In life, there are those who don’t truly value what it means it to be true to themselves or others. With many of us who are good hearted to those without expecting anything in return sometimes find out who truly are there for us through good and bad times.
I find it is amazing that some ... Views: 3136
Why is it that most people are not happy in their current lives? The answer is quite simple, they are afraid to take a risk into the unknown. I know that there are a lot of people are afraid to take risks and the reason is the outcome. How bad can something really be unless you venture into ... Views: 682
The famous motto goes don’t always judge a book by its cover and read in between the lines. It is always how you represent yourself. I am even going to quote a familiar Aesop Fable story where the wolf disguised himself by wearing sheep’s clothing and even fooled the shepherd “The first such ... Views: 985
From generations to generations, it has always been said to us by parents to respect our elders. Our parents are normally right when they bring us up in the world and it should be something we should “recognize” the term respect. A lot of the drama that individuals face today is based on ... Views: 781
Why is it that Society dwells on drama and feeds off of it? Many people wonder why they still see themselves stuck in the same situation day in day out. You can be successful if you are motivated enough to just worry about yourself and not worry about what the other person thinks .
You are ... Views: 1225