Are you experiencing the physical and financial effects of Chronic Degenerative diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or arthritis? Are you paying too much in insurance premiums, or cant get insurance because of pre-existing chronic degenerative diseases? Did you know that by shifting a few things in your diet you can have the power to correct many chronic degenerative diseases and be on the path to true health?

For years I have heard many people say that they can only afford to eat a diet of pizza, soda pop, frozen dinners and fast food meals. What a lot of people are unaware of, or have chosen not to listen to, is the fact that this type of diet leads to many health problems including chronic degenerative diseases. When one puts junky food into their body they will in turn have a junky body. This will cause insurance companies to either not want to insure the ìjunkyî person or charge them high premiums. The great thing about this is that YOU have the power to change this. You can lead your life into health and be a leader in your health care plan.

The first step is to realize that you have the power to change your health. Yes, you are a manifestor of your own destiny. You create the outcome of your health. Once you take responsibility for your health instead of being a puppet of the Standard American Diet (SAD) you will have created the foundation for being a true leader in your life.

The second step is to create a mindset that is sustainable for you to shift your eating habits. The most successful mindset to a healthy diet is by saying YES to food instead of saying NO to food. The key is to focus on what you can ADD into your diet everyday that is healthy instead of what you have to Subtract from your diet. By continuing to eat more healthy food you will begin to create less space for that which no longer serves you; unhealthy food.

The third step is to start flooding your body with healthy life enhancing foods. The key to eating healthy everyday is to stay prepared and plan ahead so you have healthy options all the time. These are the first 3 things to start flooding your body with:

1. Fresh organic raw vegetables & fruit. Make salads everyday with salad dressing made from a base of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, flax seed oil or hemp seed oil and apple cider vinegar.
2. Super foods such as gogi berries, cacao, maca and spirulina. A great way to eat your superfoods is to blend them in a smoothie with your fruit
3. Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha & kefir.

If you focus on these 3 food groups you will have a really good start at beginning to supply your body with the nutrition for maintaining good health. Beginning to eat this way will open the door for you to start experiencing a true shift in your health, thereby reducing the need for expensive health insurance.

Author's Bio: 

Puma St. Angel is a presenter at One Spirit Weekend, a conscious conference where awakening leaders find inspiration, information and community in Sedona, Arizona October 2-5, 2009. For more information, please visit