Dawn Fleming is an Energy Healing Expert. She has been working in the field of energy healing since 1989 and has a full time Reiki, Medical Intuition, chakra balancing and Marconics practice. Dawn is a Reiki Usui and Karuna Reiki Master. She specializes in eye issues, fertility challenges, and brain trauma. She regularly works with clients with cancer, recovering from surgery or those who just feel stuck and need a jumpstart. As a Medical Intuitve, Dawn helps clients to identify what is going on. She works with a lot of clients that have mystery illnesses that the doctors cannot figure out. As a Marconics practitioner, Dawn offers sessions that help clients to raise their consciousness/frequency, to shed density, release karma, and upgrade their dna.
Dawn has clients world-wide. She offers sessions in person in Scottsdale and Prescott, AZ and offers sessions to those at a distance. She teaches a variety of energy healing and holistic health business building classes in person. She does public speaking on a regular basis.
She offers on line classes at https://energy-transformations.teachable.com/ and she has a reiki resource website at http://www.myreikiresources.
Dawn Fleming is the author of Start, Grow, and Expand Your Holistic Health Business; Chakra Empowerment: 28 Days of Transformation; Heat Rising: Survive and Thrive through Menopause; and Teaching Workshops Effectively, Mastering Reiki.