I’m so excited! As you know, I’ve recently partnered with another company. When I first found Compass, I thought, “Are you kidding? Affordable coaching with experts in five areas of life; this is the best thing since bread. Not sliced bread, but actual bread! This is great for everyone!!!! I could never do this on my own.”

As a sole proprietor, I could only offer individual coaching, group classes and training for business professionals and only in my area of expertise.

Don’t get me wrong, those are great and I still offer them. In addition to all that, I now offer group coaching in five different life areas for as little as $19 a month – money and career, life balance, spirit, relationships and health.

WOW! Now WOW really is working and it’s working for everyone! So I’m excited and I’m talking about it a lot (in case you haven’t noticed).

I want everyone to get involved because I believe that we ALL need a coach to help us understand ourselves and build a life we love. Yes, I have a coach. In fact, I have several.

The funny thing is that many of you aren’t nearly as excited about this as I am… or you don’t seem to be. I have to laugh because it reminded me of how different we all see the world. I’ve often joked that if everyone would just do what I told them to do, my life would be perfect.

Have you ever felt that way? Of course you have.

Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. People have to make their own choices and live with the consequences. We all have someone in our lives right now we know is going in the wrong direction. Maybe it’s a friend or family member.

More than likely, the other person thinks they’re doing just fine.
Even if you think you know what’s best, you won’t convince the other person of that until they decide they want to change.

Have you ever given or received unsolicited advice? How well did it go over? It usually doesn't go over very well even when it's well intentioned.

So what do you do when someone doesn’t do what you want?

First of all, you have to love people where they are, not where you want them to be. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with what they’re doing, but you do have to respect the fact that it’s their choice.

Yes, this is true even when their behavior is self-destructive.

The reality is that we all have our vices. Who are you to say if yours is better than someone else’s? Let me give you an example.

In our society, people who smoke are almost pariahs. I’m not saying that smoking is good for you. It’s a destructive vice, but so is overeating. Why don’t we treat obese people like smokers? Why don’t we have huge taxes on junk food like we do cigarrettes?

I’m not trying to make a political statement about this because we can argue the pros and cons all day. The point I’m trying to make is that we all have our demons. We have to love and accept people the way they are.

Look at what I’m doing with Compass. I'm so excited about it I can barely stand it! I know every person reading this would benefit from a coach. I also know that every person reading this can afford one through Compass.

That's why I decided to partner with them. It gives me an opportunity to offer coaching to everyone and I really don't understand why anyone wouldn't want to try it.

However, the decision to try is yours and I respect whatever choice you make

Author's Bio: 

Mary Dee is a success coach with WOW - Why Ours Works and Compass. For more information, go to www.whyoursworks.com or www.mylifecompass.com/whyoursworks