In disasters, often the Red Cross and other relief workers have all they can do to tend to the physical needs of the injured and the homeless.

Often, people's emotional needs do not get addressed. There are just not enough people available to deal with all the stress.

Even the relief workers get stressed out.

InnerPeace has free self-help software that teaches simple and effective ways people easilly can learn to deal with stress. InnerPeace.Org offers free help to churches and other groups to establish emotional healing support groups.

InnerPeace is "Forever Free" software and is open to persons of all faiths, including those of little or no faith, without discrimination. Support groups are contidential and anonymous. There are no charges, no advertisements, and no solicitations. No collections are taken up.

Whether or not your area will have a disaster of some kind is not in question. The only question is when. While getting prepared, people in your area will learn easy to use, workable tools to deal with the fears, worries, doubts, anxieties, attitudes and limiting beliefs that everyday life gives.

Emotional health is a very important need that has been overlooked too long. Now is the time to change that.

Your help in getting one or more of these emotional support groups going in your church and/or place of work is very much appreciated. Having emotional support teams established at each church and major place of employment will be a real blessing in a crisis.

For more information about InnerPeace email to:

or visit the InnerPeace web site at:

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