"Phelps Is Now Without Peer" cheers today's headline in The Washington Post, and if that weren't reason enough to choose him for face reading today, there would be Anita's fine nomination in our ongoing contest at my blog, where she supplied three excellent photo links.

(To add your fave, click here.)

So let's take time off from aura readings to notice nine really amazing face reading traits in Michael.

Once upon a time, it was enough to swim well enough to win a gold medal. Or, perhaps, if you were truly ambitions and lucky, you would manage to break a world record. Phelps, at 23, has set a new standard, enough to cause much gnashing of teeth among aspiring record breakers.

Why bother with reading faces,contemplating the greatness of Phelps? Isn't it enough to reel off the amazing statistics?

Michael Phelps has now collected 11 career golds, 5 from Beijing 2008, with 3 still events to come. Already, he has won the most gold medals of any athlete, ever, in a single set of Olympic Games. No athlete has matched him, not even the legendary Mark Spitz. Now Spitz has become just the swimmer who set the previous record.

Face readers know that just about everything about an adult's face has meaning. When you're staring in the face of greatness, don't you want to know the specifics? Let's read him, then. For background on my system of Face Reading Secrets(R), click here.

And let's start off using this photo.


In the 5,000-year history of physiognomy (reading faces for character), it is well known that extremism counts. A very extreme, or unusual, item of face data correlates to extreme, or unusual, talent. Four of them show immediately. See them?


Most of us have some wrinkles stretching across the forehead. But not like these. Increase the size of the picture and you'll see it clearly. (To increase the size of any photo shown here, copy it onto a blank email or word document, then drag on the corners.)

Three ultra-short, extraordinarily deep lines are located right at the center of Michael's forehead. The one in the middle could be the deepest forehead furrow I've seen on anyone.

Yes, I know that Phelps is just 23. If you've done much face reading at all, you've learned to reject expectations and stereotypes, such as "Wrinkles come with age." (For more evidence, see the heavily illustrated book that I worked on for 9 1/2 years about how faces change over time, "Wrinkles Are God's Makeup.")

When I've watched Olympic coverage, I've heard sports announcers wondering how he can bounce back so quickly from an all-consuming race. Well, here's part of the answer.

He uses his full brain power, and will, in a very selective manner, narrowing mental focus strictly to the current contest, absolutely nothing else. Michael can concentrate his mind to a degree that corresponds to that intense forehead furrow. This mental "will of iron" matches his swimmer's muscles.


This 3-4 view of Phelps gives us an excellent look at the structure of his left ear.

Notice anything unusual about the ear border? That's the wall-like structure between the inner and outer ear circles. On Phelps, it is angled to clearly become part of the outer ear circle. And that border is hard, raised, so strong that it is almost bulging.

One way to view that semi-circular structure on the ear is to consider it a miniaturized version of the human spine. The concept of multiple holograms within the body's structure won't be new to you if you've ever experienced the benefits of foot reflexology, auricular acupuncture, or other healing modalities that make use of this fact about macrocosm, microcosm, and the human mind-body-spirit.

So the meaning of this ear border is that it relates to the most inner component of how Phelps processes reality (Ear! Left ear! Experienced face readers, you know about the significance of these parts of the face.) Phelps knows how to join his objective view of life with his subjective experiences, making the most of them in a way that brings objective results.

Oprah is a famous example of someone with a prominent ear border, only hers angles into her inner ear circle, the opposite direction. She has made a career of helping viewers look past life's facts to life's feelings. Michael Phelps translates his feelings to facts.

Sure, that helps him bounce back. And so does the extraordinary strength of his back, corresponding to that super-tough raised semi-circle of cartilage.


Sure, this photo shows an underbite, with the lower set of teeth sticking out. This relates to grim determination, a major indicator of extreme competitiveness.

Yet you'll also find exceptional jaw mobility in Michael Phelps. Look back at our first photo in this article. Or check out this one, where you will see an overbite rather than an underbite.
Smile yourself. Look in a mirror. You'll see one of the following:

*Even bite.
*Or underbite.

