All prayers and meditations lead to God. However, the usual prayers and meditations offer a slow and methodical way for an individual to reach Enlightenment. It usually takes many lifetimes to attain the radiance of Enlightenment and Ascend to the higher dimensional levels of Creation. There are 12 dimensions in our universe. We are in the 3rd dimension and seek to return to the Heaven/Paradise of the 4th dimension in our return to God. It is now possible to quickly return to God, for new and very sacred techniques are being made available to those people who are ready for Ascension. These multiple dimensional techniques offer assurance that one can reach Enlightenment and Ascend beyond Enlightenment in just one lifetime. The Sacred Merkaba Techniques blend meditation and prayer together in a unique manner. This process infuses huge amounts of God's Unconditional Love into a person creating amazing expansions of consciousness.
God replicates God to create Creation. God duplicates God because there can only be God in any part of Creation. God creates Creation by creating sub-atomic Golden Spheres. These Golden Spheres are exact duplications, or replications of God. These miniature replications of God, these wondrous Golden Spheres of God's Unconditional Love are the building blocks of everything in Creation. All Light, energy and matter everywhere in Creation is comprised of sub-atomic Golden Spheres. These Golden Spheres unify all Creation and are the missing link sought by Albert Einstein to complete his unfinished "Unified Field Theory".
Another name for these Golden Spheres is prana, the life force of all Creation. Prana has many uses and is required for the continued existence of one's physical body. Prana is the only substance in Creation which can create the constant cellular replacements required by a physical body.
A human being is not their physical body. A human being is an individual consciousness made up of 3 separate spiritual energy fields. The 3 fields are a physical body spiritual energy field, a mental body spiritual energy field which is electric in nature and an emotional body spiritual energy field which is magnetic in nature. One's total consciousness exceeds the size of a physical body, therefore a person's spiritual energy fields surround their physical body. Spiritual energy fields are geometric in shape. Our total consciousness is contained in a number of geometric shapes. Each geometric shape relates to a different dimensional level of Creation. In the 3rd dimension, our spiritual energy fields are in the form of a Star Tetrahedron. Our spiritual energy fields in the Heaven/Paradise of the 4th dimension are in the shape of an Octahedron, and so on throughout the 12 dimensional levels of our Universe.
The amount of prana contained inside of a person's spiritual energy fields indicates the level of consciousness of the individual. The intake of prana into a person's spiritual energy fields will expand their consciousness. However, before prana can be used to expand consciousness, prana must first pass through one's chakras. Chakras were created by God to filter out discordant energies from entering one's spiritual energy fields. Discordant energies entering a person's spiritual energy fields will decrease a person's consciousness. Most peoples chakras are clogged up and closed off by large amounts of discordant energies. The blockage of one's chakras can result in a closed mind. A closed mind rejects the possibility of higher dimensional levels in Creation. When a person's chakras are regularly cleansed of discordant energies and that person's pranic energy centers activated, then prana is able to flow easily into that person's spiritual energy fields which expands the person's consciousness. It is when prana expands and fills a person's spiritual energy fields to 9 times their original size, that the person "Ascends". Ascension means graduating from our 3rd dimensional reality into the Heaven or Paradise of the 4th dimension. Ascension into the 4th dimension means a person has reached the level of consciousness of a Planetary Ascended Master or a Saint. In other words, when sufficient numbers of God's Golden Spheres are infused into a person's spiritual energy fields and the person's consciousness expanded nine fold, the person becomes "Enlightened". The term Enlightenment refers to a Golden Glow which can emanate from the enormous numbers of Golden Spheres contained within an Ascended Master's or Saint's spiritual energy fields, as depicted in art and seen in old photographs.
All forms of meditation and/or prayer will infuse enough prana into an individual's spiritual energy fields over several lifetimes so the person can fully expand their consciousness and Ascend into the "Heaven" of the 4th dimensional level of reality. However, accelerated expansions of consciousness now occur to people who use the "unceasing prayer" meditation of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques and this has already resulted in a number of Personal Ascensions. These sacred techniques cleanse chakras, activate pranic energy centers, expand consciousness and is a wondrous process which enables a person to Ascend beyond the 4th dimensional Heaven/Paradise in one lifetime.
The Sacred Merkaba Techniques activate one's spiritual energy fields to their highest levels which enables a person to simultaneously expand their consciousness on many dimensional levels of Creation. It is the counter rotation of spiritual energy fields at extremely high rates of speed which creates the Merkaba. Once activated an individual Merkaba will counter rotate for about 30 to 36 hours before the spiritual energies dissipate. An individual activating their Merkabas on a daily basis will find that in essence they are in unceasing prayer all day and all night long, 24/7. Merkabas expand consciousness by infusing a constant flow of God's Unconditional Love, or prana into an individual's consciousness, or spiritual energy fields 24 hours a day. Daily activations of 6 or more Merkabas with the Sacred Merkaba Techniques assures Personal Ascension in this lifetime.
