One of the most effective ways for shedding excess fat is by getting involved in some cardio exercises. Roughly three to five times each week of cardio, three quarters of an hour in length ought to be enough for anyone getting started.

Beginning with a stationary bike, an elliptic trainer or simply walking is fine.

After you feel like you have mastered using such equipment, and want more of a challenge, the next level up is what is known as HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). What this entails is incorporating sudden high intensity aerobics into your workouts.

Swimming, running or through using exercise equipment, can involve forms of HIIT. How you can begin is for 30 seconds move at an average pace.

Afterwords, push yourself full force as quick as you're able to. Reduce the speed in the next 30mins, then go through the whole process once more.

This HIIT should be done for about 8 minutes then cool down for the next 5 minutes.

Combine Some Strength Training

The importance of strength training is crucial for building muscle, which in turn helps the body break down any fat more effectively.
5 days throughout the week of cardio should be enough. When it comes to strength-training doing it 3 days out of the week will be adequate. Just over 15 minutes is all that time you need for each workout.

Resistance bands, machines, barbells or dumbbells maybe used for this.
You may want to organize an exercise plan that's similar to this.

Eating Properly

Fat loss usually comes when you've managed to consume a lower amount of calories than what is burned off.
Shifts to what to consume in terms of meals can help you do this.

Substituting high calorie foods for berries or melons, veggies and anything that's low in fat can help substantially.

Ab Workouts

Exercises that zero in on the abdominals will help you build toned muscular stomach muscles having gotten rid of that belly fat.
There are alternatives to crunches if it's something you would rather not be limited to, such as - cycling, yoga or even belly dancing.

Eliminate Sugar and Salt

Too much of either sodium or sugar leads to retention of fluids around the stomach.
Frozen entrees, some sauces and soups can each have sodium in them, so look for other foods that are low in sodium if possible.

Overindulgence of carbohydrates is another form of storing unwanted fat. Rather, look to vegetables, fruits or any whole grain products for your meals.

For the total scoop on how to get rid of stomach fat make sure you visit: Get Rid of Stomach Fat

Author's Bio: 

Jeremy Thomas is a fitness enthusiast who likes to ensure that the body and mind remain in perfect harmony, through partaking in a healthy dose of meditation, and regular weekly workouts. You can find the full article on this by going to: Get Rid of Stomach Fat