You’re motivated to get those six pack abs. I am sure you will be making every effort to try various weight reduction and abdominal muscle toning exercises to get them. It’s important that you get healthy six pack abs the safe way.

You will probably be following a strict diet in the process too! It’s important to remember that not everybody can get accustomed to this rigorous diet of fat loss around the abs and our body.

You might be more prone to side effects if you fail to take proper care of yourself while transitioning and working to get those six pack abs! You need to know how to safely get six pack abs. So here are some facts that you must keep in mind while working to lose your fat around your abdomen.


As I always recommend, please consider the advice of a medical practitioner before following a particular six pack abs or diet routine. Don’t start with a really difficult routine in the beginning. Ease into your new routine. Increase your load gradually. Always do your warm ups before the actual exercising. This could include brisk walking, jogging or other cardio warm up. If you are in the gym, there are plenty of cardio machines to use.


Avoid skipping meals. It will cause adverse effects – like eating too much at the next meal to compensate being too hungry. And your blood sugar level might dip too low – making you weak and shaky. You may not recover until the next day after you’ve had a good night’s sleep.

Don't over incorporate the fibers in your diet if it doesn't suit you. Fibers may often lead to gas which may result in discomfort and swelling around the belly. To prevent such a situation drink plenty of water with your high fiber diet. Again, ease into increasing your fiber to avoid any side effects.

Try to restrain yourself from indulging in high calorie junk food and drinks with a high sugar and/or sodium content. These will prevent you from toning your abs muscles. Do not have frequent high fat or calorie snacks between your meals. You will eat more calories that will increase fat accumulation.


Do not trust the abs toning and slimming machines advertised on TV. They can be quite tricky. It might be easier for you to actually do the sit ups all by yourself instead of getting hold of an abs machine to help you out.

Avoid excessive exercising if you have a back problem. Seek a trainer to help you modify your exercises to more safely get you six pack abs without straining or hurting your back more.

Eat a well balanced diet, at the correct time and in the right amounts. Avoid pills and supplements as much as you can as their long term effect can be disastrous on your health.

A proper nutritious diet and normal exercises like jogging, pushups, weights and twists on a regular basis will be more beneficial to getting your six pack abs without harming and straining your body and its muscles.

Getting healthy six pack abs the safe way will be more enjoyable and it will be your key for successfully getting to your goal.

Be Healthy,
Renee' Barnes-Orozco

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