Goals are a crucial factor for achievement and success. They are the general guidelines we use to maintain focus in our work and persist enthusiastically in what we do. They are usually long-term ambitions with global visions and are composed of smaller objectives we aim for to reach the goals we set for ourselves. Objectives, then, are the strategies and specified steps we need to take to achieve what we desire. These can range from small intentions of what needs to be accomplished in the next hour to long-term projects.
To regain a clear aim, try using a mind map. Put the object of the task in the middle of a page and draw a circle around it. This will bring the topic at hand to the center of your thoughts. Then allow yourself to freely connect any and all ideas that go along with this central one. How does it make you feel? What subtopics could be addressed? What are short and long term goals associated with it? Where can this project take place? Who can help or get involved? How long will parts of this project take? Are there financial considerations to include? Are there materials and resources needed to complete the project? Are there pieces of information or data still missing? Etc. Allow your mind to freely associate any thoughts, feelings, or concerns regarding the focal goal.
Once you have a complete mind map, take a step back. Without looking at the words, look at the visual depiction of what you have created. Are there empty white spaces that indicate a possible missing component? Does one area of the page seem fuller than others? Is one concept full of mistakes/changes/messy writing? See if you can assess for yourself the areas of work you may have been trying to avoid or the ones that cause you more frustration.
Upon completion of this initial visual analysis, try to fill in empty spaces or further your clarity using a different coloured pen or pencil. Allow these additions to stand out for you. Depending on the goal, you may also want to show this mind map to a friend or colleague and obtain some feedback. See if you can explain your thoughts, feelings, and concerns to them and see if they have any additions or contributions to offer. Include these also in a different colour so that they stand out from your original work.
Once your mind map is done, take one task at a time and break it down into schedules, priority lists, etc. This is where your mind begins to regain focus on the larger goal at hand by focusing on the smaller pieces it contains. Before you know it, you’ll have an entire list of smaller goals to consider. Depending on how long this list is and the kind of person you are, this may become overwhelming and seem like an endless list of things to do. Don’t fret.
Go over this list again and select the things you would like to achieve by the end of the week. Ensure this list isn’t too long or over ambitious but a fair list considering your time and available dedication. Once you have your list of goals for this week, select the smaller things you can take care of immediately. These will become the things you can focus on right now. Tomorrow, do the same. Go back to your list of things to do for the week and see what you can do right away. Whether you dedicate your day on ten small things or one bigger thing, the result is the same. Take it all one step at a time and maintain focus on your goals at hand.
Albert Garoli is a proficient health practitioner, medical researcher, and educator. He is a specialist in Ayurvedic medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbology, Biophysics, and Homotoxicology. Currently, he is teaching in the Italian College of Osteopathy (C.I.O) as well as the Italian School for Oriental Medicine (ScuolaTao), in convention with University Sapienza of Rome. He is also the director of the Holonomics cooperative project. His many years of experience have brought him to a revolutionary understanding of human neurobiology which is clearly explained in his new book: The Evolutionary Glitch.
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