Malas are a main part of Buddhist religious practices. These beautiful beads are strung with specific purposes in mind for each person who uses them. There are several uses for prayer beads. They can be used for meditation, with calming effects in every day life or even to keep on the walls of the home as a protective talisman to watch over the entire family.
There are hundreds of substances and stones these lovely Buddhist prayer beads are made with.
o Tibetan coral
o Aventurine
o Amber
o Smoky quartz
o White agate
o Red tigers eye
o Black onyx
o Coral
o Jasper
o White & green jade
o Amethyst
o Lotus root & seed
o Sandalwood
The strings come in specific numbers on each full length piece. There are 108 pieces on these and the wrist bracelets are strung with 21 pieces. This has specific significance for the user. The first one hundred beads count as one bead per 100 mantras. The additional eight are as a dedication for every sentient being as a prayer of hope and help to them.
Different stones have different meanings. Each one has a power that the Earth has set it for. There are some with healing properties, others that imbue calm in the wearer and still others that are for clarity of mind and to allow the person to release negative feelings. When deciding on the materials of the Buddhist prayer beads you wish to have it is wise to discuss what the personal reason is. In this way the right set will be in possession and the desired result can be reached.
There are multicolored strings. They are generally dictated by the stone but in some cases can be created in a hue that is both pleasing and functional for the holder. Also, another way to choose the prayer beads is to buy a set that is made of the birthstone of the individual. There is a reason that certain stones coincide with the astrological sign of each person. Using this to advantage can also help to keep the individual centered to retain a good life.
When purchasing a set or sets of prayer beads the companies they come from usually offer a cloth, drawstring bag to keep them in. This serves a few purposes. Not only are they easy to carry with you either in a purse, back pack or pocket, but also they are useful to keep them from becoming damaged. Tossing them into the bottom of a purse may be a bad idea in as much as several items also are carried in with them. They can become tangled up with another item and get broken or scratched. It also keeps them clean and allows that they are easily accessible.
No matter what the specific purpose to purchase your set of malas, they will give you peace of mind and a sense of well being. They can help during stressful times and also as a way to retain happy thoughts during a particularly busy day at the office. It is not necessary to be a full fledged Buddhist to enjoy the talismanic properties of such a possession and in the long run, they will be enjoyed by you for years to come.
Anna Wehr has learned a lot about prayer beads and how floor pillows can stop hard surfaces from causing injury.
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