a thought provoking piece about the over exuberance with which our culture (boomers mainly) embraces ... Views: 2888
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***Bookends - by Howard Baldwin submitted by
In the early days of 1978, I was working at a start-up travel magazine in Seattle. It was my first full-time job and the beginning of my publishing career. I worked in as many departments as we had – editorial, circulation, administration – doing everything from writing short articles to ... Views: 1871
Part #1 – the first 15
Baby Boomers and those retiring are entering grandparenthood. Our generation was the largest in history and many of our children are jumping into family life in just as big a way. Use this two part list of 26 things to grandchildren proof your home. This time of your ... Views: 2427
Those of you who have been avid followers of The 50 Plus Male since its inception are aware I “fought the good fight” against joining AARP (dating back to You Always Remember Your First). You also know I finally “swallowed my pride” and recently joined this august organization. AARP members ... Views: 2054