
Simple as that. I think that one word sums up what we need in order to start our weight loss journey, as we can not solve the problem if we are not aware of what the real problem is!

Looking back at my own personal journey of losing 130 pounds, it is very easy to see how one unhealthy action is done to cover the pain from a previous unhealthy action, which in turn creates a continuous cycle of never ending unhealthy actions that leads eventually to a very painful life. These were unhealthy actions of eating ice cream and donuts, as well as my thoughts—being envious of all the people that were fit and I thought had it so good and were so lucky that they didn't have to watch what they ate. What an irony that I would be getting fast food and complaining that the person sitting over there sure is lucky that they can eat all those cheeseburgers as I sat there eating one myself. How many times have you had a pizza or some ice cream only because you decided to yourself "well, I had a double cheeseburger earlier, so, oh well, I might as well have a couple slices of this double cheese pizza." One action is done as a repercussion of the other. This is a vicious cycle that seems to perpetuate because we don't realize it ----- we're not AWARE that it is even happening. I know that I was moving through life so fast that I didn't take the time to think about what I was doing, to think about me and what the consequences of my actions were going to be.

The realization or awareness of what I had been doing and the reasons why was never something I had never stopped to think about until the pain in my life and given me no alternative but to look my fears in the face. And this is what you must do in order to become more aware of who are, so that you can become the person you want to be. Hopefully you can do this now, today…rather than waiting for some of the more painful wake-up calls that I had!

There is a Self-Discovery I want you to do for yourself to help you decide what contributed to you having extra, unwanted pounds. Let's assume for a minute that we all fit into one of two categories when we are overweight. These are the reasons for being overweight on a broader scale. The first is that we just didn't know the actions we had been doing were causing us to continue to gain weight. We'll call this lack of knowledge. Maybe you grew up in an environment that kept you from knowing what was healthy and unhealthy. Or being so busy over the years, it is quite possible that you didn't become aware of the actions that have contributed to you being overweight. Maybe you have learned some things along the way but not enough to make a difference. Either way, let's just say you didn't know. The next category is a tougher one. This is the category of having the knowledge but not acting on it, or using it in a way that would help get or keep you fit. You know what is necessary to lose the weight but you just have not done what you know is best. At some time or another, we all fall victim to doing something contrary to what we know is best for us. But I would say this is the category most of us fit in when we are overweight. Why do I bring this up? .... Because I want you to be aware that you may know what is healthy and what is not but have not acted on it because you have not taken the time to become aware of what things, foods, or actions that are keeping you from being fit. When you start to become aware of these things it may actually surprise you how many things there are. The key is to begin to realize what these things are that are keeping you from becoming who you want to become.

What does it mean to be aware of who you are and who you desire to be? Even if you knew the kind of fit and healthy person you want to be, don't you need to be aware of who you are now so you know what changes to make for yourself in order to get there? One of the first things to learn about yourself is when your weight actually became an issue. I've read hundreds of surveys submitted from my website, and it is very interesting to read how many of us, myself included, have similar answers to the question of "what age did you first believe you were overweight?" I think the difference in the age of many of you and the age you first believed your were overweight is close to 20 years!!! That means that it's been 20 years since you first started believing you had a weight issue to deal with. That's a lot of time to be concerned with something just enough to be on your mind yet not actually deal with it head on! For twenty years you may have been making attempts to solve a weight issue that has only become worse over the years. This is a very important point to grasp, you have to become aware of what you have done, what didn’t work and what you need to do now to succeed!

Let’s not waste anymore time! Gain awareness today as to what you need to do to move forward in the direction of change!

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Author's Bio: 

Julia Griggs Havey

Master Motivator, Author, Motivational Speaker

· “The Vice Busting Diet!”— Foreword written by Dr. David L. Katz (The Way to Eat, The Flavor Point Diet); endorsements from Dr. Mehmet Oz (You, The Owner’s Manual) and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup… series co-author) St. Martin’s Press

· Oprah & Friends XM radio guest of Dr. Mehmet Oz, M.D and Bob Greene

· Keynote speaker World Obesity and Overweight Congress, September 2005

· Chicken Soup for the Dieter’s Soul—featured contributor

· Best-selling Author; “Awaken the Diet Within; from Overweight to Looking great!” Warner Books #2 on Health ranking (just behind the renowned Dr. Atkins!), #10 overall. (January 2004)

· Missouri Governor’s Council on Overweight and Obesity

· The Vice Busting Diet creator, Internet’s most popular motivational weight loss program.

· Motivational speaking nationwide, various size events from 200-3,000 attendees

· Obesity activist

· Expert/Master Motivator and 2000-2007; 14 Million readers

· Master Motivator 2008—

· CBN, Christian Broadcasting Network Weight Loss Coach 2007-

· LifeCoach Health & Wellness

TV & Radio & Print:

· QVC; live on air host 1999-2000, 2005

· Wayne Brady Show, January 2004 “Diet and Fitness Guru Week” (other ‘gurus’ were Bill Phillips, Billy Blanks, Jim Karas and Tony Little)

· Discovery Health Channel Documentary “I Lost It” (about my 130 lb. weight loss)

· CBN’s 700 Club “Skinny Wednesday”guest

· Over 200 television/radio interviews given across the country 1999-present

· Time Life Direct Infomercial: “Take it Off w/ Julia; LifeChanger Program”—winner Questar Gold Medal “Best Infomercial” 2003

· “Awaken the Diet Within” selected by USA Today January 2003 “one of the must read diet books of the year”

· Health, Self, First for Women, Woman’s World, Women’s Own, Glamour, Bride’s, Nurse Week, Parents, National Enquirer, Pounds Aweigh, Essence, Looking Good Now, St. Louis Post Dispatch. Two Reader’s Success Stories featured on the cover of Woman’s World 9/10/04 & 11/01/05

· Mrs. Missouri 1999