~ Things that go Bump in the Night ~
How many times as a child have we awoke in the middle of the night
from a scary dream and been frightened by "monsters under the bed"
or in the cupboard. How many times have we begged to have a light
left on, the door left open, and curled up under the blankets so
that no-one can see us. And when we have "grown up" and dismissed
those childish fantasies and vivid imageries' of night time, do we
look back and wonder why we felt that way?
What is it that we bring into this world with us? What is it that
dwells in the lower level of our consciousness and is hidden only by
common sense? What is it? And why do we dismiss it, not deal with
it, hide our fears through being "mature" and really just push if
back in the neither regions where we believe it came form.
Maybe it is because we know it is real. Maybe it is because we know
that we are not ready to deal with it, it is scary, frightening and
to woo woo for us to deal with. Maybe we are just too normal to
allow ourselves to believe in such rubbish. Maybe?
From my own experience, as they are as real to me as yours are to
you, I can perhaps lead you back down memory lane and ask you in all
honesty it you have ever suffered from childhood nightmares. In all
honesty you would say about 99 percent of you…YES.
Now if I asked it they still happen, would you be as honest?
Probably not, you could be honestly stating a fact, but I bet if you
truly looked at your evening/night hours you would find times when
you did feel scared, for no logical reason. But would you admit it,
probably not.
So with that thought in mind, I ask you to look honestly at yourself
and admit to your fears, to yourself, then walk down memory lane and
address what has happened to you. Just think about it, look at
it….as you would a picture you have pulled out of an old album.
Then put it back and walk away. Now you have at least acknowledged
it. It is real, it happened and you are still here.
Let us now take a look at the nighttime horrors, experiences that
happen to us even now; those things that happen when as light
workers we are struggling to understand our spirituality, and where
it is taking us on our journey. If you were to tell me that nothing
has happened to you, then I would know that you are lying, either to
me, which is ok, but to yourself which is not ok. Bringing out
those experiences and dealing with them is the main lesson on our
development. It is the primary teaching tool for us to grasp and
The concept that we are in control gets lost the moment
a "happening" happens. We lose control, and cry for help, or
say "GO AWAY" we are scared. Very Scared!
For instance; you are just dropping off to sleep, the light from the
moon is shining through the window, the curtains are fluttering and
the cool breeze feels wonderful after a really hot day. You cuddle
down and close your eyes, only for them to spring apart as all of
your fight or flight senses are awakened. You lay there expanding
your senses to feel, hear, smell, see without moving. Something is
tickling those hairs on the back of your neck, you are as still as
the rock in the garden, and the air is so full of suspense it could
blow any moment. Then; the bed moves, a weight descends upon it.
Now bearing in mind if you are either with a partner or not, this
time you are on your own. It usually happens to me when I am on my
own…bears thinking about.
You become even more still if that is possibly, and you think. I
closed the doors, the cats are outside, you do that twice…nod in
your mind…feeling the presence you think even more rapidly; as if
you could do this normally, and you never have! You go through your
partners flight plan, how when, time, place, etc, could he/she,
could not…NO it is not him/her scenario. Come to the conclusion
within 2 seconds flat, this is not the cats, this is not my partner…
so what is it?: and your mind goes blank, the hairs stand on end
and you are praying as hard as you have ever done in your life.
Fear usually gives way to exhaustion and you fall asleep
eventually. To awake in the morning and either worry about it or
put it down to a bad dream.
Now take this one step further. You have dealt with the last
scenario for about a year now. Never the same, but always the same
reactions, right.
Then, it changes….the air gets thicker, and it can. You start to
see shapes, outlines, a face, feel/see skin, fur, feel someone
moving on the bed as though they are lying down beside you. Feel
them breathing on you, and that one is scary.
Even "hear" sound, like laughter, whispering, muttering, but can
never make it out.
Of course you have come up with some really good prayers by now.
And if you have been sensible you have been reading and researching
for understanding of the "experiences" that are happening to you.
