How To Be SURE You Are Reaching A Higher Level Being

This is so simple. FOLLOW THE COLOR CHART OF THE PRISM, the 6 primary colors with a blue-green, makes 7. But, other than that, The rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, bluegreen, indigo and violet.

God is simple, it's not complex like people try to make things, to fool others. There are so many false teachings out there, I'd never have been able to sort through all of that and never would have discovered I could reach into the Divine Plane and bring God into my own being, for the sake of bringing Them here, to fix the here and now, the damage that's been done from all the false teachings, the false stories handed down, the negativity that's run rampant because man confuses the heck out of each other in spiritual matters, where things are SO SIMPLE it's unthinkable!!!

If you could see from my perspective, you would be just as amazed as I am at some of these people in the Spiritual Industry.

It's broken, we need to fix it, we need change. This way, noone speaks for God, God speaks to man, directly, on a large scale, so it can't be twisted and turned and things get broken all over again or even worse.

Here's the thing... people say that we have 7 major or primary chakras. We do. You can pile on others, you can upgrade, but those 7 + 6 upper or higher level chakras are STILL always going to BE the key to reaching the 7 Planes of Existence, no matter what else you have done and they serve as a wonderful little means of knowing where you really are, what level you are really reaching when you reach up.

I don't care what other people tell you, there are 13, there are 22, there will be 28 chakras, the major 7 are the ones that govern your body and how it feels, and overall health and wellbeing, while the other 6 serve as our means of connecting to and reaching into those Higher Planes of Existence, for accessing higher teachings through higher beings who hold within their beings alignment with a specific Plane.

God is in the 7th plane, the Divine Plane, and there are 7 Planes of Existence, not 13, not 22, not 28 and those same 7 planes exist on every dimension, on every universe, so you can have that many chakras but those 7 primary chakras when developed and in proper alignment and good health will eventually lead one to open into those higher and additional 6 and that leads everyone to have doorways or gateways or entry into those HIGHER planes of existence, and thus begin your individual Ascension journeys, and in NOT reaching them, let you know you are in the plane of lower beings, the Astral plane, itself, and let you know you might want to avoid reaching into that plane!

It's easy.... red is the physical plane, where we are--Earth; orange is the astral plane, where lower than evolved beings are pondering their past and dealing with emotions; yellow is the mental plane, the first of the higher or more reliable planes, Archangel Michael, guardian of light and protector of God’s own level of consciousness and truth and accurate information and teachings lives there; green is the causal plane, that is where my guide Jai comes from; bluegreen is the atmic or buddhic plane, I met Buddha one time, too, he taught me something in a matter of seconds; dark blue indicates the angelic plane, and violet indicates you have reached up into the Divine plane, where God resides and where only higher beings are allowed entry. (I'm not bragging, it's just true and when I work with a different being, a new one, I test them for being higher by having them meet me in the Divine Plane, if they can enter, they ARE indeed, higher.) I've literally brought all of my team members into the Divine plane, before God, to validate they are all in ALIGNMENT WITH GOD.

If you are going into meditation and drifting into a primarily orange surrounding, throw up some kind of protection around your being and think of reaching on into yellow because i don't go below yellow. The lowest realm of being I will work with, is telepathically communicating with Archangel Michael at the mental plane level and I go UP from there into the Divine plane, violet, and have him meet me in the Divine Plane to do any work.

I'm not exposing myself to any lower beings or risking getting attached to, I vibrate higher and don't carry around a lot of dark beliefs so I don't magnetize dark or lower beings to myself. I basically know who I am and have long since dealt with the shadow aspects of myself, I had to in order to even face having been Lilith, that's a kicker, but it helped me a lot. I have psychic protection installed and I go to higher planes, so I avoid lower beings as much as possible.

My friend who was allowing lower beings into her auric field doesn’t follow the concept of the 7 primary chakras or that there are 7 planes of existence, she follows a more complicated one and the prism chart and the notion that God resides at 7, instead of 13, throws her off but she doesn't realize that. She's also currently trying to further add to the tree of life, she feels it needs to have 13 branches on it.

History shows us some very important mistakes that we are currently, collectively, accepted as the status quo, accepting, though they are not positive or higher aligned methods of practice, and are offered most often, and most readily in this industry, for lack of anything different.

Someone long ago complicated things to cause disorder in this industry and they invented methods on their own, while out of alignment with Light, and those methods got adopted by people until they became widespread and got spread and spread and spread until there is VERY LITTLE truth and accuracy left in Spiritual teachings and methods, today.

The channeled information and teachings and truth that was otherwise once aligned with God’s own level of accuracy and awareness and truth that the Ancients of Earth knew regarding connection to and relationship with God has been compromised, time and again, generation upon generation.

