There's a variety of reasons that people have halitosis (chronic bad breath), including poor dental hygiene, periodontal disease, problems with your stomach, post nasal drip, or even constipation. In this article I'd like to reveal some simple home remedies for halitosis that you can begin to use today.

Oral Hygiene Beats All

Brushing your teeth after every single meal is something you can do. If you don't brush your teeth after each and every meal and you're struggling to have a fresher breath, then I recommend you start with this simple home remedy.

On the other hand, if you do brush your teeth, do you floss? Daily? One way that you can tell if you're breath is less than fresh is to floss between a few of your teeth, and then smell the floss. If your floss has a distasteful odor, then your breath probably isn't as fresh as it could be. This is a great way to test any of the techniques that you may try in your search for fresher breath.

Freshen Your Breath By Chewing On These

There are some natural items that you can chew on instead of chewing gum that can help to freshen your breath. Sunflower seeds, along with drinking water, after your meal, can be very effective in freshening your breath. Eating sunflower seeds has additional benefits, because they contain essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals including magnesium phosphorus selenium and zinc. Sunflower seeds also have lots of phytosterols, which help lower cholesterol.

Some greenery that you can chew on to freshen your breath includes mint leaves, cloves, and cardamom seeds.

We've all seen parsley served along with a meal. Ever wonder why? Because it helps to freshen your breath! Parsley used to be served at the end of the meal on the side. Nowadays it's just generally served right on top. When you get it put it to the side, and eat it when you're finished with your meal.

Green Tea For Fresh Breath and More

Brewed green tea helps to fight chronic bad breath. Drinking unsweetened green tea throughout the day has many benefits for those who suffer from halitosis. Besides helping freshen your breath, green tea may help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, and have a positive impact on your bone density and cavities, as well as kidney stones. Green tea contains many substances that are helpful in maintaining optimal health. Green tea has antioxidants that are more powerful than the ones found in black teas.

Look In Your Pantry

Baking soda helps with breath problems. The chemical name for baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. You can use a paste made with sodium bicarbonate and a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to brush your teeth and tongue with.

This paste will help to alter the environment in your mouth to be less friendly to the bacteria that cause halitosis. It works in a variety of ways; it neutralizes the acid in your mouth, it works as an antiseptic to kill bacteria and help prevent infection, and when brushing it helps to scrub the teeth and gums of plaque and tartar.

What Are You Waiting For?

These are some simple bad breath home remedies you can do to relieve halitosis. I hope you'll try some or all of these. I recommend you use any of these remedies in conjunction with consultation with your regular qualified healthcare provider. I'm sure they will be happy to advise you on the best ways to include these healthy foods and activities in your regular day to day lifestyle.

Author's Bio: 

Allison Steele formerly suffered from bad breath. She has helped many people find the cause of their bad breath, and shown them how to find relief.

She has recently written a book that contains everything she learned in her search for bad breath home remedies. You can order your copy of her book at her website.