Meditation channeled on the 7th January, `2008 by the group Lazarus.
This is a guided meditation for the beginning of a circle, or just
for a reprieve to ground
yourself after a stressful day.
Sit comfortably, feet on the floor and hands resting gently on your
lap. Take three deep ... Views: 1313
What if we didn't mark time?
How old would I be?
Would I count the sunsets,
Or add lifetime to lifetime?
Would there be days or years?
Or just life?
As I see it,
Things would be different.
No more schedules to keep.
Things would get done
Without the distress.
Feed the body when needed,
Not when ... Views: 1213
~ Things that go Bump in the Night ~
How many times as a child have we awoke in the middle of the night
from a scary dream and been frightened by "monsters under the bed"
or in the cupboard. How many times have we begged to have a light
left on, the door left open, and curled up under the ... Views: 1255
From a channelling by my Spirit Guide.
In understanding the role that consciousness plays in our lives here
on earth, and the struggle we have trying to find ourselves, I give
you the story that my guide gave me in written in my words…and of
course it will never be as good as he gives to me. ... Views: 1553
The Healing Waterfall
This should last at least for 1/2 an hour.
Sit comfortably as in a position that you would use to normally
meditate...and replace
your meditation with this one.
Relax, and imagine you are a beautiful waterfall. [Give yourself a
few moments for this] Now...repeat a few ... Views: 2280