I had a meeting with a client last week and the discussion centered around how busy we all are. We had a lengthy chat about some strategies for taking control of each day. Here's a note I got from her over the weekend:
"Just thinking of you! Detoxing my office!!!! Big Time. Amazing how in front of my desk (where you access the closet & filing cabinet) was completely blocked with STUFF for over 6 months now. Almost like my road ahead was blocked!
Now all my filing is done and I will start to implement my work week. Monday's & Thursday's are client updates, Tuesday's are meeting days & Design days, Wednesday is a full design day & Friday is office admin & project management. I will also try and only check email at scheduled intervals. Any recommendations on that? Every 2 hours? 8, 10, 12, 2 & 4??? Great start to clearing the clutter and paving a new path for 2010." – client
I know many of you are feeling the same way – because you've been telling me that.
Let's talk about the importance of taking control of your day and, therefore, taking charge of your life.
We all have 8,760 hours in a year. To date, we've already used 792 (roughly) this year. Projecting ahead, I figure I have another 1,040 Saturdays in my 'active' life.
It is all about perspective and awareness!
I do implement some simple, yet effective, ways for managing my time – not only as a home-preneur, but also as a step-mom. Many of my clients are working step-moms and, as I tell them regularly, when there is chaos in the home, there is chaos in your business. It's time (no pun intended) to take charge! Before we know it, we will all be sitting in a retirement home....counting the hours!
On my trips around the world, I found it fascinating to watch people and to see how they spent their time –
In Viet Nam, it took time and hard work just to GET to work – in Cambodia, the sounds of the children laughing as they play remains one of my favorite memories. Everything in balance!
"Those who make the worse use of their time are the first to complain of its brevity." - Jean de la Bruyere
Here are some simple steps you can begin using today:
1. Go to your office supply store and buy a wall calendar that will give you 'a year at a glance'
2. Get some dry-erase markers and allocate a color for each category/activity
3. Hold a family meeting (especially when there are stepchildren involved) to discuss what you want the year to 'look like and feel like'
4. Begin to map out the commitments on your calendar, all the while discussing 'what's working and what's not' – change is good!
5. On a weekly basis, set your boundaries with respect to time for work and time for family. (as you can see from my note above, I know – God willing – that I only have just over 1,000 Saturdays left for active play…..you can bet that I make conscious and wise choices about how I spend my time on Saturdays and with whom!)
6. Plan a rhythm and a routine for your weekly/monthly activities. As you can see from my client's note (above), we had discussed what type of activity would get done on which day of the week. For me, I only commit to client work 3 weeks/month – the last week of the month is reserved for product development, or vacation, or special events, etc.
The moral of the story is that once time is gone, you will never get it back. How are you 'spending' it?
1. Go buy that wall calendar and schedule a time for your family meeting.
2. Agree that each person has a voice, and respect that voice/opinion/comments when they are shared.
3. Create boundaries for time at work and time at home. (Call your mother!)
4. Plan your month, with respect to work time, and see if that particular routine and rhythm work for you.
Do this and I will guarantee that you will take control of your life. When you try new things, you are developing the confidence and courage to move forward and invent the life you truly want to live.
Pat Mussieux has a message of hope and success. For more than 20 years, Pat has studied the internal driving forces that create happiness and success at all levels. She knows what drives women, what inspires them and what it really takes to transform them from the inside out. As a coach, international speaker, author and radio host, she teaches women mindset and marketing techniques to help them figure out what they want to be when they grow up, how to get out of their own way, how to attract more clients, make more money and have more freedom – so they can develop the confidence and courage to live their best life – at any age! Pat is the author of the “Building Confidence and Courage Home Study System” and the book: “Who Am I Now? Simple Steps to Inventing Your Future – After Divorce, Retirement, Death of a Spouse, Empty Nest, etc.”
P.S. Visit my website www.confidenceandcourage.com to get your free CD: “Finding the Confidence and Courage to Live Your Best Life – At Any Age!” and my F.R.E.E. weekly ezine.
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