How To Stop Anxiety Dizziness: How To Control Dizziness From Anxiety - Anxiety Dizziness Treatment
Anxiety and dizziness: most folks would never link them. And I was no different until I suffered an agonizing anxiety attack (panic attack). I should have seen the warning signs. For several weeks before, I had been having short dizzy spells, maybe a couple a day. Not like the dizziness where your head spins like a top. Mine was more subtle, like standing up too quickly, a bit lightheadedness, you know what I mean? At first I didn't think much of it, maybe a bit of stress, I certainly didn't think of anxiety. So I let it go. (Warning: don't leave things like me, always consult your doctor as soon as possible).
Looking back, there were other signs apart from dizziness that, had I known then what I know now, would have made me attend my doctor. But I knew nothing of anxiety and anxiety attacks, so I left things too late. The result was that I suffered a really frightening anxiety attack while driving. I won't go into the whole story here, but at the time I really thought I was dying, and subsequently diagnosed with anxiety.
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Some symptoms of anxiety -- and some I had -- are things like dizziness, headaches, lightheadedness, palpitations, hyperventilation, constant worrying about even little things, fatigue, etc. I just thought I was a little stressed, nothing more. (Note: remember that these can also be signs of other conditions, so always consult your doctor for a professional diagnosis).
But those were nothing compared to the symptoms I suffered during my anxiety attack; tight chest and throat, racing/pounding heart, tingling fingers, nausea, difficulty breathing, as well as dizziness and more. I honestly thought I was having a heart attack and about to die.
My doctor prescribed antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills. But, on reading about their nasty side effects (e.g. dizziness, drowsiness, sleeping problems, vomiting, diarrhea, dependency), I settled for non-drug treatment to cure my anxiety. (Caution: Once having started prescription drugs, never ever stop them without first talking to your doctor).
So how did I go about remedying my anxiety without expensive drugs? Probably in the same way you are doing now: I searched on the Net. Luckily, pretty quickly, I came across two or three anxiety information sources that were very helpful. But one in particular knocked me sideways with a vital piece of information that shaped the way I approached things...
Did you know that the 'fear' of another anxiety attack can actually cause the attack to occur? So what you are in is a cycle of anxiety. In other words, you have anxiety, you fear another attack, you have another attack, this makes you even more anxious, and so on. It's a vicious cycle that you must break out of in order to cure your anxiety.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover practical methods to get through frightening panic attacks and eliminate anxiety in a safe, effective, and natural way... and rid yourself of anxiety and panic attacks permanently! You won't find out about this anywhere else. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here!
Anxiety and panic attacks can cause many side-effects that are unpleasant and hard to shake. One of the most common ones, and one of the scariest, is dizziness.
So here's a 3 step approach you can start using right now to prevent dizziness from dominating your life.
1. Use breathing techniques during times of dizziness, and also at times when you're not dizzy
Taking some deep breaths or breathing into a paper bag can work well if you're dizzy or hyperventilating (or if you're trying to prevent anxiety and panic attacks), but they can be even more effective if you use them throughout the day, even when you're fine.
Instead of just fighting off the symptoms when they arrive, use correct breathing techniques at all times to promote better oxygen/carbon dioxide balance, and stop the symptoms from ever starting in the first place.
2. Get as much high-quality sleep as you can possible get, but don't nap
A lot of dizziness is due to tiredness, so when you start sleeping for 8 or 9 hours a night a lot of your dizziness will disappear. If that 8 or 9 hours of sleep is also undisturbed and restful, the dizziness is even more likely to stop bothering you.
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When you aren't getting 8 or 9 hours sleep a night, it's tempting to take short naps throughout the day, but these little bursts of sleep can worsen or even cause the dizziness you're trying to avoid.
Do your best to avoid naps, and get all your sleep in one piece during the night.
3. Drink lots of water
Another big cause of dizziness is dehydration. Make it a new habit that you never break to drink at least 6 or 7 glasses of water each day to make sure your dizziness isn't being caused by dehydration.
Even though anxiety and panic attacks can cause very unpleasant dizziness, following these 3 simple tips will go a long way to reducing or even stopping it.
You can't breathe, your thoughts are racing, and you might even feel like you're having a heart attack. You've tried medication, but it's not working like it used to--or it never worked at all. You can't stand the anxiety and panic any more, and you want a solution that works: Click Here
Finally... Easy natural anxiety remedies & simple ways to eliminate your chest-crushing anxiety and get your life back... Visit How to Get Rid of Anxiety
Many folks now receiving anxiety attacks treatment first attended their doctor because they thought they had suffered a heart attack. Once having confirmed that it wasn't a heart attack but 'only' an anxiety attack, they may have been prescribed drug-based treatment. The most commonly prescribed medications for anxiety attacks and general anxiety being antidepressants, anti-anxiety (tranquilizers), and beta-blockers, which are summarized here...
1. Antidepressants
Antidepressants are normally the first choice for anxiety attacks treatment, and the most commonly prescribed are classed as SSRIs, short for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, e.g. Prozac, Xanax. These work by helping to raise serotonin levels in the brain. By doing this they help to lift your 'mood' and thus regulate your anxiety to more normal levels. They have been proven to be very effective.
