If the individual took full responsibility for the levels of soul progress or Spiritual progress that they make, and became active in Spiritual development, the world would change, the situations that have become highly unpredictable and seemingly out of balance with no relief in sight would begin to show actual balance, again. Earth's polarity is unbalanced due to a lack of collective Spiritual involvement. The solution is right in front of all of us, but many are behind that veil and can't see. So, nothing gets done, nothing changes, nothing is repaired, collectively, so we have darker times than the generations before us had, despite the levels of progress that we believe ourselves to have made, technologically and in other advanced areas. Soul matters take a major backseat. Therein lies the problem, along with the actual ONLY solution. I'm Mo of Activations by Mo. I came to function externally or outward onto clients along my own Ascension journey, due to this very reason!
visit the site... www.activationsbymo.com and just read through SOME of the content and you will notice something about me rather quickly, and look up Amysticalcreation and malina havard on search and see what else you find. A Mystical Creation is the company I started in 2003. I began that part of my journey as a psychic medium and an empath who delivered Tarot card readings, with psychic impressions, so was already beyond average accurate in my services. The Ascension journey changed all of that....I function entirely differently as a Spiritual being now. I'm no longer a medium, I'm not exactly the average channel, either. I call it being a multidimensional channel...it's the best term I can somewhat pinpoint what it is that I do, but it still doesn't quite cover it.
I make people psychic when I choose to do so, when they come into contact with me... I sort of lend them my connections to the beings I work closely with, and they become reachable for them. I form connections to those beings, for clients, by exposure... and then some.