Now try doing each of the other two positions, one at a time. Pretty tough, isn't it? But then, with all respect, you haven't set an all-time athletic world record for your physical skills.


Just to sum up other face reading info. about amazing Michael Phelps, I'll note a number of other distinctive items of face data, a quick summary of the meaning, followed by page references that will help you to see the data and understand its significance more fully, taken from my how-to books:

*"Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Aura Reading"
*"The Power of Face Reading"
"Wrinkles Are God's Makeup"

Right ear, extreme tilt; competing from a different perspective than others; WRINKLES ARE GOD'S MAKEUP, pg. 102-103

Extreme lowbrow; extraordinary ability to move into the present moment and give it all he has; POWER OF FACE READING, pg. 83-88

Distribution of hair in eyebrows, even with a bulge in the middle; high degree of follow through and stamina; POWER OF FACE READING, pg. 57-59

Priority Area III dominates; exceptionally strong physical awareness, POWER OF FACE READING, pg.251-258

VERY long, bony, narrow chin; solo motivation with amazingly strong recovery ability, POWER OF FACE READING, pg. 217-224


Comment here /a> with your observations about the great Michael Phelps.

If you would like to develop your skills as a face reader, I would recommend starting with The Power of Face Reading, available here or by calling toll-free 24/7, 800-345-6665.

Or you might prefer to order a personal (and very inexpensive) Face Reading Report, no swimming skills required, by clicking here.

The more Olympic-sized version would be a personal session of face reading, a full experience of having me read your face in depth and detail. This can be done in person or over the phone, using a couple of photos.

Here's one thing that you have in common with Mr. Phelps. Your face is perfect. It reflects your soul, your distinctive talents, and your life lessons.

Having a human face is a game that everyone can win. All it takes is knowledge. So if you haven't yet moved beyond society's limited stereotypes for looking at faces, I would love to be of service.

Reading People Deeper isn't just a safe-but-extreme sport. It's an arena where you don't have to be ultra-coordinated to achieve greatness. All you need is a winner's combination of curiosity plus willingness to learn.

Author's Bio: 

Rose Rosetree is the founder of Energy Spirituality, offering aura readings that include Cutting Cords of Attachment , Aura Transformation, and Regression Therapy .

If you're interested in reading faces, check out her Face Readings, another form of spiritual reading.

She's an Expert on Aura here at self-growth.com.

Prefer to study directly? Rose teaches workshops internationally on doing intuitive reading. (Most client sessions are via telephone, with details at her website.

Rosetree is also known for her how-to books:

* “Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Auras” , the first book to combine all three different forms of deeper perception,

* “AURA Reading Through All Your Senses” , to help you get skills at reading energy fields.

*"Cut CORDS of Attachment: Heal Yourself and Others with Energy Spirituality" , a healing how-to,

*"Empowered by EMPATHY”with leading-edge techniques that Rose teaches internationally,

*“The Power of FACE Reading”, and

*“ Let Today Be a HOLIDAY.”

One title has become a bestseller in Germany; in America, two have been selections of One Spirit Book Club. If you want to learn to do spiritual reading and also empower yourself in everyday life, you're going to enjoy Rose's work.

Many foreign editions of her books have been published, with information available here

With over 140,000 copies sold, Rosetree's books help readers to discover emotional and spiritual healing, better relationships, self-awareness and inspiration. Order Rose's books, published through Women's Intuition Worldwide, or call toll-free 800-345-6665.

At Rose Rosetree's website, you’ll also find free articles, FAQs, and practical ways to use Deeper Perception to make life better. Sign up for "Read Life Deeper," her free monthly zine with face and aura readings of people in the news, at www.rose-rosetree.com. Rosetree's blog is called "Deeper Perception Made Practical." You are invited to join this lively, interactive community.

Rose Rosetree – Aura

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