Unconditional Love is a state of consciousness used by all practitioners of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques to activate their spiritual energy fields into Merkabas. This process enables them to receive Golden Flower of Life Spheres from God in an "unceasing prayer", also called "unceasing meditation or Mahasamadhi", 24 hours a day. Additional information on the Sacred Merkaba Techniques is available at numerous lectures and/or workshops being given by certified teachers.
We need help in spreading the Love and the Light about the Sacred Merkaba Techniques. We have 2 page informative flyers, of which this article is one. Please manually distribute to others, 9 copies, (real paper copies grin), of any of the flyers below and we will be pleased to email the information to you.
a. Ascending Beyond Enlightenment
b. Unconditional Love, The Full Description
c. Going Beyond Reiki, with Dr Usui's Approval
d. Karma, What It Is & Why We Have It and How to Easily Remove It
Please select the flyer(s) you are interested in and notify us that you agree to distribute 9 paper copies of each flyer you have selected. Send your flyer requests to
For information on Sacred Merkaba Techniques activities in your area, please email Debra at or call her at 941-417-9742. A listing of worldwide teachers and workshops, with more information on the Sacred Merkaba Techniques at
Who is Gary Smith
By Gary Smith
Who is Gary Smith, founder of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques?
Gary Smith is a man who was born in the 1930's who "Walks His Talk". Gary currently lives on the Oregon coast by himself, spending a minimum of 8 hours each day in prayer and meditation. Gary began his spiritual journey upon learning Transcendental Meditation in 1968. He personally received his teaching certification from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1972 and was invited to join Maharishi's personal staff. Gary left TM in 1980 and began a 15 year spiritual odyssey in his path to Enlightenment. He used many spiritual techniques and methods over the years. He was in Tibetan Buddhism, Mystic Christianity, Taoism, Sufism, Hinduism and spent 2 weeks in the Sonoran desert on a fast and vision quest with a Cherokee shaman, a Papago shaman and a Yaqui shaman. Gary is also a Certified Public Accountant who worked internationally with several global corporations. He started off as a technical engineer in rocket propulsion systems in the 1950's where he did some work on the prototypes of today's shuttle rocket engines. He then returned to college and obtained a business degree and his CPA certification in the 1960's. Gary has lived in Hollywood, CA, Boise, ID, many locations in Oregon and spent a year managing a supermarket on Eastern Samoa in the South Pacific.
In 1995, after partially remembering his background and how he came here, he walked to a nearby bookstore where a book fell on his head starting many spiritual adventures. Two months later a sales clerk recommended his renting a video. The video was of Drunvalo Melchizedek and this is how he re-learned the Basic Star Tetrahedron Merkaba Activation. Upon learning that advanced activations were available only to those who attended a Basic FOL workshop, Gary went to an FOL workshop. However, he was told Drunvalo stopped teaching Advanced activations. Then Alton, one of Drunvalo's students came and taught Gary 3 more merkaba activations in May, 1996. Just like after he attended the 1995 Basic FOL workshop, Gary immediately received different merkaba techniques from Lord Melchizedek after he attended Alton's workshop. Lord Melchizedek told Gary to do many more chakra cleanses, more activations of pranic energy centers, 8 more Merkabas, to use more powerful activation tones, etc. And so it was that Lord Melchizedek continued to give Gary both modifications and new techniques for years.
