Aries: Appreciation for home, family, partner makes this a quiet, restful morning. Work, or work at home follows later.

Taurus: Catch up on communication with friends or go out this morning to a community event. Evening brings study or writing.

Gemini: Prosperous feelings make work or looking for sources of income pleasurable. Don’t count chicken before they hatch tonight.

Cancer: Friends or a group give you ideas, support, motivation, today but this evening you & a mate may be like oil & water.

Leo: As you work, or dream of future success today, you create like a god. Tonight, your stress or fatigue makes you feel mortal.

Virgo: Shop with friends or combine learning with socializing – a dance or art class? Tonight, mixed signals in friendship/love.

Libra: Productive, profitable business ideas, alliances or improvements today. Tonight, give home or family quality time.

Scorpio: Communicate romantic feeling or use creativity productively today. Tonight, thoughts are extreme or keep you awake.

Sagittarius: You may improve or buy property or investments now – refinance? Tonight, the enormity of a money move sinks in.

Capricorn: Enjoy “homey” activities today or discuss family expansion – a child or pet? Tonight, commitment or care feels weighty.

Aquarius: Investigate work at home jobs or advertise your work. This evening, you mull over how to do more, be better, with less.

Pisces: Develop a business plan around an art or hobby you enjoy today. Tonight, you may feel amateur if viewing the competition.

An interesting planetary pattern today gives you fertile dreams and the energy to take that dream from conception to materialization, as the moon (emotions) in the cardinal (boss-like) water sign of Cancer (the mother, the womb, goddess) forms a supportive sextile to abundant, expansive Jupiter (God consciousness) in the material minded, fixed (stubborn, persistent) earth sign of steady and sensual Taurus. The moon also forms a very fruitful trine to inspirational Neptune conjunct healing Chiron in dreamy and intuitive Pisces. Jupiter also forms a sextile to Neptune conjunct Chiron. “How sweet it is!” – the feeling that anything is possible, your dreams will materialize and your needs will be met, makes the first half of the day flow easily, creatively, productively and pleasantly. Lovers may move to the next stage in a relationship, families may consider a new family member – another child or a pet? Others may consider any large purchase like a new car or home, possible. Anyone with a business or creative project will be optimistic about the future. The process of birth is usually accompanied by pain and contraction, and the energy of today distinctly follows that norm. Later this afternoon, the matriarchal Cancer moon opposes powerful, controlling, intensifying Pluto in patriarchal Capricorn. One negative attribute of Pluto is fear. In Capricorn, the sign of authority, structured materialization, and the climb to success, Pluto can be a driving force that makes you get out there and just do what you have to do, but while opposing the sensitive Cancer moon, fear can settle in, along with the realization of how hard your climb may be or how weighty the responsibility of your decision really is. Ouch. Tonight, you may wrestle with your inner demons, oppose someone you normally agree with, confront a fear, or go through an emotional transformation and integration of new energy as you process the full enormity of something. And what comes after the pain and contraction during the birthing process? Breathe and PUSH!

Author's Bio: 

Dunnea Rae is a professional, experienced astrologer specializing in natal chart interpretation and relationship guidance. She offers her consultations and services through her own site at