What’s improved, what’s changed from Jesus’ lifetime, when He made so much progress, while everyone else in the Spiritual industry used spells, chants, and gave readings to others? Jesus showed people what steps to take, as a human example. They gave readings, used spells, hexes, chants. How much progress did these things bring to people, to their souls, to the Ascension path? Any at all? No…these things are manmade and have lower frequency, hold a lower vibration than GOD and higher teachings or higher or more advanced levels of consciousness do. Channeling is a higher method of receiving or tapping into those higher planes, to even begin receiving those advanced insight and teachings which are aligned with GOD. That is where the entire ASCENSION path is.

Spiritual evolution would bring us something entirely new and different from anything we’d ever done before, had ever been done before… where is it? This further proves my previously mentioned point true.

The inventors of false methods and practices were successful. If someone is only reaching as high as the orange level or plane of existence, they haven’t reached beyond the area where Earth’s as of yet unevolved beings (currently deceased) reside, where lower beings, are located. These are the beings who lived a lifetime or more but still have not fully repeated the process often or long enough to have ever Mastered Ascension or learned or worked through the lessons in the 7 Planes of Existence, and are in Astral, as a holding facility or a retainer, until further progress is made, individually.

They are, to date, Earth’s lower evolved beings and if they have developed less than positive beliefs, within their own consciousness, can deceive and mislead others, not all of them mean harm, some of them just want to be listened to, but not all of them come off with factual information about life and living or have gotten beyond forming biased opinions due to life and its array of experiences and disappointments, etc. Opinions formed at this state can also be about God and the higher beings, so these are not exactly the beings we‘d need to reach to for higher insights, or for our own Spiritual guides and teachers.

Getting beyond this level is crucial. However, there have been fads designed around this level since the 1950’s that have greatly popularized Astral travels and reaching within this level to communicate with Spirit beings for fun, as games and party favors. These things soar in popularity, then it all dies down again, then something happens and someone reintroduces them to the masses and popularity and the fads soar again, throughout the world. That’s happened with the Ouija board, a Parker Brothers family game, with séances and with Astral travels, greatly applied in meditation.

Most cleverly, you can also verify and validate anyone from this industry's work, if you are following their teachings, being healed by them solely or what-have-you by taking a journey and seeing what color you are able to raise your own consciousness up into, right now, before you ever dive into anything on this blog.

WHAT you were exposed to in the past is what you will be currently vibrating, what color matches the plane you can currently reach in your astral journeys indicates the quality of teachings you were exposed to. What plane you are matching indicates the vibratory frequency of yourself by mere exposure to that person and their healing or their teachings and how high they are.

If someone has followed my teachings, and have let yourselves be exposed to what I have told you, what I have placed on my former blog---they most likely can reach violet, by now. It's just a matter of you being brave or unshakable enough to make the door appear. The door to the Divine Plane. If you have fear or doubt, it won't be there.... face your fears.

Most clients that I work with or that follow what I say, even remotely, will start opening up to Divine energies and start vibrating at that frequency by being near my life, near my teachings. That's not ego, it's just truth. If you still can't get past orange, do something different in order to get better results.

THE KEY TO THAT: Leaving some of the limiting (or what is pulling you down) things from this industry is of course a major part and an indicator therein of what results you will be able to have, of what color you can currently reach.

As an extra precautionary measure, some channels and channeling teachers will ALSO tell you that lower beings can be in different levels or realms or planes, so you can also use the testing spirit method until you have the ability to tell a lower being from a higher one, until you have your team members that you will be working with, your own guides can also help you to know if any being is a lower one, as more start coming along to work with you. There are smart ways to protect yourself and they do NOT have to be complicated to be successful.

Author's Bio: 

I began my Ascension journey in 2003 a nonpsychic, from having begun my life here as a psychic medium and an empath, and fully completed it, to the point of obtainment of my Divinity in 2009 and was assigned my Divine Name by Yahweh and Azna, at that time. I work directly alongside Yahweh and Azna as well as an entire team of Archangels, Ascended Masters and others who work closely with and serve God. My Healing Team and Spirit Guides are the beings in the Higher Planes of Existence who would deliver the lessons to others, as they arrive. I'm the Spiritual nobody who made off the charts progress and developed custom abilities while making my Ascension journey, as well as an development of an entire line of Spiritual services which bring my clients targeted, desired results much more quickly than they would obtain them themselves. My titles are: The Human Activator, The Ascension Expert for this lifetime and Omega Mu. I work at the Universal and Divine levels, where my abilities are concerned.