The function of mind is to think.
But when you think about a situation or a problem as if it is everything in life, then worry takes hold. And when you develop anxiety for too many things at the same time, this gives rise to tension. For example, ‘What will happen if I fail in school? What will happen if my friends get disappointed with me? What will happen if I become alone? What will happen if I fall short of money?’
Anything in excess is not good; not even thinking.
Thinking should not exceed its limits. It is to be done only up to a normal level i.e. as long as it is does not distress you; or else it results in anxiety.

And anxiety takes away all peace and sleep. It invites disease and depression. It takes away your zest for living. It charges karma that results in lower forms of life. Therefore by worrying, we not only spoil our current life, but our future lives too.
Mind is needed.

When racing of thoughts takes place, one feels tired and often thinks about getting rid of mind. No, that’s not the right way. In the ‘ocean of life’, the mind is like a ‘boat’. One can cross this ocean and reach ashore i.e. ultimate liberation only by using this boat. Therefore, mind is not to be fractured.

If the mind is not still, it is indeed not on track.
You say your mind is always like an unstoppable train; there is no problem with that as long as it is on track. Once it gets on the track, let it run like the Rajdhani Express train; it will prove good for you.
But until the mind is unable to remain still and calm, it is indeed not on track. And hence such mind proves very harmful as it makes you wander aimlessly in the worldly life. So, here are some wise words from Param Pujya Dadabhagwan, an enlightened being suggesting how to make your mind still.

Dadashri: Have you discovered the benefits of a still mind?
Questioner: One experiences peace.
Dadashri: Who made it restless (unstill)?
Questioner: We did it ourselves.
Dadashri: Why did you do so? Did you deliberately make it restless? People use their mind in any way, not knowing what is beneficial or harmful to them. Had they realized what is beneficial and what is harmful to them, they would make effort only towards their own benefit. Now the mind has become out of control. It can only become still if one gains knowledge of what is harmful and what is beneficial. One has to acquire the grace of such a Gnani Purush, who himself has become still and constantly remains still. He can then help you become still. Then everything will work, otherwise nothing will happen.

Therefore, to beat anxiety:
1.Stay in the company of Gnani
Gnani Purush gives your boat (mind) a compass. Your mind becomes steady and peaceful in His presence. And from this, we can imagine how wonderful and peaceful His mind must be!

2.Decide what is beneficial
Mind expresses what it feels. Thereafter, it is up to us to decide whether what it is saying is useful to us. We can say yes and make use of it; otherwise we may simply respond to it in a kind tone, ‘Ok, I will be careful.’ Listening to our reply, the mind feels respected and it moves on to the next matter or issue. Practicing this with the mind helps tremendously well.

When it shows scary thoughts, for e.g., ‘What if this happens…what if that happens’, one must understand that these are just thoughts; whatever is to happen shall happen as per destiny and not according to what the mind thinks. So coolly tell the mind, ‘Ok, I have noted it’, and the mind will soon start talking about some other things that are nice and soothing.

Mind will turn in whichever direction you guide it, just learn the art to guide it correctly. And when it goes astray, turn it around saying, ‘Hey, don’t go that side.’

3.Most of the times our fears are all imaginary.
Take a note of your experiences in instances where you’ve had fear. And you shall soon conclude that there’s nothing in this world that is worth getting scared about. When fear arises in a situation where there is nothing to fear, it is called false fear. For example, when exams are already given, why fear the result now? Also, you can counter-question “Has my fear ever come true?” Never. This means it is my negative intellect which is scaring me.

4.Experiment of Conversation
When too many thoughts overwhelm you, you can tell the thoughts, “The clinic time is over. Come tomorrow now.” The mind is constantly getting exhausted; it is just to be Known and Seen as separate.

5.Attain Self-realization (Gnan)
After you attend a Self-Realization Ceremony conducted by Gnani, it will become easier to keep your mind separate. You realize that, “I am Pure Soul and my nature is only to see and know.” With this, your belief, ‘I am indeed the one who is having this thought’ also drops.

If you enter someone’s home without his permission, would you not be uneasy and nervous?
You would be afraid that what if someone gets upset with you and throws you out. But if you are in your own home, would you have any tension or worries? You would feel very comfortable and at peace in your own home. So, such an experience is possible through Akram Vignan, the spiritual science of the step-less path to Self Realization! After Self-Realization, you experience a sense of freedom from inner turmoil. Even amidst all suffering, you experience only freedom and bliss of the Self.

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Author's Bio: 

Ambalal M. Patel was a civil contractor by profession. In June 1958, spontaneous Self-Realization occurred within Ambalal M. Patel. From this point on, Ambalal became a Gnani Purush, and the Lord that manifest within him became known as Dada Bhagwan. A Gnani Purush is One who has realized the Self and is able help others do the same. Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan used to go from town to town and country-to-country to give satsang (spiritual discourse) and impart the knowledge of the Self, as well as knowledge of harmonious worldly interactions to everyone who came to meet him. This spiritual science, known as Akram Vignan, is the step-less path to Self-realization.