What if your friend took you aside and, in hushed tones, shared with you that they know where to find a hidden treasure. Not only that, they also know, on sound authority, that this treasure is so vast and of such significance, it could change life as we know it on this planet in a very short time, once it was publicly revealed. Would your curiosity be somewhat aroused?
But what if this friend then whispered in your ear that he is willing to introduce you to someone who knows not only where this astounding treasure is hidden, but who has the map and the powerful tools you will need to crack open the treasure chest? Would you not leave everything else and go in search of such a priceless treasure, to discover it for yourself? Would you feel compelled to ask to be introduced to this authority immediately?
If you are like most of us, you would by now be almost beside yourself with interest and have a sharp curiosity as to the nature of this treasure and the directions for finding it. Not only that, as your friend intimated, you could use this treasure to radically change your life forever, once you have it in your hands. What would you be willing to do and even to sacrifice, just to have the map that shows the path you must follow to discover this powerful yet mysterious treasure yourself?
Very soon it would become an obsession, wouldn't it, an obsession to find this amazing gift, this treasure that has the power, in the best possible way, to change not only your life, but the lives of millions on the planet?
You are astounded, bemused even, but then your rapidly beating heart slows down to a thump, thump, thump. Your brow darkens and, brooding, you caress your lower lip. Your friend would hardly reveal such a powerful secret without asking some hefty kind of payment. What's the catch?
But then, to your utter amazement, and interrupting your dark reverie, your friend, seeing your furrowed brow and reading your pensive thoughts, reassures you that this is the real deal; no hoax, no fly-by-night nonsense, no illusion. It is a genuine treasure, a specific set of tools, packing definite power to transform not only your life, but the consciousness of humanity itself. And he tells you where to go to find this treasure.
"You can grow your Being into who you really ARE." – Thomas Michael Powell (www.psycanics.org).
You will have to work to uncover it. You will have to surrender your preconceived ideas of what is possible for you and others to achieve.
You may find yourself, at some future date, wondering if you will ever hold the whole treasure in your hands. Your friend whispered that if you follow the scientific map you will be given, to find this treasure, the clues will compel you to keep searching for the mother lode.
OK. This allegory has gone on for long enough. Your search, in following the secret map and using the scientific tools, leads to a new, expansive and enlivening way of thinking, feeling and, above all, Being. From ancient times, this has been called spiritual transformation:
"The real challenge of life," writes Thomas Michael Powell, "is to create and grow your Being into ever higher levels of Essence, Wisdom, Power, Value and Love-Joy, a journey that only ends when you unite again with the One Infinite Essence from which you come." (www.psycanics.org).
In our own times, right now, you have the opportunity to follow the scientific map that will lead you to the treasure you seek. You will not only radically change and amplify your joy and love, your spiritual Essence; you will grow and evolve into your full potential. You must start with making a choice to follow the map until you find the treasure.
I leave you with this thought from CWG, by Neale D. Walsch: "Breathe long and deep. Breathe slowly and gently. Breathe in the soft sweet nothingness of life, so full of energy, so full of love. It is God's love you are breathing! Breathe very, very deeply and the love will make you cry. For joy. For you have met your God, and God has introduced you to your soul."
Marie C. Barrett, author and teacher of spirituality, is working for the transformation of consciousness on the planet. An expanded consciousness is forming and higher energies call to every heart. For more information go to holisticwealthcreation.com and see Marie's blog at holisticwealthcreation.com/blog.
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