A lot of individuals are quite skeptical about hypnotherapy and many even wish to know the truth weight loss hypnosis. Dubbed as one of the most common weight loss procedures done on obese people, gastric band hypnotherapy is truly a unique type of procedure. It differs from the real gastric band surgery because there are no scalpels, anesthetics, and other medical equipment or medications involved. The hypnotherapists only make sure that they put their patients under hypnosis while they undergo the procedure. By making the brain think that the body is undergoing surgery, weight loss is achieved because of this procedure.

Hypnotherapy is all about healing a person while he or she is in a trance state. Basically known as one of the oldest and most baffling things known to man, hypnotherapy is used to cure various ailments. This is a legitimate way of dealing with illnesses that are psychological in nature, and nowadays, even physical ailments are overcome through this procedure. One of the famous sayings said that could go well with this science is the saying, “It is all in the state of mind”. By altering how the mind thinks, healing could be brought about.

Gastric band surgery is one of the common procedures done to obese people so that they could lose weight. But then, surgery involves having to make incisions, taking medications, and a lot more. Recuperation time is also longer. The truth about weight loss hypnosis is that the entire surgery is simulated, minus the incisions. Those who have undergone this procedure say that the feeling is truly like one who is undergoing surgery. They really do feel that there is something different in their bodies, particularly their stomachs. Because of this, they feel like their stomachs do not have the capacity to expand like before, thus impeding them from eating more.

When there is a real band around the stomach, the stomach is divided into two parts: the upper and the lower stomach. The upper part is a lot smaller than the lower part, so that the food only trickles down to the lower part little by little. The person also feels like he or she cannot eat a lot. In hypnotherapy, there is no band, but the brain makes signals towards the stomach that it cannot hold a lot of food anymore – a lot like having a real gastric band. But then, the difference is that there are no incisions.

A lot of individuals are still skeptical about this procedure, but weight loss hypnosis really works. If people base their findings on what others who have undergone the procedure say, they will know that this procedure is really effective. A lot have already lost a lot of weight, without the added difficulty of having a longer time to recuperate from surgery. There are also lesser complications and side effects. People do not have to worry about getting the incisions infected or any other problem because everything is just simulated when it comes to gastric band hypnotherapy.

Author's Bio: 

Neil Harris believes that gastric band surgery is an excellent method for treatment of these kind of disorders. Following the same path Adam Cumberland, a leading hypnotherapist London Harley Street has given a new direction to hypnotherapy. He is also providing treatment to problems like social anxiety disorder, people phobia and Social Phobia.