But they can have unfortunate side effects such as; tiredness, diarrhea, nausea, anxiety, agitation, trembling, reduced or increased appetite, muscular and joint pain, sinusitis, and insomnia. These are just a few examples, the full list being much longer.
2. Anti-anxiety Medication (Minor Tranquilizers)
For anxiety and anxiety attacks, minor tranquilizers of the type Benzodiazepines are common, e.g. Valium, Ativan. These work by mildly sedating, calming and relaxing the subject very quickly; within half an hour or so. Because of this, they are also often carried on the person, to be used (under the tongue) when the subject feels the onset of the symptoms of another attack. This helps to shorten the length of the attack and its intensity.
However, they also can have many bad side effects like; dependency, drowsiness, external appearance of being drunk (slurring, clumsiness, disorientation), short term memory loss, muscular weakness, double vision, and depression. These are only examples and, as above, the list is much longer.
Learn How I Used 3 Simple Techniques To Stop Panic & Anxiety Attacks
3. Beta-Blockers
Beta-blockers (e.g. Inderal, Tenormin) can reduce the 'physical' symptoms of anxiety attacks, e.g. tremors, shaking, palpitations, increased heart rate, sweating, etc. They can't affect the psychological aspects, such as fear, detachment, disorientation, etc. Because of this they are less effective for overall anxiety attacks treatment than the others.
The symptoms of anxiety attacks are caused by increased adrenaline in the bloodstream stimulating nerve cells around the body. Bet-blockers work by 'blocking' this nerve cell stimulation. And they can work quite quickly, within a few hours for example.
Unfortunately, they also have possible side effects, for example; dizziness, tiredness, sleeping problems, etc. Your fingers and toes may feel cold due to reduced circulation. And, if you have asthma, they can cause breathing problems due to narrowing of the airways.
These Treatments Can Work Well But are the Real Underlying Issues Being Addressed?
This is a crucial question. Aside from possible side effects, we know that these three anxiety attacks treatments can be very effective, which is great. But they focus on reducing the 'symptoms': they don't address the underlying conditions that give rise to your anxiety. For instance they can't do anything about any problems at work, financial matters, family issues, phobias, etc.
Without discovering what your particular issues are, and remedying them, it will be very difficult to eliminate anxiety attacks and finally cure your general anxiety using medicinal treatment alone. And we know that the very fear of another attack can by itself cause it to actually happen. These treatments can't fix that either. You need another approach to eliminate the fear factor.
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Do you know a person can bring him or herself down into a sad mood by simply standing, moving and looking like a sad person? Conversely, one can elevate a mood by putting his head back, throwing his chest out and walking and breathing like a totally confident and happy person.
Step 1
Right now, we're not going for a mood elevation as much as we are striving for calmness. So, using the same method as in mood elevation, here is how we go about it. Sit or lie down in a way that mocks a relaxed person. In other words, slump in your chair, or sprawl across your bed. Do your very best to loosen up all your muscle groups. Picture a very relaxed, carefree person, and imitate this person.
Step 2
Now, we will exercise controlled breathing. Here's how we do that: take one very deep breath. Breathe in deeply enough so you can feel your lungs expand. Hold it for 5 seconds and then let your breath out slowly. This is a cleansing breath. Take two more cleansing breaths.
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Step 3
After the cleansing breaths, it is no longer necessary to continue deep breathing, however, continue breathing more deeply and slowly than you would normally. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Don't breathe as slowly or deeply as you do in a cleansing breath, just slow down what is your normal breathing pattern.
Step 4
Introduce peaceful visualization. Here is what we mean: simply visualize some peaceful scene you found yourself in at some time during your life. You only have to get the essence of this relaxing setting for the visualization to work. In other words, don't try too hard. If you can't quickly recall such a scene, make one up. As long as the visualization draws you toward a peaceful mind set, it doesn't matter whether the scene is real or fake. What is important is visualizing things that bring you comfort.
Visualization, combined with controlled breathing has helped many stave off a panic attack or just simply put a stressful day behind. However, on a long term basis there are more exercises that may be needed or desired to help overcome anxiety. Still, using this exercise is a great start.
So, continue to first, mock a calm and carefree individual, take your cleansing breathes and enter into a controlled breathing pattern and then, while still using controlled breathing, visualize a scene that you associate with a relaxing time. Do this for the next half hour or so, and enjoy the re-introduction of calm nerves into your life.
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If you are willing to make just a few simple changes in your daily routine, you can stop your panic attacks and enjoy your daily activities again, both alone and with your friends and family. To learn how you can stop your symptoms in a couple of steps and then prevent them from ever appearing again- Click Here
Now you can defeat social anxiety or extreme shyness to finally be as confident as you want to be....even if you are frustrated, hopeless and doubting you'll make any progress! Visit Stop Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Still feeling that life is passing you by? Discover how to overcome your anxiety and panic attacks with two simple steps without paying for expensive therapy and without leaving your room... Visit How To Stop Anxiety
Imagine... A life free of the crippling fear of panic attacks! Discuss your anxiety problems on our forum. We can help you to start living your anxiety free life now! Go to: Anxiety Forum
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