Some 10 days from now, I will teach a Spiritual Healing Intensive about how to detect and then remove different kinds of astral influence. Aura readers,, even very skilled ones, don't necessarily notice these things unless they have received training. These influences are strong and very common, but subtle.

Incidentally, by "astral influence" I don't mean some far-out astrological phenomenon but, instead, a practical, easy kind of healing that most people never think to do.

Whether or not you ever study with me, you owe it to yourself to read this wake-up article, because energy debris can – and probably does – influence your everyday life.

Have you ever felt yourself inwardly fuzzy in a way that you couldn't explain, like a mild inner hangover only without the benefit of having had a good, rousing night out before? Anger could be exaggerated, or fear. You might even become accident prone.

Outwardly, if you could monitor how complete strangers react to you, you might be saddened to find that they don't react in a way you deserve. Let's say that your aura contains somewhere between 1 and 200 entities, which is quite common (especially for spiritually-oriented individuals).

And these are not wise spiritual guides, chosen by your soul. These are more like dust bunnies.

Consciously you are probably unaware when your aura carries these unwanted astral influences. Other people are equally oblivious, consciously. But they'll still respond to the energy. They will find you slightly off-putting. (As an extreme example, many a homeless person carries thousands of astral entities in his or her aura, and that's a major reason why a sensitive passerby goes "Yecccchhhh.")

Welcome to the experience of having astral entities temporarily stuck to your aura. It's very common. Moving this out can be quick and easy, however. You just need to know how to discern when there's a problem, then use some simple verbal healings. Better than taking a shower any day! And actually, you can do both – stay sweet and fresh in your aura, then also do that more obvious form of personal hygiene.


Here's another form of astral influence that you can learn to heal with efficiency and ease, whether through my upcoming Intensive or with some phone sessions of personal mentoring.

Ever hear of negative thought forms?

These are subconscious patterns that cause a person to lose confidence, self-esteem, or otherwise diminish the quality of your daily life. If you ever use affirmations, and millions of people do, your goal is to change negative subconscious patterning. But which do you think is a better use of your time: Five minutes of affirmations every day for five years or one one-time verbal healing, taking maybe five minutes in total?

Besides, a thought form healing can also include moving those silly old astral influences out of your bedroom, your clothes, your car. Everything you own takes on the negativity of your worst thought forms.. until you change their tune. Otherwise, your best recourse is to take a vacation.

Ever wonder why you feel so free going just about anywhere, just so long as you're away from home? The answer could well be the sheer relief of leaving behind your everyday thought forms in your furniture, living room, closet. Doing verbal healings for a few minutes isn't nearly as glamorous as joining Club Med, but it sure is cheaper.


Here's my favorite teaching example of thought form removal for a group. While I was teaching in Tokyo, we had a nice, large group for the weekend workshop. My sponsoring company found us a workshop space in a beautiful Buddhist center with a large, well lit room. Soon as we were all settled inside, however, I noticed with dismay a very huge astral influence right in the room.

It pervaded the whole building, really. And it went like this: "No matter how long you study and how hard you work, you will never master all this knowledge. You will need to keep coming back for more training."

Okay. Teachers are entitled to hold whatever beliefs they like. And this kind of thought form can have a very sacred intent, even if the original lovely idea has become distorted.

Personally, though, I like to teach clean. I aim for 100% success for each student, right now, not a long-term guru relationship.

Specifically, I like to help all my students to live energetically clean, free from astral influences. For this day's aura reading workshop, how were they going to succeed with that heavy subconscious kind of encumbrance there like an elephant in the room?

So, shortly after the group was assembled, I explained that I needed to clean out the room just a bit. Clean is good in Japan! Everyone waited politely while I moved out that particular example of astral debris, making it easier for everyone to learn…. and it even became somewhat easier to think.

If you're a professional healer, life coach, or psychic, you will benefit enormously from learning this skill set. Or if you have no woo-woo background at all, but you'd just like to make your life better, come join us, Feb. 29 – March 2. Details are here:

At this link, www.selfgrowth.comyou'll find details about all my Intensives, leading you to a contact number for Julie Schroedl, our Intensive Coordinator. She can answer your questions or register you or both. Or, if you have a general question feel free to use our comment capability at this blog.

Another possibility that may appeal to you is simply to have a personal session with me of Chakra Reading and Balancing (and phone sessions work just fine, so you don't have to fight traffic coming in person to Sterling, Virginia).

Removing astral influences is the first thing I do with any client, and if you don't have any of this we'll just get on to other goodies faster.


In conclusion, how sophisticated are you about the need for spiritual healing?

Did you even know that astral influences could be easily healed? That you don't need to be a clairvoyant or psychic?

I use these skills every day of my life. Usually I don't have to deal with any form of astral influence, but sometimes a problem does come up (including the many types of problem not covered in this article but discussed further at this link

When that happens, it's not harder to deal with it than if I need to put on, or take off, a sweater. Instantly I diagnose exactly what is wrong. Then I fix it within minutes. This is what I can teach YOU to do in the upcoming Spiritual Healing Intensive.

By contrast, many people know just enough to be concerned. So they shield themselves. Sound familiar?

So many people in the metaphysical community shield themselves every day. And sometimes those shields are quite elaborate. But let me break the news to you. Shielding won't do this job for you.

You need something more flexible. You need to use your spiritual consciousness, your awareness. And, most of all, you need to learn a few simple skills. I'm not the only one who can teach this? You might prefer to study with the originators of these healings, Teaching of the Inner Christ.

This group made me a Lay Minister in 1986. I have adapted their healings since then but always acknowledge these great teachers with gratitude and respect. Interact on this topic at my blog,

Author's Bio: 

Rose Rosetree is the founder of Energy Spirituality, offering personal sessions of Cutting Cords of Attachment, Aura, Regression, and Face She's an expert on Aura here at

Rose teaches workshops internationally. (Most client sessions are via telephone, with details at her website,

Rosetree is also known for her how-to books:
* “AURA Reading Through All Your Senses”
*"Cut CORDS of Attachment: Heal Yourself and Others with Energy Spirituality"
*"Empowered by EMPATHY”
*“The Power of FACE Reading”
and *“Let Today Be a HOLIDAY.”

One title has become a bestseller in Germany; in America, two have been selections of One Spirit Book Club.

Many foreign editions of her books have been published, with information available here:

With over 100,000 copies sold, Rosetree's books help readers to discover emotional and spiritual healing, better relationships, self-awareness and inspiration. Order Rose's books, published through Women's Intuition Worldwide, at or call toll-free 800-345-6665.

At Rose Rosetree's website, you’ll also find free articles, FAQs, and practical ways to use Deeper Perception to make life better. Sign up for "Read Life Deeper," her free monthly zine with face and aura readings of people in the news, at Rosetree's blog is called "Deeper Perception Made Practical." You are invited to join this lively, interactive community at

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