What are “Moments of Truth”?

Moments of Truth are the simply the moments we create. Each and every moment we have lived and will live are moments of truth, are memories we have created. When I refer to moments of truth, I am referring to the great ability we have to create excellent moments,over and over again. To consciously create great moments of love and joy; peace and contentment; intimacy and connection; presence and spiritual connection… Now, those same moments of truth come in different forms: greatness yes, and also in the form of a snide comment made to a co-worker; angry words spoken toward a spouse; a misdirected comment to a child… or simply creating havoc with a bad temper. All of these too are moments people create, they too are moments of truth…what moments do you want to create?

We all have the ability to create moments, to create the lives we want. Each moment is another opportunity to choose, to create the moments of truth we want in our lives. One of the talks I do for companies and associations is aptly entitled: “Moments of Truth: Creating Moments of Excellence”. The talk is great for professionals, managers, any service personal and of course, anyone interested in creating moments of truth in their life.During this talk, I refer to the “moments of truth” that occur when you first meet someone, during interactions, when presenting yourself or your business. Within the first thirty seconds there are hundreds of moments of truth that occur! Moments of Truth are lasting impressions that really do occur! In another workshop I teach participants to create states of excellence within themselves, and then how to create this emotional state and energy in their interactions, in their moments. The participants leave great tools to be present, to be genuine, to build excellent moments of truth in their
personal and professional lives.

Another way of looking at it is when we think of time. We all have 168 hours of week in which we live. Every one of those hours, and minutes are moments of truth, or opportunity and of choice, we choose how we use them.

Each moment we have the opportunity to create greatness and create great memories. People forget that every chance they have with someone they love, every chance they have to stop and smell a flower or cook a great meal instead of just a fair meal, to enjoy great food or to enjoy your partner in great sexual union—all those things people just don’t make time for them, they don’t consciously create these great moments. AND WHY NOT? It’s not a matter of having time—we all have the same amount of time. It is in the creating of the time, in the designing of your life where we all create the moments of truth we desire. You see, each moment you have is a moment of truth.

What do you want to do with your moments of truth? What moments of truth do you want to create?

To find out how you can create moments that truly matter to you, visit www.trulyhumancoaching.com or write Jim at jim@trulyhumancoaching.com

Author's Bio: 

Jim is a Personal Life and Relationship Coach, Certified Trainer of NLPä, an Inspirational Speaker and published author. He has been quoted for his coaching and training expertise in the Boston Globe, Fitness Magazine and in Crain’s Chicago Business.

Jim is the President of Truly Human Coaching where he provides personal and couples coaching for individuals and couples seeking very personal and intimate change and growth.

For the last 25 years, Jim has helped thousands of people to live more of the life they truly want. From social service to business management; from family therapy to training professionals; Jim has helped people create meaningful connections with others, including the most meaningful of connections, with ourselves.

In his free time, Jim loves deep intimate times with his beautiful wife Connie; quality time with his children; as well as writing, reading meditating, exercise, marital arts, spiritual development, cooking and grocery shopping.