Then, one evening in 1997, after Alton had stopped teaching the activations of 4 merkabas, and while Gary was Chief Financial Officer for an Oregon corporation, Lord Melchizedek, Jesus Christ and Archangel Michael appeared in his home. They manifested into his meditation room and requested that he drop everything else in his life, to travel and teach the "Sacred Merkaba Techniques" which he had been taught by the three of them. After they appeared 3 days in a row with the same request, Gary walked into the corporate president's office and shortly thereafter he drove off on a 7 week, 13,000 mile spiritual odyssey teaching 26 workshops in 14 cities. Many Blessons, (there are no blessings or lessons, only Blessons), unfolded for Gary during the trip. There was a special initiation performed by Lord Melchizedek who manifested in his Phoenix, AZ motel room. On the east coast, Gary healed a deaf woman. He commented on how tears flowed from her face when she suddenly heard a voice for the first time. Tears gushed forth when she heard Gary tell her she was healed and could get up. But it was in Chicago where Gary received his trial by fire. On Saturday night in the middle of his 2 day workshop, Gary was attacked psychically on two fronts, one was technological and near by. The other was a more powerful attack by a Satan some distance away but still within the city. (See article on Melchizedeks for more information on the Satans.) The attack began at 10:30 pm and did not stop until 4:30 am. Afterwards while Gary was getting some breakfast an hour or so later, he observed the technological attack people, a group of 6 all dressed in black and who were all only carrying black briefcases, checking out of a room, 3 doors down from his in the hotel. However, in 1997, Gary had not passed enough spiritual tests to have received any offensive training in spiritual energies, thus all he could do was to project Unconditional Love back in the directions of the attacks and give thanks to Mother Father Creator God of All That Is for the Blesson. For 6 straight hours he did just that, successfully passing this Melchizedek level spiritual test.
In the spring of 1999, Gary had been working for almost 3 years without one day off, sometimes working up to 18 20 hours a day teaching and promoting the Sacred Merkaba Techniques. As he began to prepare for his 2 month European teaching trip, Lord Melchizedek told Gary that this time he was not coming back. Now, Gary had volunteered for other spiritual missions with Lord Melchizedek where his physical body survival chances were less that 10%, but this time he was informed that his chances of retuning alive were zero. Gary's first workshop was in Geneva, Switzerland, where he suffered 12 heart attacks during the workshop, but kept instantly healing himself so that people in the workshop did not even know anything was wrong. Afterwards he went to the great Knights Templar Cathedral in Chartres, France where Mary, mother of Jesus, appeared in a small shrine and healed Gary.
He thought maybe the Blessons were over, but as he approached Holland, there were ominous signs. Upon arrival Gary went out to eat but not speaking Dutch, he could only point to a picture on the wall of a chicken meal. Gary's physical body has a peanut allergy whereby eating only a small piece of a peanut would kill him. A severe cold from a healing he gave in an Icelandic storm kept Gary from smelling anything. After swallowing the first mouthful he immediately felt funny and with the second bite, knew it was peanuts. His body slumped as it died of toxic shock poisoning from the peanuts. However, Gary refused to let go, he pleaded with God to give him 11 days to complete a special 9 day teacher training session he was scheduled to begin teaching in two days. He then transformed all the peanut sauce he could into energy, cellularly stored the rest throughout his body and then resurrected his body. At the new age center, a former convent to Mary, he decided to shower in case his body died, so the people disposing of it would not have a smelly corpse on their hands. As he walked the narrow hallway dragging one leg that had already given out behind him, a woman suddenly leaped out of doorway at him and just inches from his face, she screamed at the top of her lungs. Then, she laughed and disappeared. Gary's body went into "fight or flight" as adrenalin was pumped throughout his body, which immediately assisted in his healing. He said later, it took 3 days to figure out that in this former convent to her, Mary by leaping out and almost scaring him to death, gave him a rush of bodily energies that transmuted the remaining poisons. Other spiritual tests and Blessons followed as Gary continued to travel in the US and Europe teaching his Sacred Merkaba Techniques. Then, in August 1999, he was accepted as a student by a higher dimensional level being than Lord Melchizedek. He was requested to stop traveling and start training teachers, so his spiritual activation and healing techniques could spread throughout the world.
Unconditional Love is a state of consciousness used by all practitioners of Gary's Sacred Merkaba Techniques to activate their spiritual energy fields into Merkabas for Personal Ascensions in this life. This process enables them to receive Golden Flower of Life Spheres from God in an "unceasing prayer", also called "unceasing meditation or Mahasamadhi", 24 hours a day. Additional information on the Sacred Merkaba Techniques is available at numerous lectures and/or workshops being given by certified teachers. We need help in spreading the Love and the Light about the Sacred Merkaba Techniques. We have 2 page informative flyers, of which this article is one. Please distribute to others, 9 copies, (real paper copies grin), of any flyer below and we will be pleased to email that information to you.
a. Ascending Beyond Enlightenment
b. Unconditional Love, The Full Description
c. Going Beyond Reiki, with Dr Usui's Approval
d. Shiva and Krishna, The Ascension of the Blue Race
e. God and The Power of Prayer Proven by Einstein's Unified Field Theory
Please select flyer(s) and agree to distribute 9 paper copies. Send flyer requests to
For information on Sacred Merkaba Techniques activities in your area, please email us at or call Debra at 941-417-9742. A listing of worldwide workshops, information and people's experiences with their spiritual energy field activations is on our website at
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