You have come up with some really good tools that you are very
positive might/will work? Till the next time…you pray…a little
more fervid, a little more desperate, but you still resort to the
old standby…PRAYER.
Then morning is here, a bad dream, could not have happened. Or
could it? Now this can go on for years and years.
Until you accept that something is going on, acknowledge that you
are not going to the loony bin. That during the day you are normal,
sensible, well occasionally a little loopy…and who isn't, then you
are not going to learn how to stop it.
Only by acknowledging that something is happening can you be rid of
You can't move a rock if it is not there, and so it will continue to
trip you up every time you walk "through" it.
These happenings can get worse or better, depending on you. They
can manifest more; to the point that you are under attack, and to
the point that you are in no doubt that you are dealing with some
kind of spirit manifestation. Be it malevolent or benevolent.
It is then up to you to take control, and this all comes down to
will power, over yourself and over spirit. It does no earthly good
just shouting at what comes in…that is physical trying to act upon
spiritual. That does not happen. Only spirit can act upon spirit.
So acknowledging that you too are spirit and in control of yourself,
that you are responsible for all of your actions on this world and
yourself, is the key to your control over what happens to you from
the spiritual realm.
Never ever forget that spirit is no better or worse than we are here
on the earth plane.
It is only when we learn to reach for those higher vibrations, to
those teachers, masters and angels who have left behind the cycle of
reincarnation, that we can bypass if we want the spirit that not so
long ago was like us, in a psychical body.
Personal experience is a really good way to learn. Not always nice,
but it soon makes you sit up and take notice. The times I was told
that spirit can't hurt you. Hmm! I believe that that is a personal
belief, and I won't boohoo them, but they where not there when I was
being strangled by an unseen force. Being laid upon, being
suffocated, having my bedclothes whipped off me.
They where not there when spirit lifted my bed up and pushed me on
the floor, nor there when I had poison ivy rubbed on my leg and came
up with a very painful rash. So many examples and I could go on and
Does this make me loopy…that's debatable? I still managed to run a
household and go to work, interact sensibly with the outside world,
while my whole psyche was up in arms over what was happening to me.
It has taken me nearly ten years to sort out some of the whys and
wherefores of the experiences. The ultimate conclusion for me was;
it was my wake up call, and I had to learn to deal with it.
I did, but it was done without any outside help, because when I
asked for it I was told that "Like attracts like" a very negative
and unfeeling reply to a cry for help.
So I say to you. If anything like this is happening to you. Go out
and talk about it. Ask your Guides, and they are there, to help you
to understand and to send you help. Ask on the wonderful spiritual
forums out on the internet. Ask until you get an answer that
resonates with you.
I can offer some of the help that I used at the beginning until I
learnt to cope and to be rid of the worst of it….and it still
happens to me, only now if is 99 percent benevolent, the other 1
percent is still my learning curve, curving away somewhere.
My method, if you care to use it.
Get comfortable and preferably on your back in bed. Take a few
calming breaths, and then see yourself putting on your spiritual
Start at your feet, taking time to put on each piece of armour so
that it completely covers you from head to toe. Make sure that you
put on your chain shirt then your plated armour over your chest and
your chain balaclava before your helmet.
See them in shining white, glowing and strong and surrounded in the
white shinning light of the Divine.
Now when you have finished, call on Archangel Michael, and ask him
to stand above you to protect you, stand below you to protect you,
stand on your left side to protect you and stand on your right hand
side to protect you. Next ask that he stands behind you to guard
you and in front to shelter you from harm. I promise you that it
worked for me. The only times it didn't was when I forgot to do it.
If you find that too involved, you can always use my other method,
when I was too tired to go through all of that.
Very simple, but not I found as strong. I saw myself in a egg
shaped balloon that was made of strong invisible white light, with
all the colours of the rainbow shining through it. Just like a soap
bubble. I then doubled it, got comfortable and went to sleep, with
a slight murmur for Archangel Michael to protect me during my sleep.
With my love, and hopes that somewhere out there this finds a home
that needs it.
www.OneBigCircle.Org/obcforum Bringing People Together
Healer & Psychic Medium
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